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Stay informed about all extraterrestrial real-estate developments and best of all its FREE! You can even unsubscribe at any time you like! We send out our Newsletter at very irregular intervals (in other words, NOT every 5 minutes…) to let you know what is happening in the Solar System!
Just fill out the form on the right to subscribe.
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government:
I have been writing to you now for the last ten years and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all of you who have continued to support our programs. If at any time any of you would like us to include an article that you have written we would be happy to entertain the idea. Just send it to the Lunar Embassy email address, and we will review the information and let you know when we might be able to publish it in our letter.
During the last 60 days we have had a lot of interest in our reseller program. We have two new Ambassadors contracted within the last four weeks. The first was a reseller in the Czech Republic, Vadim Maglin, who decided it would make more sense for him to be the Ambassador. Then on February 1, 2007, Fernando Vicente, from Portugal contacted us and we came to an agreement and they have become the Ambassador for Portugal. Then on February 5, 2007, a company in Slovakia, Lifetime S.R.O, agreed to become the reseller for Slovakia.
I thought I would let all of you know that we are looking for resellers and Ambassadors in most of the countries on Earth. The reseller program is a fee based licensing agreement between individuals and companies interested in pursuing an appointment and the Lunar Embassy as an Authorized Reseller or Ambassador. The major difference between the two appointments is the Resellers mostly take this as a stepping stone to test the market conditions in their country. Then after a time most resellers decide to become Ambassadors. We support each of these positions with all the required information and legal positions made possible by the Lunar Embassy and Galactic Governments Attorney Generals efforts and skills. The Ambassadors have a couple of very distinctive differences. Ambassadors have exclusivity within a specified geographic region, usually a country. As an Ambassador you are allowed to have sub- Ambassadors under your control for the sale of properties as offered by the Lunar Embassy. The Ambassadors also purchase the land for an extremely different price than the Reseller but their licensing fees are much higher. If you are interested in finding out about the reseller program for your country let us know and we will then email an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for you to review, sign and fax back to us. Then we will send to you the business plan for the program you are interested in.
After more than two yeas of development the “Lunar Explorer” mapping computer software system is available to all property owners of the Lunar Embassy. Through the talents of a very enthusiastic and unique computer software company and our friend, Manny Pimenta, the Lunar Embassy proudly presents to all property owners the opportunity to see their property on the Moon of Earth from their own computer. Manny and the software engineers allowed the Lunar Embassy to provide our sub-division matrix in order to provide all of our customer/citizens to actually see their property by utilizing the Lunar Explorer disc system for your computers.
In Manny’s words, “After researching and getting information from every possible source available, I called NASA and the Planetary Institute, The Moon Society, and all the scientists I know that had any involvement with the Moon. I combed through NASA archives for information on all the Lunar missions. I also spoke with the Russians (including Mr. Vlacheslav Ivashkin whom I met at an International Lunar Conference in Hawaii). Mr. Ivashkin was a Russian software engineer who wrote the program for the Lunar-9 mission- the first ever successful lunar landing (Yes, the Russians actually made it to the Moon first, with an unmanned lander).”
Researching further, I found an innovative software company that created a revolutionary software development system that made it all possible and we agreed to do this project: To create the WORLD’S first, most accurate and realistic model of the Moon that could run on regular home computers.
That program is “Lunar Explorer.” We have successfully created a replica of Earth’s Moon for you to explore from the comfort of your home. Yes, You become the Explorer.
“Lunar Explorer,” has graciously invited the Lunar Embassy to share information so that our property owners have unique abilities with this innovative software. As a property owner you will be able to type in your property coordinates and be taken to your exact property on the Moon. You can then: See your actual property lines Walk around every inch of your property Take actual pictures of your property and the views available from your land and print them out or transfer them to a disc and even email them to friends and family. Invite friends, family, or anyone you want and show them the land you own Give them all a tour of your land
With the entire Moon at your disposal, you will be able to explore as never before: Virtually Travel to any part of the Moon Land on any spot you desire and explore to your hearts content Walk around on the surface in any direction and to any point that interests you Fly over the tops of mountains, over the Seas, along the ridges of craters Hop from location to location Examine in detail all sites you wish to explore Visit all USA and Russian mission landing sites Inspect the original Lunar Rover in detail See the Russian Robotic missions that collected Lunar Dust The possibilities are only limited by your imagination and desires.
Since we are all property owners, neighbors, and citizens, it is only fitting that I make certain financial concessions for our unique group of explorers. I believe all Lunar Embassy land owners deserve a good deal so here is what we have to offer. Following is an outline of pricing: (All pricing in US dollars)
General Public prices …. $ 39.95 plus S&H
Existing Lunar Embassy property owners …. $29.95 (exclusive)
Special Bundled prices for new Lunar Embassy property owners
One acre of Lunar Property (normally with shipping and handling $36.50)
One “Lunar Explorer” system disc (normally $39.95 plus S&H)
Both combined normally $76.45
Bundled price for one acre Lunar Property and one Lunar Explorer system disc $ 49.95
We would also like to offer the opportunity to receive the “Lunar Explorer” system disc free to all Lunar Embassy property owners. Just invite friends over to see your tour of the Moon. Show them the Apollo and Russian landing sites, points of interest that you like, your property and the views from there, and all the cool exciting possibilities. If five of your friends like it enough to order their own property and the “Lunar Explorer” system disc specially priced above, we will reimburse you the $29.95 purchase price of your “Lunar Explorer” disc. You get the WORLD’S coolest simulation of the Moon to use and enjoy free! All you end up paying is the shipping and handling charges.
During the last twenty-six years I have wanted to offer large properties for those interested in development of the land, mining, creating cities, mega cities, and continents, etc., in a fashion that individuals and companies alike could afford to speculate. So, with that in mind, the Lunar Embassy is proud to offer to each and everyone of our citizen/property owners and those that want to become a citizen/property owners the following:
For each of the following properties the Lunar Embassy is willing to allow anyone interested in a large property purchase of one of the following properties, to finance them with the Lunar Embassy Mortgage Company:
County size property | 35,551.60 acres for | $45,000.00 US dollars | ||
State size property | 63,992.88 acres for | 85,000.00 US dollars | ||
Regional size property | 124,430.60 acres for | 165,000.00 US dollars | ||
Sector size property | 355,516.00 acres for | 465,725.00 US dollars | ||
Quadrant size property | 888,790.00 acres for | 1,155,427.00 US dollars | ||
Country size property | 2,666,370.00 acres for | 2,666,370.00 US dollars | ||
Continent size property | 5,332,740.00 acres for | 5,000,000.00 US dollars |
These larger properties are qualified for financing. With 20% down and 4% APR for a term of between 20 and 30 years. As an example: A Sector sized property for $465,725.00 would require a down payment of $93,145.00 US dollars leaving a balance to finance of $372,580.00 US dollars at 4% APR the monthly payment for 25 years is $1,778.75 per month. There are absolutely no credit checks done for this financing. You should know however, if your payments fall behind the property will revert back to the Lunar Embassy and Galactic Government. If you find that you would like to purchase one of these lands please contact the Lunar Embassy at and direct your needs to Dr. Dennis M. Hope.
An Out of The World Cook Book:
The Vice Ambassador to the Lunar Embassy, Teresa D. Hope, (also known as the Head Cheese’s wife) has suggested that we invite all of our property owners that love food and the recipes required to make out of this world meals, to send in your recipes for unique food items. The Lunar Embassy will provide each of you that sends in an original recipe for unique meals (that we can no find anywhere else) that we use in this cook book, 1 acre of land on any of the properties we offer for sale at the Lunar Embassy.
The recipes should be from say a family or friends that you have the right to offer for this book. If you can provide the history of this recipe, like where and when it came to the family, or any interesting aspect of this recipe you can think of we will include it with the book. Once we have received enough recipe’s we will put the book together and offer it to all persons visiting the Lunar Embassy web site for sale. All of those donating to this book will also receive a word document copy of the book through email from the Lunar Embassy. So, let’s see what we have available from all of you out there.
Computers on the Moon:
We know that there are property owner/citizens that receive this email newsletter that has contact with individuals that would like to see us place our computers on the Moon. We have been negotiating with some companies on Earth that are interested in this project because of the benefit financially to them for participating. The process of negotiations is slow to say the least. The Lunar Embassy as licensed by the Galactic Government has the right to secure financing for this project from our property owner/citizens. What we need is $125,000,000.00 US dollars to put these profit generating computers on the surface of the Moon. We have a business plan available to anyone wanting to know the facts of this project. As a finders fee the Lunar Embassy is offering to anyone that provides this needed funding to us a 10% finder’s fee. That means any of you that can assist us in procuring these needed funds the Lunar Embassy will provide you with 10% of the total money raised by you for this project. If you can assist us in this endeavor, contact Dr. Dennis M. Hope and discuss what you have. For those of you not familiar with what these computers will do for the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government, I will now explain. The Lunar Embassy has recognized 34 profit centers that will be run with these computers on the Moon. The first four of these profit centers I will discuss here.
1) The first Internet/Ethernet service provider outside the sphere of Earth your email will go to and come back from the Moon.
2) The Lunar Embassy Corporate Registry: For all of you wishing to set up a Lunar Corporation, using the Galactic Corporations act of 2005, and individual or company may purchase a legal Galactic Corporation with an address on the Moon of Earth for as little as $299.00 per year. This means you will be responsible for taxes at your headquarters address. Since the Galactic Government is not allowed to tax its citizens on their income (unless we are direct conflict with another government) that means you will not have to pay any taxes on the funds stored on the Moon. You will of course have to pay taxes on the money you transfer From the Moon to your country but only the money transferred is taxable
3) The Lunar Embassy Bank will keep all profits and or revenue from your corporation on the Moon that you would like to keep there. This will be a fully functioning bank and will have all services now used on Earth banks. This includes, interest on savings accounts, loans for business, personal use, etc., Savings accounts, checking accounts, Certificate’s of Deposit, and all functions now in operation from banks on Earth. We will also offer credit cards and ATM cards that can access your money from Earth.
4) Data Storage. Talk about secure.
With just these four computers on the Moon we will be able to raise enough revenue to send the first colonist to the Moon by 2012. We are living in a very exciting time for us humans.
Archive Project:
We know that some of you are concerned about the registration disc going to the Moon with, TransOrbital Inc. The last time we spoke with Dennis Laurie, President of TransOrbital Inc., he suggested that all things are still in the works and there is a strong possibility that we will find our launch date set for this year. I am afraid he would not be more specific with any details to us at this time. So for those of you whop have not heard of the Archive Project, we are sending a disc to the Moon of Earth, with a registry of all of you who wish to have your name included on this disc going to the Moon. The disc will also provide for the Lunar Embassy a virtual presence on the Moon which will quiet some governments on Earth about us not being on the Moon. This disc will also be placed within the Museum once our first city is built in the Sea of Tranquility. Remember, your properties are registered in the Central Data base located at the Lunar Embassy and Galactic Government headquarters. These are registered to you when you purchase your land. This Archive Project registration is just for the disc going to the Moon. The cost is $15.00 per property registered and you can accomplish the registration by going to the ordering site of the Lunar Embassy at and clicking “Buy Now”.
As the Head Cheese, it is always my pleasure to write to you about the projects we are working on. We realize there are other governments on Earth with agendas that include the Moon. We have been in contact with all of those governments at one time or another. We want all of you to know that we are aware of all the plans some of these governments have in mind and we have addressed those issues with those governments. This is an on going process and we will stay vigilant with regard to protecting all of our property owner/citizens rights. I am so proud to be a member of this group of highly unique adventurers as our property owners/citizens. We are making changes on planet Earth slowly but surely and with your continued support we will see our efforts come to pass in our lifetimes.
With warm regards from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government
Dr. Dennis M. Hope, Ph.D.
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese” The Lunar Embassy
1-800-586-2729 Toll Free in the USA
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
001-702-991-1247 Galactic Government
Our new satellite office address is:
The Lunar Embassy
1329 US Highway 395 North
Suite 10-281
Gardnerville, Nv. 89410
Greetings and happy holidays, from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government:
It has been a while since our last newsletter. The Embassy has been going through some minor changes but we are on track now. In this holiday season we are reminded about how the Lunar Embassy started. It was in 1980, in a small suburb of San Francisco, California. I had filed my claim for the Moon of Earth and the other eight planets and their moons and I was visiting three of the shopping malls within a 40 square mile radius. During that time there were no personal computers using the Internet at that time and reaching a global market place was extremely costly. After a two week period in December of 1980 I had personally sold 600 properties to employees of the malls I had visited. I was hopeful that at some time soon I would be able to provide properties to everyone on Earth. That journey would take 15 years to materialize.
Now, on November 22, 2006 we will have been in business for the last twenty-six years. The results of all of your support has allowed the Lunar Embassy to create a new constitutionally recognized government, 4 million property owners/ citizens in 183 countries on Earth, and the desire to create a colony on the Moon of Earth, and diplomatic relations with 27 countries to date. The efforts of the Lunar Embassy and all of you have made this growth possible. I am asked all the time in interviews from the press, what my secret for success is? My response is always the same. Without a desire from human beings on this planet to want to own land on other planets, we would not be in business. So, I would like to take the first part of this letter to invite all of you to contact us with your stories of interest about this journey we are on together so that we would be able to share them in our newsletters. If you have a unique story, send it to;, and I will make sure we will include the story in one of our future newsletters.
What does your Lunar property really look like?
(A Picture really is worth a thousand words)
You can now go to the Moon, land on your property and walk around
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A very special exclusive offer for Lunar Embassy customers only
During our 26 year journey, the Lunar Embassy has had the opportunity to meet some very interesting individuals. Some of them were to be our friends and some of them not. In this situation we are fortunate and I am honored to have acquired a friend, associate and property owner. Mr. Manny Pimenta, has surpassed all expectations when it comes to his enthusiasm for going back to the Moon, literally. In his vision, Manny has taken a heartfelt idea and coordinated the efforts with the magical powers and expertise of an innovative software company. Together they have brought to the commercial market, the world’s first replica of the Moon of Earth. In his own words, I want you all to have the opportunity to receive this most generous offer from Mr. Manny Pimenta and “Lunar Explorer.”
Dear Lunar Property Owners/Citizens: Like you, I was so enthralled with the idea of owning property on the Moon that I bought nearly 9,000 acres of it.
I first met Dennis Hope after I heard him speak at a “Return To The Moon Conference” back in 2001. I must say the idea of owning property on the Moon appealed to me instantly. I have always loved the Moon. I felt hopeful and inspired as a young boy, watching brave American astronauts walking around on the Moon. At that moment I wished that by the year 2000, I would have my chance to go to the Moon as well. Since that is not possible yet, staking a property claim was for me, the next best thing.
I was very impressed listening to Dennis Hope speak to the RTM conference attendees, and I decided right then that I wanted to have that kind of very personal connection with the Moon by joining all of you as a new property owner.
After committing to property ownership, another thought occurred to me.
How great would it be if I could actually visit and see my property firsthand?
Since I could not go to the Moon myself, maybe I could still experience what it might be like to go to the Moon by creating a computer simulation of the Moon itself Ð the ENTIRE Moon.
So we found the best available data on the Moon from past NASA /DOD missions and we created the WORLD’S first, most accurate and realistic model of the Moon that could run on regular home computers. We have impressed many people with this new simulation of the Moon. We have presented it at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech, at the special invitation of JPL’s Director, Dr. Charles Elachi; we have also presented at NASA Ames in Moffett Field, California; and we have exhibited at many conferences throughout the US. We even have a great quote on the DVD box from Dan Curry, Visual Effects Director for all the new Star Trek TV Series and 7 time Emmy Award winner.
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We have successfully created a replica of Earth’s Moon for you to explore from the comfort of your home.
Yes, You can now be a Lunar Explorer.
“Lunar Explorer”, has created a special interface for all Lunar Embassy property owners that allows you to visit your property or look at it from space by simply typing in your lot number.
Once you arrive at your property, you can:
With the entire Moon at your disposal, you will be able to explore as never before:
Some sample screen shots from Lunar Explorer:
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Earthrise near the North Pole | Apollo 17 Rover | and LM Approaching Plato Crater |
As a fellow property owner and neighbor, I want to reward all Lunar Embassy land owners for your initiative, your innovative thinking and your obvious interest on the Moon.
So we are offering a very special pricing deal just for you:
The Lunar Explorer price to the general public (non-property owners)………….. $39.95 plus S&H
Exclusive pricing for Existing Lunar Embassy property owners …………………. $29.95 plus S&H
* * * * * Your savings amount to over 25% * * * * *
If you are looking for a truly original gift this Holiday Season for that Space enthusiast in your family, a Lunar property along with the Lunar Explorer simulation is the perfect set. And, again we are offering an irresistible pricing deal on a combined purchase of a Lunar property and a copy of the Lunar Explorer simulation.
Special Bundled prices for new Lunar Embassy property owners:
One acre of Lunar Property (normally with shipping and handling): $36.50
One “Lunar Explorer” system disc (normally with shipping and handling): $46.50
Total for both items (if purchased separately): $83.00
Special Bundled price for one acre Lunar Property and one Lunar Explorer system disc … $49.95
You save over $34 !!
In order to run Lunar Explorer, you need a Windows XP or Windows 2000 Computer or laptop with a DVD Drive, 512 MB of memory, 8GB of available disk space, and a Video Card with 64MB of Video memory or higher (the Video card should be Nvidia or ATI). If your computer does not have a Video card, we would recommend finding a 128MB Nvidia card on eBay (they currently sell for around $30).
The Lunar Embassy has worked closely with “Lunar Explorer” to validate that the system works as stated and we think this is in fact the coolest accessory we have had the opportunity to offer our property owners since we started selling land in 1980.
TransOrbital Project:
TransOrbital Inc., has been doing everything in their power to get the launch accomplished this year. Their licensing is in place and the technology for accomplishing their mission is available, which includes sending our archive disc to the Moon, their position is they will, God willing, launch this year. We never fully understand the complexities involved in a mission of this sort. We are so used to having the ability to get into our cars and go where we want at any time and we have seen so many launches speed effortlessly into the heavens for years now that it seems like this is all taking a tremendous amount of time. You are right. It is taking time. Remember this will be the first private commercial venture to the Moon of Earth. When NASA sent the first astronauts to the Moon they has the full financial support of the US government. TransOrbital has had to start from scratch. They had to create the mission in the first place. Then they had to find a way to wade through he miles of red tape with the US government in order to receive their blessing in the form of the ITAR license. This in and of itself would break the spirit of most organizations. TransOrbital will accomplish this mission. They will be the first to actually accomplish a task of this magnitude. As a cargo passenger on TransOrbital’s Mission we are excited about the possibilities for placing our disc on the Moon. We want to thank all of you that have continued to register their information on the disc. We will keep the registrations open until the very last moment possible. Remember the registration for the Archive Project is $15.00 US dollars and you can order that registration at the Lunar Embassy website.
Archive Project:
For those of you that are wondering if TransOrbital Inc., are still planning on taking our disc to the Moon of Earth, the answer, according to the President of TransOrbital Inc. Dennis Laurie, is yes. They are sure that sometime next year the craft will launch to the Moon and we will have all of the registered participating property owners names on that disc. Once TransOrbital Inc., finishes its mission to map the Moon from forty miles above the surface it will crash into the Northern Polar Region looking at Earth. Our disc with our original “Declaration of Ownership,” and the compendium of participating property owners will settle on the surface of the Moon. This will create a physical presence on the Moon and for some countries on Earth this becomes the last element needed to accept our claim. The cost of participation is $15.00 US dollars for each property you wish to register on this lunar disc. In order to keep the confusion down here at the Embassy headquarters, please look for the Lunar Archive Project or mention the Archive Project if you wish to call or email us about participating.
Clarity USA Business Opportunity:
During the last two months the Lunar Embassy and the Headcheese have made contact with a company in Nevada called, Clarity USA. They are an organization whose intent is to help those with low vision problems. Clarity USA has patented some very interesting items that will help those with low vision. They have in the last ten years created and patented new CCTV capabilities for all low vision persons. You can now read the finest of print, books, newspapers, or anything that you might be having problems seeing currently. There are 5 models of the Clarity USA products available and Clarity is currently the 3 largest provider of these systems in the USA. If you have a desire to help persons less fortunate than yourselves, and if you know someone that has a difficult time reading, or putting together models, sewing or anything where your close sight is needed these product will really help them then contact Clarity USA at or call them directly at 001-782-5611 and ask for sales. Be sure to mention that you received this information from the Lunar Embassy newsletter for November and December of 2006. I promise you the people at Clarity are there to help those with low vision problems and they really care about the people they help and their products.
Clarity USA has also told they are looking for qualified Dealers around the world. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and are looking for a business that could help others, then contact either the Lunar Embassy or Clarity USA and we or they will help you help others.
Century Club:
For the last two years we have been offering individuals the opportunity to take advantage of the Lunar Embassy. As a Century Club Member you will have opportunities not allowed to the other property owners. This club is designed for 1000 forward thinking individuals. For the membership fee of $1,000.00 you will receive one 1,777.58 acre property worth $47,104.92 US dollars. A lunar Corporation with the possibility of using the address on the Moon as your headquarters, valued at $299.99 per year (first year is free). Three free domain names ending in .Le, .Ln, .Moon, .Space, .Mercury, .Venus, .Mars, .Jupiter, .Saturn,. Uranus, .Neptune, .Pluto, again this is free for the first year. Passports and Galactic Government ID cards for up to 5 members of your friends or family. Inclusion for the registered Archive project. The summary of all included items for this round of Membership is below.
Exclusivity | $ Priceless | |
1777.58 Acres of celestial land ($1,350.00 savings) | $47,104.92 | |
1 acre for remaining offered property next 4 years | $136.00 | |
Passports for average of 5 persons $18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Galactic Government ID cards (5) $ 18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Recording in Archive Project disc going to Moon | $15.00 | |
Three Domain Names | $45.00 | |
Lunar Corporation with physical address on the Moon | $299.00 | |
Total Value | $47,789.40 US dollars | |
Your Cost | only $1,000.00 US dollars |
Your Cost 1,000.00 US dollars As you can see, your $1000.00 membership fee into the “Century Club”, has many features just for you. You can join the club by going to the home page of, or emailing us the information for your membership at, or calling us at 001- 702-991-1232 or faxing to 001-775-265-7938. We look forward to hearing from many of you soon.
Lunar Corporations:
The time is finally here. We have Lunar Corporations available. The simple filing fee for any non financial corporation with headquarters on the Moon of Earth with physical addresses in New Hope City, located in the Sea of Tranquility is $299.00 per year. There are no hidden fees anywhere above these filing fees for the first three years. Financial institutions include but are not limited to Banks, Savings and Loans, Brokerage firms, Stock Exchanges, Credit Unions, and Treasury Offices. Religious licensing fees are preset at $250.00 US dollars annually. The Galactic Government has licensed Lunar Business Systems, LLC as the Resident Agent for all Galactic Government corporations. Lunar Business Systems, LLC may at one time or another assign responsibility for resident agents within specific countries to provide services in those countries as this need arises. This pricing of these corporations will remain constant for a minimum of 3 years from the first listing of any corporation (December 2005). Once we actually have our computers on the Moon of Earth where we will develop a physical presence for all corporations, the registration fee will rise with one exception. All corporations set in place and in paid status prior to us actually getting the computers on the Moon of Earth will have a reservation for the first two years of operation on the Moon at the current rate for filing a corporation. Since all corporations listed with Lunar Business Systems, LLC are never charged taxes for their profits or incomes we are not requiring status for non-profits. The process simply is archaic and not necessary in a society that does not charge taxes on profits or earnings. As an added bonus, each formed and paid status corporations will receive at no additional charge two domain names ending in .le or .ln. For an additional charge we can provide right now domain names that end in .moon, .mars, .venus, .jupiter, .mercury, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune, .pluto and .space. There are some added requirements for the latter domain names that will be discussed next. So, for all of you waiting to have your off planet banking and corporate needs begin now, contact the Lunar Embassy and order your first, second, and third, lunar corporation as needed. Lunar Business Systems, LLC in conjunction with The Lunar Embassy and Aim High!, Inc. can also provide web site hosting for as little as $50.00 per year. Contact for this service should currently be done through the Lunar Embassy web site; Just look for web site hosting and click.
Free Domain Name Registrations:
The Galactic Government in exclusive partnership with Domain Name Registrar Aim High!, Inc. and utilizing their registration and registry systems and the Lunar Embassy (, have entered into a historic agreement. The first result is to provide the world with the first EXTRATERRESTRIAL DOMAIN NAMES, in order to create the first extraterrestrial Internet, called THE ETHEREALNET.
The initial EXTRATERRESTRIAL TOP LEVEL DOMAIN NAMES will be the two ccTLD (country code Top Level Domains) .Ln, and .Le. Other new TLDs which can be purchased right now on the Lunar Embassy web site include .lunar, .moon (for our moon), .venus, .mars, .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune, .pluto for all of our planets and .space.
To apply for and secure the activation of these domains with the Earth-bound root servers, the Galactic Government, The Lunar Embassy, Lunar Business Systems, LLC, and Aim High!, Inc. have begun the process of taking registrations for these Top level Domains at
For existing and new property customers of the Lunar Embassy, two domain names, one in .le and one in .ln are FREE for the first year. All existing customers must do is go to or and reserve their name on site! Additional names are available after confirming your account details.
“The initial process is very straight forward” says Vincent Hamm, Secretary of Communications for the Galactic Government “current land holders can visit the Lunar Embassy site, confirm their original order number, and get two free domains. The site also offers low-cost registration for several Earth-bound TLDs and a great value on web hosting.”
Don’t miss out on this FABULOUS opportunity to be part of a very large beginning! Help and do your part, to make the company that made worldwide history for offering the first extraterrestrial properties to the world, now make history to change the Internet forever! For additional questions, please contact The Lunar Embassy or EtherealNet at Below are definitions that will help all of you understand our terminology. Definitions:
Think of a domain name as a piece of real estate in cyber space.
Domain name
A word identifier that people use to find things on the Internet. The Internet itself does not like names and will convert these names to numbers. ISP
Stands for Internet Service Provider. A company or organization that provides Internet access and other Internet related services.
Name Server
A name server is a computer that keeps track of all of the locations of different parts of the domain. For example, the www or web portion may be on one server, e-mail may be on another server. You may have something like ecommerce.domain name on a 3rd server. The domain name server keeps the information about all of the local domains, and has the intelligence to go out and ask other name servers where information about other domains that are not local is located, and how to get to them.
An individual or entity who is registering a domain name. The registrant is the person who has final say over where a domain name is going to be housed, where a domain name points, etc. Even if the registrant is not one of the contacts on a domain, they are the ones that have the final say. For all intents and purposes, they are the domain owner.
A company or organization that has a license through ICANN to re-sell domain name registrations. There are, at this writing, 528 accredited registrars in the world. Aim High!, Inc. of Golden, Colorado is one of those.
The process of registering a domain name.
An abbreviation for registration.
In virtual real estate (a domain name) just like physical Real Estate, the main three criteria are location, location, location.
For the past 10 years, “the” location has been .com. Everyone knows about .com and, if you say a domain name, up until about 18 months ago, everyone would just add .com to the end of it. However, three things are changing the popularity of .com. First, Internet user knowledge, people now understand that there is more than just .com. Several third parties have advertised heavily to bring acceptance of other TLDs (top level domains each TLD is also called a Name Space), into the public’s knowledge. Several countries (the UK, Canada and Brazil are good examples) have promoted their ccTLDs (country code Top Level Domains, such as .uk, .ca and .br) to individuals and corporations in their respective countries to market to the locals – note that these three ccTLDs are only available to residents or legally organized corporations in those jurisdictions. Many registrants of .com *also* register a domain in their own country. This opens up a huge market for TLDs to protect copy rights. Large companies often register their trademarks in several TLDs both gTLDs (generic like .com or .biz) and ccTLDs. Each of the TLDs we are offering clearly defines the name space and has great marketing appeal. NOTE: Lunar companies filing Lunar trademarks will have similar protections as those filing in US or other country jurisdictions.
Second, .com is filling up. Many of the best .com names are taken and will never be released to individuals at commodity prices again. ICANN in November settled a law suit with Verisign (the .com and .net registry) which will allow them to implement a Wait Listing Service (WLS) which will allow anyone to reserve a name on a first-come, first-serve basis. For example if you want, you will be able to give Verisign $30 and reserve a place in line to get that domain *if it ever expires*! If two people pay the $30, the one who pays first is first in line for the name. If the name becomes available the first person gets it, then if they don’t renew it the second person would get it. It will become increasingly difficult to get good .com names. Also, there are several individuals and organizations that are buying up all of the gTLDs they can and are placing them on Pay for Click sites, further limiting the number of .coms available.
Third, cost again, as part of the Verisign settlement ICANN agreed to allow Verisign to raise the wholesale price on .com as much as 100% over the next 5 (five) years. This will cause many problems for registrars who are trading on very thin margins and will over the next few years, cause some significant price increases for .com name holders. This last will probably not be an over riding factor, but just another factor in the expansion of other name spaces.
As the founder of the Lunar Embassy and the elected President of the Galactic Government, I wanted to let all of you know that we have successfully created some visiting Lunar Corporation in Colorado and Nevada. The USA has now accepted the Galactic Corporations Act of 2005, and allowed our process to visit two of their states and provide business in those states. Once the negotiations are final for the sending of the 25 solar powered computers to the Moon, all of the corporation we have at that time will be able to deposit their earnings and profits on the Moon. This will have significant impacts on many countries on Earth. Since the Galactic Government does not tax any of its citizens or companies directly your money can sit on the Moon, totally tax free until you decide to bring it into your country for usage. At that time the amount you bring in to those countries will of course be required to be taxed by those countries.
This has been a wonderful adventure to be part of over the last twenty-six year and we are finding new projects almost daily. I have had the opportunity to meet with a lot of our property owners over the years and I wanted to let all of you know that you are all very special individuals. I had a dream last night and in it I was told what the meaning in the Christian Bible meant about the meek shall inherit the Earth. It meant in my dream that all of us that were involved in this project would be those leaving the planet some time, and the remaining humans here are the meek. Congratulations, I think there is some significance to this dream and I for one want to make everyone here stronger so no one is left behind. Thank you all for the time and energy you have provided so that this program can continue. Next year we will be introducing to all of you the new projects we have for all of you. We wish all of you the happiest of holiday season and keep those dreams alive. Until next year.
With warm regards from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government
Dr. Dennis M. Hope, Ph.D.
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese” The Lunar Embassy
1-800-586-2729 Toll Free in the USA
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
001-702-991-1247 Galactic Government
Our new satellite office address is:
The Lunar Embassy
1329 US Highway 395 North
Suite 10-281
Gardnerville, Nv. 89410
In an amazing feat of divine protection and luck, our beloved Head Cheese Dennis Hope, has survived a plane crash with his single engined private airplane this Friday the 19th of May in Nevada.
Piloting the aircraft himself, the Head Cheese was forced to crashland in a Washoe Valley field after the fuel pump onboard the aircraft had failed (which of course is usually pretty bad news).
Thanks to his very good piloting skills, a lot of luck and evidently avery watchful divine eye, Dennis escaped the wreck, much to the great delight of over 2 milion lunar property owners family and friends, without any harm at all.
Dennis was only heard to explain: “I had a small problem…. I am perfectly OK.”
This message is to say thank you for the divine intervention saving us what we feel so dearly about.
Well done and congratulations on your faboulous landing Dennis!
Click here for the entire news story (were pretty sure they didn’t know who was in that plane…)!
Click here to leave Dennis a message in our Guestbook!
PS – Dennis, are we insured?
Intra-Galactic Corps
Gal Gov ID cards
Century Club
Domain Names
Agents Wanted
Lunar Explorer
From the President
Gardnerville Nevada USA: Starting March 1, 2006, Lunar Business Systems, LLC. Will offer to all Celestial Property owners from the Lunar Embassy the opportunity to create your very own off planet Corporation. During the last year and one half the creation of the Galactic Corporations Act of 2005 has been under way. By adopting the International Business Act of Belize 2000, the Galactic Government has created an opportunity to legally form corporations on the Moon of Earth with real physical addresses. Currently available are 27,400,000 separate addresses in New Hope City in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon of Earth. This is the first step in off planet business.
You can acquire one of these intra-galactic corporations through the Lunar Embassy’s website, for right now. Eventually you will be able to go direct to to order your corporation. The governing body for these corporate entities is the Galactic Government.
Some of the obvious benefits for creation of an intra-galactic corporation are as follows: 1) Since the physical address for your headquarters is not on Earth, you will be doing business as a visiting or foreign corporation in the country where you reside. 2) Your corporation and its income are not taxable by the Galactic Government and for this reason there is no need for non-profit organizations through this creation. 3) Soon the Lunar Business Systems will provide banking services located on the Moon of
Earth as well. At that time you can deposit all of your income in the bank on the Moon which will relieve you of any tax obligation anywhere until such time as you bring those funds into your country of residence. Lunar Business Systems, LLC has utilized existing international laws and adopted them for this intra-galactic endeavor so we are not re-inventing the wheel in the case of off planet banking or formation of the corporations.
Included in your Corporation kit are the following: Binder and sleeve for corporate records Corporate Certificate Minutes Articles of Incorporation
Off planet Corporations governed by the Galactic Government
By-laws Corporate seal (metal squeeze type) Three Free domain names Stock certificates and transfer sheets Reduced pricing for web hosting through Lunar Business Systems LLC
Any recognized Celestial Property owner from the Lunar Embassy or one of its representatives qualifies you for one of these unique corporate entities. The annual cost for non-religious corporations is currently $299.00 US dollars. For religious corporations the annual cost is $250.00 US dollars. There are more significant charges for financial institutions like mortgage companies, banks, stock investment companies, or stock exchanges. For more information about how to acquire one of these off planet corporations contact Dr. Dennis Hope, or Philip Sturlin, Secretary of Commerce for the Galactic Government at or by calling 001-702-991-1232
Galactic Government ID Cards Now Available
Gardnerville Nevada USA:
Finally, after so many years of trying to get the best format and display for the citizens of the Galactic Government to have an identifying card that is uniquely theirs, the Galactic Government is proud to inform you that your government recognized ID card is now ready for you to have.
The ID is printed on credit card stock for durability. The mag strip on the back of the cards will be used later when the bank of the Lunar Embassy is in place. We will actually be using the ID cards as your passport to the banking system on the Moon of Earth.
The requirements for receiving these beautifully designed and functional ID cards require you to go to the Lunar Embassy site; and click on ID card. That click will take you to the order form for your individual picture ID card. Please fill in the order form and press send. We will need to have you send two separate items along with the order. You will be required to send a passport picture (you will be able to download it to the order form) and also we will need to have your signature scanned and sent so we might attach it to your ID card. We will also have to have an already recognized picture ID card sent so we know it is you. It is a requirement that you are a property owner of Celestial land supplied by the Lunar Embassy or one of its recognized affiliates, resellers or Ambassadors.
The cost of the card is $12.50 US dollars + $3.00 US dollars shipping and handling. The card is valid for 4 years and needs to be renewed every four years. We look forward to supplying all 3.7 million of you with correct ID cards soon. Galactic Government ID Cards Now Century Club
The Lunar Embassy has had numerous requests from our customers to institute an organization that is different from average property owners. Well the time is at hand. We have just created the, premiere level of the “Century Club”. Exclusive is just the beginning of this club. Final membership shall be limited to 1000 members. When you join the “Century Club,” you will have lifetime benefits not ex- tended to any other property owners including celebrities or dignitaries, unless of course they are a member. Some of the benefits for joining are: substantially reduced prices for property. As a member of the “Century Club,” you will receive your choice of 1777.58 acres of celestial land on any planet offered by the Lunar Embassy. All areas designated for the “Century Club” members will be in areas of celes- tial reserves. As an example, on our Moon the designated club area is the closest available property to the Apollo 11 landing site. On Mars it is in the area of Olympus Mons. For the next four (4) years, on the anniversary date of your membership, you will be eligible for one additional acre of land, selected from planets or moons you do not already own. These properties can be gifted to anyone you desire or you can retain them for yourself. You will also receive Lunar Embassy, passports for the immediate family denoting your 1777.58 acre parcel as your home territory. You and your family members will also receive Galactic Government ID cards which have actually been used for ID cards in the USA at banks, hotels, and other places that require picture IDÕs. The opportunity to form a Lunar corporation is also included with membership. The corporation and the included three domain names are free for the first year. On the anniversary date of your membership, a renewal fee of $299.00 for the corporation will be due to maintain activation and use. As a bonus, all members will automatically be registered with our Trans-Orbiltal, Inc Archive Project. This will include a recording of all the property you own on the registration disc going to the Moon.
Last but not least is inclusion in a drawing conducted by and sanctioned by the Galactic Government offering to all members the opportunity to be selected into the century club. You will be entered into this drawing for the next 3 years. You can go to the website and order the membership whenever you like but remember we are limiting this to 1000 members. It is truly first come first serve. As a matter of disclosure we are required to inform you that we require at least 250 memberships in this club. Also you should know the value of this lifetime membership. The winners will be notified once the requisite numbers of participants have been achieved. At the writing of this letter we have 36 participants so there are lots of opportunities left.
Exclusivity | $value | |
1777.58 Acres of celestial land ($1,350.00 savings) | $44,439.50 | |
1 acre for remaining offered property next 4 years | $136.00 | |
Lunar corporation with three domain names | $299.00 | |
Passports for average of 5 persons $18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Galactic Government ID cards (5) $ 18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Recording in Archive Project disc going to Moon | $15.00 | |
Business Class tickets for two (furthest distance) | $12,400.00 | |
Double Bay Suite At Caesars Palace Las Vegas | $2,380.00 | |
Spending Money while in Vegas | $1,000.00 | |
Total Value | $60,858.99 US dollars | |
Your Cost | only $1,000.00 US dollars |
As you can see, your $1000.00 membership into the “Century Club”, has many benefits just for you. You can join the club by going to the home page at, or emailing us the information for your membership at, or calling us at 001-702-991-1232 or faxing to 001-775-265-7938. We look forward to hearing from many of you soon.
The Galactic Government in exclusive partnership with Domain Name Registrar Aim High!, Inc. and utilizing their registration and registry systems (see and the Lunar Embassy (, have entered into a historic agreement. The first result is to provide the world with the first EXTRATERRESTRIAL DOMAIN NAMES, in order to create the first extraterrestrial Internet, called THE ETHEREALNET.
The initial EXTRATERRESTRIAL TOP LEVEL DOMAIN NAMES will be the two ccTLD (country code Top Level Domains) .ln, and .le. Other new TLDs can be purchased right now on the Lunar Embassy web site. (including .lunar, .moon (for our moon), .venus, .mars, .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune, .pluto for all of our planets and .space.)
To apply for and secure the activation of these domains with the Earth-bound root servers, the Galactic Government, The Lunar Embassy, Lunar Business Systems, LLC, and Aim High!, Inc. have begun the process of taking registrations for these Top level Domains at
For existing and new property customers of the Lunar Embassy, two domain names, one in .le and one in .ln are FREE for the first year. All existing property owners must go to and reserve their name on site! Additional names are available after confirming your account details.
“The initial process is very straight forward” says Vincent Hamm, Secretary of State for the Galactic Government “current land holders can visit the Lunar Embassy site, confirm their original order number, and get two free domains. The site also offers lowcost registration for several Earth-bound TLDs and a great value on web hosting.”
Don’t miss out on this FABULOUS opportunity to be part of a very large beginning! Help and do your part, to make the company that made worldwide history for offering the first extraterrestrial properties to the world, now make history to change the Internet forever! For additional questions, please contact The Lunar Embassy or EtherealNet at In virtual real estate (a domain name) just like physical Real Estate, the main three criteria are location, location, location. For the past 10 years, “the” location has been .com. Everyone knows about .com and, if you say a domain name, up until about 18 months ago, everyone would just add .com to the end of it. However, three things are changing the popularity of .com. First, Internet user knowledge, people now understand that there is more than just .com. Several third parties have advertised heavily to bring acceptance of other TLDs (top level domains each TLD is also called a Name Space), into the public’s knowledge. Several countries (the UK, Canada and Brazil are good examples) have promoted their ccTLDs (country code Top Level Domains, such as .uk, .ca and .br) to individuals and corporations in their respective countries to market to the locals – note that these three ccTLDs are only available to residents or legally organized corporations in those jurisdictions. Many registrants of .com *also* register a domain in their own country. This opens up a huge market for TLDs to protect copy rights. Large companies often register their trademarks in several TLDs both gTLDs (generic like .com or .biz) and ccTLDs. Each of the TLDs we are offering clearly defines the name space and has great marketing appeal.
NOTE: Lunar companies filing Lunar trademarks will have similar rights, privileges and protections as those filing in US or other country jurisdictions.
Second, .com is filling up. Many of the best .com names are taken and will never be released to individuals at commodity prices again. ICANN in November settled a law suit with Verisign (the .com and .net registry) which will allow them to implement a Wait Listing Service (WLS) which will allow anyone to reserve a name on a first-come, first-serve basis. For example if you want, you will be able to give Verisign $30 and reserve a place in line to get that domain *if it ever expires*! If two people pay the $30, the one who pays first is first in line for the name. If the name becomes available the first person gets it, then if they don’t renew it the second person would get it. It will become increasingly difficult to get good .com names. Also, there are several individuals and organizations that are buying up all of the gTLDs they can and are placing them on Pay for Click sites, further limiting the number of .coms available.
Third, cost again, as part of the Verisign settlement ICANN agreed to allow Verisign to raise the wholesale price on .com as much as 100% over the next 5 (five) years. This will cause many problems for registrars who are trading on very thin margins and will over the next few years, cause some significant price increases for .com name holders. This last will probably not be an over riding factor, but just an other factor in the expansion of other name spaces.
Lunar Explorer
The Lunar Embassy has contracted with Lunar Explorer a Simulated 3D real time mapping system of the Moon of Earth using the coordinates and plotting procedures of the Lunar Embassy in order to provide the very best process for finding your own property on the Moon. This virtual tour of the Moon of Earth is customized by you based on the Lunar Coordinates issued to you on the property you own from the Lunar Embassy or its reselling agents and Ambassadors. Imagine with this disc system you can plug in your coordinates from the property you purchased from Lunar Embassy or one of its resellers or Ambassadors and the system takes you to an exact location and displays your actual land on the Moon. We are very excited about this new program and have been waiting for its arrival for about a year and a half now. Very shortly we will post a message on the Lunar Embassy web site notifying everyone that this system is available for you to purchase for your very own. We will keep you posted as to availability and cost.
As always I want to personally thank all of you who have supported this project from the beginning. I know how hard it is to push for something that seems so unusual. For those of you with the vision to carry this project into the next few hundred years (OK your heirs will help with this also) I hope you have the satisfaction of realizing that your efforts today help to create a world that will be very different from the one we know now. The future is here and we have decided to take charge of it. With your continued favors and support we will make inroads to creating diplomatic relations with all Earth governments to get them to see our vision as well. Hopefully 100 years from now there will be conferences on the Moon with all governments of Earth and the Galactic Government discussing the human rights issues that we have already resolved. Our mission is one of vision and insight. We have started a process that will not be stopped and for that I want to personally thank each and every one of you. All of you are the true pioneers of the 21rst century and you should all applaud your courage and fortitude. From your President and CEO I am proud to represent all of you and hope that I live up to your expectations.
With warm regards from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government
Dr. Dennis M. Hope, Ph.D.
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese” The Lunar Embassy
1-800-586-2729 Toll Free in the USA
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
001-702-991-1247 Galactic Government
Our new satellite office address is:
The Lunar Embassy
1329 US Highway 395 North
Suite 10-281
Gardnerville, Nv. 89410
Another year is about to come to an end. As I reflect back on the last twenty-five years I am reminded of all those that had instructed me to realize that I cannot do what I have been doing. Evidently they are wrong. Our project is stronger now than it has ever been.
In the last twelve months we have gone through some major reorganization. We have abandoned our offices in downtown Gardnerville, Nevada and moved them to the High HopeÕs Ranch in Gardnerville, Nevada. The reason for the move is two fold. The first is so we can petition the Governor of the state of Nevada to recognize us as a visiting government and embassy. According to the laws in Nevada a visiting government shall own the land they reside and create their Embassy on. The second reason for the move was financial. By moving to the ranch we save about $30,000.00 per year in overall expenditures.
We have had staff members leave without replacing them in our attempt to scale back some of our expenses. Currently we have 5 full time employees which also include me. Our latest additions are Philip Sturlin, company financial officer, and Connie Sims, Customer Care associate. Pam Martin is still our distribution manager and Teresa Hope is still Vice Ambassador. We are all looking forward to the coming year. The staff members that have gone on to other projects are Michelle Lopez, Keith DeGraw, and Michele Round. We wish all of them the happiest of lives and we know that they will always remember their time with the Lunar Embassy.
The time is finally here. We have Lunar Corporations available. The simple filing fee for any non financial corporation with headquarters on the Moon of Earth with physical addresses in New Hope City, located in the Sea of Tranquility is $299.00 per year. There are no hidden fees anywhere above these filing fees for the first three years. Financial institutions include but are not limited to Banks, Savings and Loans, Brokerage firms, Stock Exchanges, Credit Unions, and Treasury Offices. Religious licensing fees are preset at $250.00 US dollars annually. The Galactic Government has licensed Lunar Business Systems, LLC as the Resident Agent for all Galactic Government corporations. Lunar Business Systems, LLC may at one time or another assign responsibility for resident agents within specific countries to provide services in those countries as this need arises. This pricing of these corporations will remain constant for a minimum of 3 years from the first listing of any corporation (December 2005). Once we actually have our computers on the Moon of Earth where we will develop a physical presence for all corporations, the registration fee will rise with one exception. All corporations set in place and in paid status prior to us actually getting the computers on the Moon of Earth will have a reservation for the first two years of operation on the Moon at the current rate for filing a corporation. Since all corporations listed with Lunar Business Systems, LLC are never charged taxes for their profits or incomes we are not requiring status for non-profits. The process simply is archaic and not necessary in a society that does not charge taxes on profits or earnings. As an added bonus, each formed and paid status corporations will receive at no additional charge two domain names ending in .le, or .ln. For an additional charge we can provide right now domain names that end in .lunar, .moon, .venus, .mars, .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune, .pluto for all of our planets and .space. There are some added requirements for the latter domain names that will be discussed next. So, for all of you waiting to have your off planet banking and corporate needs begin now, contact the Lunar Embassy and order your first, second, and third, lunar corporation as needed. Lunar Business Systems, LLC in conjunction with The Lunar Embassy and Aim High!, Inc. can also provide web site hosting for as little as $50.00 per year. Contact for this service should currently be done through the Lunar Embassy web site; Just look for web site hosting and click.
First time offering from the Lunar Embassy in conjunction with Lunar Business Systems, LLC. We are offering free to all property owners two domain names for a year. If you would like to receive your very own free domain name ending in .LE or .LN you are in luck.
The Galactic Government in exclusive partnership with Domain Name Registrar Aim High!, Inc. and utilizing their registration and registry systems (see and the Lunar Embassy (, have entered into a historic agreement. The first result is to provide the world with the first EXTRATERRESTRIAL DOMAIN NAMES, in order to create the first extraterrestrial Internet, called THE ETHEREALNET.
The initial EXTRATERRESTRIAL TOP LEVEL DOMAIN NAMES will be the two ccTLD (country code Top Level Domains) .Ln, and .Le. Other new TLDs which can be purchased right now on the Lunar Embassy web site include .lunar, .moon (for our moon), .venus, .mars, .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune, .pluto for all of our planets and .space.
To apply for and secure the activation of these domains with the Earth-bound root servers, the Galactic Government, The Lunar Embassy, Lunar Business Systems, LLC, and Aim High!, Inc. have begun the process of taking registrations for these Top level Domains at
For existing and new property customers of the Lunar Embassy, two domain names, one in .le and one in .ln are FREE for the first year. All existing customers must do is go to or and reserve their name on site! Additional names are available after confirming your account details.
“The initial process is very straight forward” says Vincent Hamm, Secretary of Communications for the Galactic Government “current land holders can visit the Lunar Embassy site, confirm their original order number, and get two free domains. The site also offers low-cost registration for several Earth-bound TLDs and a great value on web hosting.”
Don’t miss out on this FABULOUS opportunity to be part of a very large beginning! Help and do your part, to make the company that made worldwide history for offering the first extraterrestrial properties to the world, now make history to change the Internet forever! For additional questions, please contact The Lunar Embassy or EtherealNet at
Below are definitions that will help all of you understand our terminology. Definitions:
Think of a domain name as a piece of real estate in cyber space.
Domain Name
A word identifier that people use to find things on the Internet. The Internet itself does not like names and will convert these names to numbers.
Stands for Internet Service Provider. A company or organization that provides Internet access and other Internet related services.
Name Server
A name server is a computer that keeps track of all of the locations of different parts of the domain. For example, the www or web portion may be on one server, e-mail may be on another server. You may have something like ecommerce.domain name on a 3rd server. The domain name server keeps the information about all of the local domains, and has the intelligence to go out and ask other name servers where information about other domains that are not local is located, and how to get to them.
An individual or entity who is registering a domain name. The registrant is the person who has final say over where a domain name is going to be housed, where a domain name points, etc. Even if the registrant is not one of the contacts on a domain, they are the ones that have the final say. For all intents and purposes, they are the domain owner.
A company or organization that has a license through the main Internet Governing Body to re-sell domain name registrations. There are, at this writing, 528 accredited registrars in the world. Aim High!, Inc. of Golden, Colorado is one of those.
The process of registering a domain name.
An abbreviation for registration.
In virtual real estate (a domain name) just like physical Real Estate, the main three criteria are location, location, location.
For the past 10 years, “the” location has been .com. Everyone knows about .com and, if you say a domain name, up until about 18 months ago, everyone would just add .com to the end of it. However, three things are changing the popularity of .com. First, Internet user knowledge, people now understand that there is more than just .com. Several third parties have advertised heavily to bring acceptance of other TLDs (top level domains each TLD is also called a Name Space), into the public’s knowledge. Several countries (the UK, Canada and Brazil are good examples) have promoted their ccTLDs (country code Top Level Domains, such as .uk, .ca and .br) to individuals and corporations in their respective countries to market to the locals – note that these three ccTLDs are only available to residents or legally organized corporations in those jurisdictions. Many registrants of .com *also* register a domain in their own country. This opens up a huge market for TLDs to protect copy rights. Large companies often register their trademarks in several TLDs both gTLDs (generic like .com or .biz) and ccTLDs. Each of the TLDs we are offering clearly defines the name space and has great marketing appeal.
NOTE: Lunar companies filing Lunar trademarks will have similar protections as those filing in US or other country jurisdictions.
Second, .com is filling up. Many of the best .com names are taken and will never be released to individuals at commodity prices again. ICANN in November settled a law suit with Verisign (the .com and .net registry) which will allow them to implement a Wait Listing Service (WLS) which will allow anyone to reserve a name on a first-come, first-serve basis. For example if you want, you will be able to give Verisign $30 and reserve a place in line to get that domain *if it ever expires*! If two people pay the $30, the one who pays first is first in line for the name. If the name becomes available the first person gets it, then if they don’t renew it the second person would get it. It will become increasingly difficult to get good .com names. Also, there are several individuals and organizations that are buying up all of the gTLDs they can and are placing them on Pay for Click sites, further limiting the number of .coms available.
Third, cost again, as part of the Verisign settlement ICANN agreed to allow Verisign to raise the wholesale price on .com as much as 100% over the next 5 (five) years. This will cause many problems for registrars who are trading on very thin margins and will over the next few years, cause some significant price increases for .com name holders. This last will probably not be an over riding factor, but just another factor in the expansion of other name spaces.
The Lunar Embassy has had numerous requests from our customers to have a group created that is different from the rest of the property owners. Well the time is at hand. We have just created the, premiere level of the “Century Club.” Exclusive is just the beginning of this club. Membership is limited to 1000 members only. When you join the “Century Club”, you will have lifetime benefits not extended to any of the other property owners including celebrities or dignitaries, unless of course you are one. Some of the benefits for joining are heavily reduced prices for property. As a member of the “Century Club”, you will receive your choice of 1777.58 acres of celestial land on any planet offered by the Lunar Embassy. All areas designated for the “Century Club” members will be in areas of celestial reserves. As an example, on the Moon our designated club area is the closest available property to the Apollo 11 landing site. On Mars it is in the area of Olympus Mons. After the first year of membership you will receive one acre of land per year selected from planets or moons that you do not already own. These properties can be gifted to anyone you desire or you can use them for yourselves. You will each receive from the Lunar Embassy, passports for the entire family denoting your 1777.58 acre parcel as your home territory. You and your family members will also receive Galactic Government ID cards which have been used in the USA for actual ID cards at banks, hotels, and other places of business that require picture IDÕs. All members will automatically be registered through our Archive Project with TransOrbiltal, Inc. This will include you and all the property you own on the registration disc going to the Moon. Last but not least is inclusion in a drawing conducted by and sanctioned by the Galactic Government offering to all members the opportunity to be selected as the owner of the Head Cheeses Personal Hot Rod. You will be entered into this drawing for the next 3 years. The cost of the membership is $1,000.00 US dollars. You can go to the website and order the membership whenever you like but remember we are limiting this to 1000 individuals. It is truly first come first serve. As a matter of disclosure we are required to inform you that we require at least 250 persons to participate in this club in order for the winners to be anounced. Also you should know the value of this lifetime membership. The winners will be notified once the requisite numbers of participants have been achieved. At the writing of this letter we have 36 participants so there are lots of opportunities left.
Exclusivity | $value | |
1777.58 Acres of celestial land ($1,350.00 savings) | $44,439.50 | |
1 acre for remaining offered property next 4 years | $136.00 | |
Lunar corporation with three domain names | $299.00 | |
Passports for average of 5 persons $18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Galactic Government ID cards (5) $ 18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Recording in Archive Project disc going to Moon | $15.00 | |
Business Class tickets for two (furthest distance) | $12,400.00 | |
Double Bay Suite At Caesars Palace Las Vegas | $2,380.00 | |
Spending Money while in Vegas | $1,000.00 | |
Total Value | $60,858.99 US dollars | |
Your Cost | only $1,000.00 US dollars |
As you can see, your $1000.00 membership fee into the “Century Club”, has many features just for you. You can join the club by going to the home page of, or emailing us the information for your membership at , or calling us at 001-702-991-1232 or faxing to 001-775-265-7938. We look forward to hearing from many of you soon.
We are still having troubles with copy cat companies but we are actually getting ready to institute the court system for the Galactic Government. We should have our first court in place no later than February 1, 2006. When that court convenes we will issue suits against all copy cat companies on planet Earth. If they fail to appear in our court we will issue default judgments against them and file them with the appropriate countries for servicing the judgments against the copy cat companies selling land that is not theirs to sell. We have made contact as the Galactic Government with many of the countries where these organizations reside and have informed them of our intent. We have been given the green light by many of the countries we have set diplomatic relations with in order to proceed with the law suits. Responses have been excellent with these nations and our resolve is to pursue these matters in our courts as soon as possible. We have already been informed by most copy cat companies that they will not participate with our judgments. The problem they will face if they choose not to appear in our court is a default judgment against them. This allows the Galactic Government and more directly the Lunar Embassy to seek recovery of funds by filing these recognized judgments in the countries where these offenders reside. As an international judgment seeking relief we will be allowed to attach assets from these conspirators and shut them down for good. Stay tuned for the results.
We have had some unfortunate results from our Chinese Ambassador, Jeff Lee, (AKA Li Jei) of Beijing. It seems that Mr. Lee has chosen to disavow his agreement with us and has filed ownership for the back side of the Moon. He is very mistaken. He believes the Head Cheese forgot to claim this part of the Moon. I can assure you I did not. Mr. Lee will be one of the first we sue. Since he has taken this direction with his company it should be mentioned that any property sold by him in China will be considered by the Lunar Embassy to be fraudulent in nature and we will not recognize any of these lands as being legitimate. We will keep you informed as to the outcome of this law suit with Mr. Lee. He was officially terminated in December of 2005.
We do have openings for Ambassadors and resellers in the following countries. Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, New Zealand/Australia, and Switzerland. Anyone interested in participating with us please contact Dennis at the Lunar Embassy. The difference between authorized resellers and ambassadors is this; Ambassadors have exclusivity in their geographic region, they have the right to set up sub-ambassadors with licensing fees, and the create their own documents. Authorized Resellers are individuals that have a non-exclusive licensing right to sell our lands in a specific geographic region. They are not allowed to set up sub-resellers and the do not create their own documents. If any of you have the desire and the means to market products within your country you need to let us know. We can provide you with a mechanism that will allow successes beyond your belief. This is not a get rich quick scheme. If you have a market, promotions, or public relations, or retail back ground you truly can become a star with this program. I requires work, determination, funding, and a little bit of luck, and it will change your life.
We have sent out our business plan (loan agreement) to 7 individual companies for the lending of resources so that we can actually get 25 computers on the Moon. Our negotiations have reached a certain plateau. We have been guaranteed funding from one company as long as they receive their funds for a project they have been putting together for the last four years. They seem to have covered all the basis for their project and we might see some results as soon as February 2006. Instead of just waiting around for the possibility of this to happen we have decide to take a proactive approach. We are looking for loans so that we can get this necessary part of our project on the Moon as soon as possible. We are paying a substantial finders fee to anyone that sets us up with the final lending source for this project. If you have abilities in this area please contact us at your convenience.
For the last year and nine months we have been setting in motion the Galactic Government. To date we acquired nine Presidential Cabinet members. We have the following secretaries in place; Sec. General, Sec. of the Interior, Sec. of Electronic services, Sec. of Aerospace Medicine and Human Services, Sec. of Communications, Sec. of Foreign Affairs, Sec. of Commerce, Sec of Justice (Attorney General), and Sec of Economic Development. We still need Sec of the Treasury, Sec of Securities and Exchange, Sec of State, Sec of Defense, Sec of Finance, and Sec Media services. If you feel you are qualified for any of these (currently non paying) positions, please contact President Dennis M. Hope for further information. Once we have all of the cabinet members in place we will be able to conscript the requisite Congress persons so that we can start the General Election process for late next year.
As always it has been my pleasure interacting with all of you during this last year. Our hopes and dreams are fired by your acceptance and support of what we do. Without all of you none of this would make sense. I feel so blessed to be part of this great adventure and all of you are the reason. When I started this company in 1980 I believed that it would make a small impact on the world as we know it. The truth is much grander. All of you that have participated in our creation have manifested a reality that cannot be denied. We are a viable force within the existence of mankind and we will be remembered in history as the pioneers of outer space. You are all to be commended for your participation. Continue to squelch the negative thoughts of those that say, “We cannot do this.” We have at this point convinced at least 3.65 million of you that this is not only probable but very possible. I have taken an oath to provide the very best of leadership in this project and I will accomplish that task to the best of my ability as long as I am able. I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your participation and acceptance of our philosophy that we can create a better world. We will perceiver as long as you desire that we do. I am humbled by your faith in me and the recognition that this project will change history as we know it. Thank you all for this enormous opportunity to serve you in this capacity. My heart goes out to all of you at this time of year and I wish each and every one of you the happiest of holiday seasons.
With warm regards from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government
Dr. Dennis M. Hope, Ph.D.
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese” The Lunar Embassy
1-800-586-2729 Toll Free in the USA
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
001-702-991-1247 Galactic Government
Our new satellite office address is:
The Lunar Embassy
1329 US Highway 395 North
Suite 10-281
Gardnerville, Nv. 89410
Greetings from The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government:
The Lunar Embassy is a very fortunate company. When we started our adventure we were the only company even considering the sales of celestial lands. Now through our network of Ambassadors and Authorized Reselling Agents we are 31 strong, dedicated merchants. Through all of our Ambassadors and Agents we have a combined effort that has produced an average of 1,500 property sales per day for the last couple of years. My hat is off to all of you that have joined our team. We have now expanded our non-exclusive Authorized Reselling Agent status to the following countries and are looking for qualified representatives wanting to represent themselves and the Lunar Embassy. Countries; Bulgaria, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Austria, South Africa, Nigeria, Arabia, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Philippines, Germany, Canada, Korea, Taiwan, and more. From all of these countries we are also looking for that special company or individual that sees themselves as the entrepreneurial self starter that can develop an area with exclusivity and professionalism. If you have these qualities and want to be part of the Lunar Embassy reselling team just contact, Dennis M. Hope at the Lunar Embassy for details. Our goal is to have at least 50 reselling individuals in the world by the end of this year. All resellers and Ambassadors are currently enjoying the benefits of our twenty-five years of world recognition and the financial results of that success.
On a sad note we just wanted to notify all our customers and citizens that the Head Cheese’s Mother-in-law, Doris Little Degraw, who has been living with the Head Cheese and his wife Teresa for the last seven years, passed away on April 27, 2005. She was a wonderful person and she will be missed a lot
The Lunar Embassy has had numerous requests from our customers to have a group created that is different from the rest of the property owners. Well the time is at hand. We have just created the, premiere level of the “Century Club.” Exclusive is just the beginning of this club. Membership is limited to 1000 members only. When you join the “Century Club,” you will have lifetime benefits not extended to any of the other property owners including celebrities or dignitaries, unless of course you are one. Some of the benefits for joining are heavily reduced prices for property. As a member of the “Century Club,” you will receive your choice of 1777.58 acres of celestial land on any planet offered by the Lunar Embassy. All areas designated for the “Century Club” members will be in areas of celestial reserves. As an example, on the Moon our designated club area is the closest available property to the Apollo 11 landing site. On Mars it is in the area of Olympus Mons. After the first year of membership you will receive one acre of land per year selected from planets or moons that you do not already own. These properties can be gifted to anyone you desire or you can use them for yourselves. You will each receive from the Lunar Embassy, passports for the entire family denoting your 1777.58 acre parcel as your home territory. You and your family members will also receive Galactic Government ID cards which have been used in the USA for actual ID cards at banks, hotels, and other places of business that require picture ID’s. All members will automatically be registered through our Archive Project with TransOrbiltal, Inc. This will include you and all the property you own on the registration disc going to the Moon. Also you should know the value of this lifetime membership.
Exclusivity | $value | |
1777.58 Acres of celestial land ($1,350.00 savings) | $44,439.50 | |
1 acre for remaining offered property next 4 years | $136.00 | |
Lunar corporation with three domain names | $299.00 | |
Passports for average of 5 persons $18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Galactic Government ID cards (5) $ 18.95 each | $94.74 | |
Recording in Archive Project disc going to Moon | $15.00 | |
Business Class tickets for two (furthest distance) | $12,400.00 | |
Double Bay Suite At Caesars Palace Las Vegas | $2,380.00 | |
Spending Money while in Vegas | $1,000.00 | |
Total Value | $60,858.99 US dollars | |
Your Cost | only $1,000.00 US dollars |
As you can see, your $1000.00 membership fee into the “Century Club”, has many features just for you. You can join the club by clicking here, or emailing us the information for your membership at here, or calling us at 001-702-991-1232 or faxing to 001-775-265-7938. We look forward to hearing from many of you soon.
TransOrbital Inc., has been doing everything in their power to get the launch accomplished this year. Their licensing is in place and the technology for accomplishing their mission is available, which includes sending our archive disc to the Moon, their position is they will, God willing, launch this year. We never fully understand the complexities involved in a mission of this sort. We are so used to having the ability to get into our cars and go where we want at any time and we have seen so many launches speed effortlessly into the heavens for years now that it seems like this is all taking a tremendous amount of time. You are right. It is taking time. Remember this will be the first private commercial venture to the Moon of Earth. When NASA sent the first astronauts to the Moon they has the full financial support of the US government. TransOrbital has had to start from scratch. They had to create the mission in the first place. Then they had to find a way to wade through the miles of red tape with the US government in order to receive their blessing in the form of the ITAR license. This in and of itself would break the spirit of most organizations. TransOrbital will accomplish this mission. They will be the first to actually accomplish a task of this magnitude. As a cargo passenger on TransOrbital’s Mission we are excited about the possibilities for placing our disc on the Moon. We want to thank all of you that have continued to register their information on the disc. We will keep the registrations open until the very last moment possible. Remember the registration for the Archive Project is $15.00 and you can order that registration at the Lunar Embassy website.
We have new property owners. His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has recently been acknowledged as a property owner on the Moon. So has country western stars, Willie Nelson, Gentry Montgomery, Trace Atkins, Toby Keith, and Teri Clark. Carrie Fisher of Star Wars, TV “Tool Time’s” Blake Clark he owned the hardware store, “Leave It to Beaver’s” Jerry Matthers (the Beaver), Tony Dow (Wally), Barbara Billingsley (June Cleaver). Last but obviously not least US Senator John V. Briggs. Globally last month the Lunar Embassy sales organization including all resellers and Ambassadors sold 276,085 acres of celestial land. We had a great month. Our citizenry is now approximately 3,470,072.
As most of you know there are some companies that feel they have the right to sell what the Lunar Embassy owns. We refer to these illegal organizations as copy-cat companies. Some of them are posting items on their web sites that are bold face lies. One of them has stated that they have appeared on the Carson Daly Show on NBC in the USA. They have not. Another one of them is displaying a certificate from TransOrbital Inc., stating they have contracted to take their disc to the Moon. They have not. In an approach to this dilemma the Galactic Government is starting to use our diplomatic relations with major governments on this planet to wipe these frauds out of business. Imagine the Secretary of State contacting these organizations in the USA and requiring them to make restitution and forcing them to shut down. Truth is always stranger than fiction. Maybe in the UK some of the contacts we have through Tony Blair will find affiliates of these companies in the USA are going to be getting a visit as well. Stay tuned as the results of our diplomatic cause reaches those that can help. Any company that you come across that does not display the Lunar Embassy logo as an authorized agent is a fraud. As citizens, you can have a voice in removing these Carpetbaggers, and Grifters from their fraudulent practices. Every time they convince someone to purchase from them they devalue your property. They need to stop and now. Take whatever legally recognized action against them possible. Make their lives as miserable as they are trying to make ours. Enjoy the adventure.
As the intensity of this project continues and the Galactic Government gains in its recognition globally we will be in a position to receive offers from major companies allowing us to participate in the development of other propulsion systems that might eventually get us to our lands in a cost effective manner. We have now received 51 responses to the diplomacy letter sent out last year to all recognized governments. To date, forty-one governments have invited diplomatic relations to begin. We are in process of developing these relationships to their fullest potential. As we accomplish our tasks through these negotiations, we will keep you updated as to our success. The Galactic Government is also trying to finalize negotiations for a sixty million dollar deal to place our computers on the Moon. We have overcome most of the objections to the project and should have final word as to the investment/loan and disbursement of funds by the time we write the next newsletter at the end of June or the first of July. This is by no means a done deal. After all we are talking about a loan of $60,000,000.00 US dollars. We have to consider all of the required developed relationships encumbering these negotiations and the process takes a tremendous amount of energy from all parties. We are optimistic however.
All things considered, we have had a wonderful time putting this all together. With all of your help and support we can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your encouragement has brought us this far. Our next logical step will be to place items then people on the Moon so that we might get ready for the trip to Mars. Our colonies when started will signal to the entire planet Earth that we are a highly motivated group with the intent to make history on this planet. Our time is at hand and we are going got the brass rings. Developing a working government is never the design or implementation of one person. We are fortunate. We have so many from around the world who want to participate. We have had correspondence from working Ambassador members of the UN, Senators and Congresspersons from the USA, members of Parliament in England that have shown support, as well as members of the Australian and New Zealand governments. We are making the right decisions now and we will stay the course until we see that the entire planet views us with respect and acceptance. Those of you that have been putting off joining in the construction of the Galactic Government through offices like the Congress, Senate, Vice President and President, now is the time to join in. Share your knowledge and experience to make the Galactic Government the premiere human rights government known to humankind. Let us hear from you so that we might have your voice heard during our diplomatic encounters with the rest of this planet. Find the desire to make yourself part of something larger than anyone of us. We look forward to hearing from each of you that has it within you to contribute directly to this creation. I am so very proud to be associated with all of you. Thank you all for allowing me to participate on the level you have allowed. Let’s work towards seeing each other on the Moon by 2010.
With warm regards from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government
Dennis M. Hope
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese” The Lunar Embassy
1-800-586-2729 Toll Free in the USA
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
001-702-991-1247 Galactic Government
Our new satellite office address is:
The Lunar Embassy
1329 US Highway 395 North
Suite 10-281
Gardnerville, Nv. 89410
Greetings from The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government:
This has started off to be a very interesting year for the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government. The first item to discuss is the Lunar Embassy is moving on April 1, 2005. We have decided to build our own facility and have changed addresses. The new address for the Lunar Embassy is 1329 US Highway 395 North, Suite 10-281, Gardnerville, Nevada, USA 89410. The new phone numbers will be available at the end of this month and we will publish them on the web sites as well as mention them in the next newsletter at the first of April, 2005. The Earth based headquarters for the Galactic Government will be the same as above, a new phone number for that organization will be published in April as well.
The Embassy has been negotiating with an accredited investor for the last year in order to place our computers on the Moon of Earth. The negotiations have gone extremely well the last few weeks and we have all but agreed to all stipulations. Indications from the investors are very positive. What this means in the nutshell is sometime this year we will start the process for placing 25 blade computers on the Moon in order to start several commercial ventures. The first is the very first Internet Service Provider outside the sphere of Earth. The second will be the registry for Lunar Corporations, so that you will have your physical addresses on the Moon. The third is the Lunar Embassy Bank. This bank will be for the deposits of the companies listed on the Moon. We will also provide more than 6 other commercial ventures including secure data storage. This is an exciting time for the Embassy. We realize the total ramifications of this successful event. The world media will have a wonderful time with it. In fact this project should generate enough media attention globally that we will become the household word we have been striving towards.
Ambassadorships are available. We have made some changes in our staffing and with those changes a couple of vacancies have occurred. We are searching for Ambassadors (a fee based licensing agreement for the Ambassador to exclusively sell the Lunar Embassy property in their geographic region. The following is a replacement list; Australia/New Zealand, South Korea, Canada, the Nordic Countries Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland. We are also looking for Ambassadors in the following areas; Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Spain, Portugal and Greece. As the Lunar Computer Project starts to gain in media attention these Ambassadorships will become inaccessible. All Ambassadorships not assigned by the time the computers actually get to the Moon of Earth (sometime 36 months after the project is funded) will cease to be available at any price. If you have a desire to be involved as an Ambassador you need to contact us in the very near future so that we might be able to accommodate your needs.
The Lunar Computer Project is not associated with the TransOrbital Archive Project. That project is a stand alone project that we have been contract for since February of 2002. Our understanding from TransOrbital is that the launch will take place this year sometime. Any of you that have not registered to have your names included on the disc going to the Moon with TransOrbital and want your name listed you need to register as soon as possible on our website. We should be able to give you at least thirty (30) days notice before the launch so there is still time to register. We will have a complete newsletter in the first part of April 2005. Sorry for the shortness of this one but with the move and all it has taken us by surprise.
Until next time we remain respectfully yours.
With warm regards from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government
Dennis M. Hope
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) President Ð Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese” Ð The Lunar Embassy
800-586-2729 Inside the USA
+1-702-991-1232 Outside the USA
+1-775-265-7938 Fax
+1-702-991-1247 Galactic Government
Greetings from The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government:
As a planet we have just all suffered an unthinkable disaster in Southern Asia. With death tolls near 150,000 people and half a million people injured, this is by all accounts a global catastrophe. The Lunar Embassy would like to send our condolences to all families directly suffering from this event. Our prayers and thoughts go out to all those effected by this tsunami in all countries on planet Earth.
This has been an exciting year for all of us. The Embassy has accomplished one of its long time tasks and that was to take Lisa Fulkerson to court for violation of her contract with the Embassy. Lisa Fulkerson created a monumental problem of the credibility for the Lunar Embassy by creating fraud in a business setting while acknowledged as the authorized Ambassador of Canada for the Lunar Embassy. The court award to the Lunar Embassy has been determined at a whopping $2,000,000.00 US dollars. Ms. Fulkerson is currently in prison in Canada for her legal misgivings and will be there for a sentence of 240 months. For those of you that are not familiar with what MS. Fulkerson did, I will explain. She was appointed as the Lunar Embassy Ambassador in February of 2000, for the country of Canada. For as long as she was the Ambassador for Canada she performed her duties to our customers in an exemplary fashion. All persons in Canada that ever ordered property from Fulkerson organization received their property in an accurate and timely fashion. Sometime during 2003, according to the detectives that deposed the “Head Cheese” early in 2004, MS. Fulkerson devised a plan to take on investors for two of the three businesses owned by Fulkerson. Unfortunately she had created a monumental case of fraud for those investors. It has been reported to the Lunar Embassy that the total dollar amount is actually unknown at this time but purported to be in the millions. Ms. Fulkerson in our opinion just got greedy and took the lower road to wealth. For her actions we are most unhappy and feel the courts in Canada have provided her with accommodations befitting her actions for he next 200 and some odd months. Also it should be noted, the Lunar Embassy knew from the beginning of our court session that we would never see any of the money awarded to us through this court case. The purpose of the trial was to test our ability to sue those that infringe on our claims. We will pursue all others on this planet that choose to think they can sell our lands without our permission. Beware all copycat companies on this planet. The Lunar Embassy will come after you in a court of law and you will have to pay the piper at some point.
As most of you know the Lunar Embassy started our “Archive Project” in 2002. We have contracted with TransOrbital Inc., to carry our disc of Property owners to the surface of the Moon. The contract is still in force and as far as we know from TransOrbital, they are still going to have their launch sometime in 2005. The difficulties of creating an actual launch that can carry items to the Moon of Earth are a lot more difficult than one might imagine. We have all the faith in the world that TransOrbital will be carrying our items to the Moon of Earth soon. If we could give you the exact date we would publish it to you all immediately. In fact as soon as we receive that information we will send it to each of you. Until that time if you have not registered your property for this trip the cost is $15.00 US dollars and needs to be paid before the launch date happens. We are pretty sure you will have at least another three months if not longer before the official launch date is divulged.
Late in 2004, the Lunar Embassy announced that we had received suitable maps to start the subdivision on Mercury. The properties are now for sale on the order site of the Lunar Embassy ( The price of these properties are the same as the other land we sell, $19.99 + $1.51 planetary tax + $10.00 US dollars for shipping and handling for up to five sets of documents to any single address anywhere in the world. The total is $31.50 US dollars. To have a name added to the documents is only $2.50 more.
. For the first quarter of the New Year, (2005), we are offering celebrity neighborhoods. The following neighborhoods will be available on the Moon Earth, and Mars starting January 2005. John Travolta, Meg Ryan, Queen Latifa, Tom Cruise. During the second quarter of 2005, we will offer new celebrity neighborhoods. If you have favorites in this area please email us so that we might be able to coordinate that for you in the second quarter of 2005. These properties will be just a bit higher in price but your property will then be placed by or very near the celebrity listed for that neighborhood. If the celebrity you desire is not a property owner you can always purchase a property for them and then we will set them up for all to enjoy. This is the first time the Lunar Embassy has been able to offer these unique neighborhoods for all to be near their favorite celebrities.
It only took a year to get this all in line for Galactic Government legal corporations. Now for the first 6 months you can acquire a legal corporation on the Moon of Earth through the Galactic Government with a physical address on the Moon for as little as $250.00 US dollars. Applications will be available on January 15, 2005. Once your application is filled out and the fees submitted the corporation shall be fully functioning. The documents will take from 4 to 6 weeks to get to you. We will provide a faxed copy of the Certificate of Incorporation to you upon acceptance of the application and receipt of payment. Of course we will take most credit cards and company checks drawn against US banks, international money orders and wire transfers to the Galactic Government account. The advantages to having your address on another planet is that your home of record then becomes that address. All Earth based offices or facilities we be sanctioned as satellite offices. Eventually, when we actually get to the destination, all of your protocols will be in place. Before we actually get to the Moon of Earth to set up colonies we will place and array of computers up there so we can fully function down here.
Our friends at “Interactive Virtual Moon Simulator,” have created three dimensional property views of land on the moon of Earth. Any of you that would like to see specific properties based on your deeds we will be able to give you exact pictures to within 1/1000th of a degree. The cost on these will be $29.95 plus shipping and handling of $4.95 US dollars each. They are fully framable and excellent cartography for your specific properties. These representations are of exact properties based on your lot number, area and quadrants. Contact the Embassy at 001-702-991-1232 outside the USA and 800-586-2729 inside the Embassy for this very unique item.
The Lunar Embassy from time to time reminds those of you out there with a desire to own your own company that we have a wonderful opportunity. We are currently looking for Ambassadors in Brazil, Portugal, China, India, Argentina and Mexico. “The Ambassador Program,” is a fee based licensing agreement that allows the selected individual or company the exclusive rights to sell all Lunar Embassy properties in their countries. The requirements are pretty simple. You have to have a desire to sell our lands, you need to have some idea of what it takes to market products in your country, you have to be in a place in your life where you want to bring tremendous change to your financial situation (for the better of course), you have to be comfortable interviewing with the world media, TV radio, magazines, newspapers, and website journalists. You also have to have a sense of adventure. We are getting ready for the next ten years, which will produce the absolute possibility of colonization on the Moon of Earth. All of our Ambassadors have received a level of notoriety not known by them before joining the Embassy team. If you are a person with the above mentioned qualities let us know. You might be the next Ambassador for the Lunar Embassy.
The Galactic Government has a few positions available for the Cabinet for the President of the Galactic Government. We are reviewing applications now and would like to have any of you with a desire to change the universe in a very positive way to contact us and ask for an application. If your application is accepted and you become a cabinet member of the Galactic Government you will be helping the President on a personal basis to create the foundation for the first administration of the Galactic Government. As an advisor to the President you will have conferences directly with him crafting the direction for the first administration of the government. We have seven positions available and will describe them in detail once you make contact with us. You should have great people skills, a desire to change the universe as we know it, the ability to sway opinion, and a direction in life that is pioneering in its concept. We need free thinkers and people dedicated to the colonization process. Individuals that see themselves a leaders of their community with the ability to interact with the President of the Galactic Government for the overall good of all the citizens of the Galactic Government. If this describes you and your desires, contact us at the Lunar Embassy.
Now that 2004 is officially over I would like to take a personal moment and thank you all again for your support and continued faith in this project. We have weathered all sorts of storms and will continue to do so. We have made contact with all governments on this planet through the office of the Galactic Government in order to set in motion diplomatic relations. We have already received positive responses from those inquiries and expect by the end of 2005 and have actual acceptance of our government from at least 50 governments on planet Earth. Our scheduled meeting with President George Bush has been postponed because of the disaster in southern Asia. We will be making contact again sometime in March of 2005. Once this historic meeting takes place it is our position that the USA will have a lease in hand for 30,000 acres on the Moon of Earth for their proposed “Deep Space Launch Facility.” None of this could have happened without the continued enthusiasm shared by all of you with us at the Embassy. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are hoping that 2005 will be our break out year for acceptance on a globally governmental acceptance basis unknown to us before. Hold on to your hats the ride is just about to get very fast. Someday in the not to distant future we will see you all on the Moon. Until then stay safe and enjoy the ride down here.
With warm regards from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government
Dennis M. Hope
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) President Ð Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese” Ð The Lunar Embassy
800-586-2729 Inside the USA
+1-702-991-1232 Outside the USA
+1-775-265-7938 Fax
+1-702-991-1247 Galactic Government
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government!
This project never seems dull or uninteresting to me. I have been spending a lot of time within the walls of the Lunar Embassy and Galactic Government headquarters this last four months. Actually since we relieved Deborah Charles of her position as Company Financial Officer. The fortunate part for us is that we found, Philip Sturlin. Philip has been here since the beginning of June 2004 and I promise you he is a God Send. Philip is an extraordinary individual with the capacity to keep our facility running in the black. We wanted everyone to meet Philip and we will post his picture in the next newsletter but for now he will remain faceless.
TransOrbital, Inc., is telling us that they are actually going to be able to launch their craft before the end of this year. We really hope they have gotten to the point where the rocket and orbiter will leave the confines of Earth and start its orbit around the Moon. The primary mission for “Trailblazer,” (the name of the craft being launched by TransOrbital) is to videotape the entire surface of the Moon in the highest resolution ever provided for mapping and usage. Once the mission is complete the craft will be placed into an orbit structure that will allow the “Trailblazer,” to crash into one of the polar mountains. I am sorry that I do not know at this point whether it will crash into the North or south polar region. As a safety measure, the disc TranOrbital is carrying to the Moon for us (under our contractual agreement) will have all the paid registrations from all participating property owners on it as well as the original, “declaration of ownership,” send to the UN, USA and former USSR in 1980. We will also include the ratified Constitution for the Galactic Government in this cargo. The purpose of this is to create a virtual presence on the Moon for all our property owners that wish to have their virtual presence on the Moon. We still have about three months for those of you that have not had the chance to participate in the registration of your property on the disc and we will accept registrations up to the first of December 2004. Remember the registration is $15.00 US dollars. The reason we are requesting the financial assistance from all property owner registrants is that to send this 16 gram disc to the Moon has a cost factor of $2,500.00 US dollars per gram. The total cost for this disc is $40,000.00. We would like to place as many names on the disc as possible and feel this will strengthen our “pursuit of perfection” of the original claim in 1980. Contact us if you have not had the opportunity to register your property on the “Archive Program.”
Starting in August, the Lunar Embassy appointed two new Ambassadors. Canada is now being represented by Terry Coulombe of Windsor, Ontario. The name of TerryÕs business will be “The Lunar Embassy, Canada.” His website address will be The second appointed Ambassador is for South Korea. The Ambassadors name is Albert Kim Won Jong, who is located in Seoul, South Korea. The name of his business is, “Lunar Embassy Korea.” His website will be We would like to welcome these two adventurous individuals into the team of the Lunar Embassy. On a somewhat disappointing note the negotiations for the USA Ambassadorship have come to a halt. The individual we were dealing with for this position over the last year has finally come to the conclusion that he would not be able to do justice to the project at this time. The Lunar Embassy will entertain the idea of negotiating with others for the position of Ambassador for the USA over the next few months but we will not appoint any individual until after the first of January 2005. In case you are new to the property owners of the Lunar Embassy I will take a moment and let you know what the Ambassador program is. The Lunar Embassy has realized for the last 6 years that we cannot be all things to all people. We need to find a way to have excellent representation in other countries. The headquarters for the Lunar Embassy is located within the United States of America. We look for candidates for the Ambassador position that have a burning desire to participate in a project that will literally change the world as we know it. The Ambassadors purchase the exclusive rights to sell our properties in their countries. This is a full time, demanding opportunity that will provide the right individuals with an enormous financial return possibility. Currently we have Ambassadors for the following countries; Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. We are looking for Ambassadors in Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico, South Africa, Egypt, and Brazil. There are other countries available but we are concentrating on the countries listed. If, however you live in a country not listed above and you have a desire to change the world, contact either Dennis M. Hope or Michele D. Lopez about the opportunity.
In our ongoing quest to develop validity from people all over this planet we have hired an individual named, David Daniels, from Pennsylvania to find certain media persons to become involved with our desire to make the Lunar Embassy a household name. David is involved in trying to get us placed on TV talk shows, like the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Night with David Letterman, Last Call with Carson Daily, Oprah, Live with Regis and Kelly, Good Morning America, the Today show, The Early show and many more. David is also looking for a few interesting individuals that might have abilities in these realms; Authors for a book about the Lunar Embassy and its growth into its own government, screen writers for a documentary to be aired on world TV stations, screen writers interested I capturing on film the Lunar Embassy, and Dennis M. Hope story as a feature film to be seen in all countries around the world. I would like to personally ask for anyone that has information or inroads to the industries mentioned above to contact me, Dennis M. Hope at the Lunar Embassy via email, phone, or letter as soon as possible and I will put you in touch with Mr. Daniels.
We have been talking about the Lunar Corporations and the ability for all interested parties to have a way to form their very own legal Lunar Corporation. I have spent the last eight months with our legal staff putting this project together. I am so close to having it exactly the way we need it that I believe the program will be up and running on our website before September 15, 2004. The Corporations will adopt for the most part the 2000 International Business Act (from the country of Belize) with exclusions and inclusions conforming to the Galactic Government requirements as well. These legal corporations will have the privileges of international law as well as the benefits provided by the Galactic Government. In the near future the Lunar Embassy will place a number of computers on the surface of the Moon and at that time we will have the Lunar Bank put on line so that the business circle is complete. We will be the furthest off shore banking system known to mankind. In fact we are in process of starting to discuss the basis for forming the Lunar Bank. If you have any friends or acquaintances familiar with starting a bank we would be interested in discussing that ability with you. Having knowledge of international banking will help tremendously. According to our legal council, this is a project that if we follow the recognized precepts of law in place currently for offshore banking, we will be in the safe zone for making this project work. Any responsible person that can assist in the formation of this offshore bank will be assigned a major position within the bank and could be part of the Cabinet Members of the Galactic Government. Respond as usual to the Lunar Embassy or Dennis M. Hope here.
In our last newsletter I mentioned that the Galactic Government was looking for qualified individuals that possessed the desire to be in public life. The Galactic Government has received 15 returned applications for positions within the Galactic Government. The positions available are Congress Persons (normally conscripted but for the first run we would entertain the idea of volunteers), Senator (male or female elected position), Vice President (male or female elected position), President (male or female elected position). The current Galactic Government is seated with a President, four Cabinet members (we need 17), no Vice President, No Senators or Congress Persons. At the head of the Galactic Government currently is Dennis M. Hope who was constitutionally voted in during the construction of the Galactic Government. I have been working on placing the Secretaries for the Cabinet Members since late May of 2004. I am still looking for the remaining cabinet members (13 still needed) and would appreciate any one interested in the Congressional positions to contact us for the applications. These are all positions that will require some time on your part and an active voice in the construction of the full government. IF you are such a person or know of some one that is such a person, please have them contact the Lunar Embassy as soon as possible. We are approaching this from a relatively serious side. We would like to have the positions filled by the end of this year. The reason is that we cannot hold our first true election until representatives, a Vice President (interim until the first election), and President are all in place so that we can elect the first delegation for the active government processes. Let us know if you have these abilities and we will find a way to make you part of this world changing program.
I would like to take a few words to describe to you the thanks that I have for all of you that have taken the time to be involved in our project to this date. I am still amazed at the interest there is in purchasing the lands that we at The Lunar Embassy offer. I recognize that if you, the citizens and consumers chose not to purchase these lands, the Lunar Embassy would cease to exist. It is through your dreams that we are able to approach all these projects and goals. When I started this project in 1980, I never really thought the project would develop in the exact manner in which it has developed. I am proud that you have all elected me within the structure of the newly ratified Constitution to be your acting President. I am honored beyond belief. I will strive to provide excellence in the dispatching of my duties. I will hold myself in the highest accord to your benefit. I will pledge to conduct the business of the Galactic Government in the highest standard available. As your President I am honored to carry the flag to the highest level of accomplishment. You have provided the Embassy and the Galactic Government with a task that could frighten some. I am humbled at your trust in me and I hope to never disappoint any of you with the results of my efforts. Thank you all for the continued support and acceptance of the roads this project is traveling on. You are the pioneers of this new era. I am proud to be your representative. I happily await the day that we can all meet on our planets of choice. For me it is the Moon and Mars. I will see you all there someday soon.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) Ð President Ð Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
Inside the USA 1-800-586-2729 Embassy/Government
Outside the USA 001-702-991-1232 Embassy/Government
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government!
This week sNewsflash we would like to start with a little prayer:
The Lunar Embassy would like to ask all who visit this site to say a small prayer for Chris and Michell Lamar, (the Head Cheese’s son and Daughter-in-law) who are attempting to become pregnant via invitro fertilization. Your prayers for a successful implantation would be most appreciated. These two individuals will make wonderful parents and they could really use your help. Thanks for your prayers in advance.
It has been a while since we had the opportunity to correspond with all of you. There are so many things that have transpired since our last -Email. Before I get into all of the news I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for the support and direction you have all lent to this project. We have determined that a global community does in fact want to purchase celestial lands land at a reasonable price. We all know if we get into this program from the ground floor that we will ultimately be in the best position to take advantage of these newly created lands. Since this project started twenty-three years and seven months ago we have had the opportunity to see 2.6 million of you in 180 countries purchase land on the Moon, Mars, Venus, or IO. For all of your efforts I want to say thank you.
On March 5, 2004, the Galactic Government placed its Constitution on line for voting at the Lunar Embassy website, The Constitution was on line from March 5, 2004, through March 31, 2004. The total amount of votes placed worldwide was 178,251. In those votes 178,196 voted for the ratification and 55 voted against ratification. What this means is, The Galactic Government is now a fully ratify constitutional sovereign nation. The processes that are in place currently are to put the Presidential Cabinet members in place. We already have our Secretary’s of the Interior, Secretary General, Attorney General, and Secretary of Aerospace Medicine and Human Services. We are looking for qualified individuals for the following Presidential Cabinet Secretary positions; Secretary of Technology, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Education, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Communications, Secretary of the Constitution, and Secretary of Utilities. We are also looking for an appointment for Vice President, and Senators. Our goal is to have all the Presidential Cabinet members in place by the end of July, 2004. If you feel you are qualified to hold a position of this nature please contact acting President of the Galactic Government, Dennis M. Hope at Our Galactic Government website will be constructed in a short time and we will then invite the world to come and see what can happen if you allow yourself to dream. We are on the way to creating the most powerful, human rights oriented government, in the history of humankind. It is our hopes and dreams that by March of next year we will have our first global election for President, Vice-President, and Senators. Again, if you have a desire to be involved with the crafting of a nation (an opportunity that does not come along all the time) and helping in the direction of that newly formed government, you need to contact Dennis M. Hope soon. On that same note we are in need of 30 House of Representative (Congress persons) members to volunteer for the next year. With the help of the Acting President, appointed Vice President, Appointed Cabinet Members, and 30 representatives we can start getting ready for our first election for President, Vice President, Senators and of course the conscription of all 104 need representatives of the Congress. If you have desires to be involved in this monumental process contact us now.
COMING SOON: The Lunar Embassy has finally created the maps and documents for the planet Mercury. For those of you that would like purchase acre properties on Mercury, in the second half of July, you can place your order on the Lunar Embassy’s shopping site! The first 5,000 acres sold will sell for $15.99 + $1.16 planetary tax + $10.00 for shipping and handling of up to five sets of documents to the same address anywhere in the world. Total for one property is $27.15 US dollars. This is a savings of $4.35 over the regularly priced property after the first 5,000 acres.
The Lunar Embassy has still contracted with TransOrbital Inc. for the cargo carrying capability for our disc of all the registered property owners going to the Moon of Earth later this year. TransOrbital has had some minor setbacks in the last two years but it looks like everything has been worked out for now. We can take reservations from those of you that have not participated in the registration process for this disc going to the Moon. Just for clarification, when you buy your property on line it is automatically registered in our data base at the Lunar Embassy Headquarters. For those of you that purchase from our resellers around the world your registrations for the property are sent to us from the resellers. The ÒArchive ProjectÓ for the disc going to the Moon, you need to register your desire for your property to be included on that disc. The cost for this registration for the disc going to the Moon is $15.00 US and no tax. Once you have made payment to the Lunar Embassy for our disc registration we will add your information to the disc and shoot it to the Moon as soon as TransOrbital, Inc. lifts off for the Moon. It really is up to TransOrbital, Inc. as to when the craft will actually be launched. What we have been trying to do for all of you over the last couple of years is to keep you updated as to the information being supplied by TransOrbital, Inc. to the Lunar Embassy. The mission is still on and we still have room for more names to be added to the disc. By going to the website, you can place your information and make payment for inclusion into this program. We look forward to hearing from you. You can also call the Lunar Embassy at the following numbers; 1-800-586-2729 Inside the USA, 1-702-991-1232 Outside the USA or fax us at 1-775-265-7938 with all the information about your property, address, phone, and desired payment method.
Our project for the creation of corporations on the Moon will begin in earnest on July 31, 2004. We will enter into the record all corporations that have signed up and paid for their first year fees on the disc going to the Moon with TransOrbital, Inc. later this year. The introductory price of these valid corporations is set at $250.00 US dollars. This will be the annual fee for the first five years of all that take advantage prior to the launch date later this year with TransOrbital, Inc. All those requesting corporate status, with physical addresses on the Moon of Earth after September 1, 2004 will be required to pay the full price of $350.00 US dollars for the first and subsequent years. Once you have become a Lunar Corporation you will always pay the fee you started with. If the fees are raised over the years you will enjoy the rate you paid on an ongoing annual basis for the length your corporation is in force. If for example you sign up now till September 1, 2004, your price always will be $250.00 US dollars. If you wait until 2006, your fees might be $400.00 US dollars and would remain that fee until your corporation would cease to exist. If you have a desire to create a company for yourself or you would like to take your existing company and create it as a Lunar Corporation then you need to contact the Lunar Embassy as soon as possible.
It appears that our world is getting smaller. Space One has made its maiden voyage to a height of 62 miles in preparation for their competition flight for the ‘X’ prize. This will open the door for private company trips to space in the very near future. We are absolutely living in a miraculous time. Imagine in the next ten years being able to affordably fly into space and reach a destination hotel for a weekend in space. Visiting the Galactic Hotel for a small respite. The next step of course is getting to the other planets and moons of our galaxy. In October of 2003, the Lunar Embassy became the sponsor of an ‘X’ prize participant. After an arduous process and monies being invested we have come to an impasse. The program was researched by some friends of the Lunar Embassy and the findings of that research was, the theoretical aspects of the propulsion system of the project were verified as being possible and more than that probable. The Lunar Embassy enjoined with the company and started the process of proving the theoretical aspects into practical applications. This is where we have seemingly hit the proverbial brick wall. Without a tremendously larger amount of money being invested (an amount of ridiculous proportions) into the project it seems we are stumped. So with that said we, The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government are interested in developing a relationship with any private individual or company that would like to provide a ride for 2.6 million property owners to the celestial lands. With our sales reaching 1,500 acres a day we have a source of passengers that will last for a very long time. The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government are anxious to start this process. Please contact us at your earliest convenience so we also can get to space.
Our Ambassador program is in full swing. We have nearly finished negotiations for the USA Ambassador, whom we anticipate will beginning servicing the USA market place in July of this year. We have also reached an agreement with Albert Kim of South Korea who will also start his Ambassadorship duties in July. We are currently looking for 6 new Ambassadors for China, India, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, and Taiwan. If you like the idea of being your own boss, affiliated with a global marketing company, long hours, more fun than you could ever imagine, and the ability to be on the ground floor of the most exciting real estate venture ever known to humankind then we have an opportunity for you. As an Ambassador for the Lunar Embassy you will be able to be involved in media contacts from all over your country. You will develop a celebrity status know by just a few in the world, have the opportunity to change your life financially for ever, and be involved in the most exciting and growing business in the world. If this is of interest to you please contact the Dennis M. Hope at the Lunar Embassy 1-800-586-2729 inside the USA or 001-702-991-1232 and we will have you on the path of your destiny in no time.
For those of you wondering why we are looking for an Ambassador in Canada I will take a moment to fill you in. Lisa Fulkerson was our Ambassador in Canada from Feb, 2000, until August of 2003. Ms. Fulkerson decided that she had not been able to capture as much revenue as she desired so she created documents stating she had the legal right to sell Lunar Embassy property in the USA. She then used these documents to entice individuals to invest in her thriving business. The only problem was, she did not have the authorization to sell these investments. She is now serving a minimum of 2 years in federal prison in Canada. The results of Lisa Fulkersons deceptions were greed. She decided to cheat the individuals that were actually paying her a substantial living annually from the sale of land in Canada. She is not in prison because the sale of the land was fraudulent it was fraud that she purported to have the ability to sell the Lunar Embassy Land in the USA. Since Lisa Fulkerson’s little escapades landed her in prison the Lunar Embassy filed suit against her as well. She now, according to court order, owes the Lunar Embassy $2,000,000.00 US dollars.
Remember there are still copycat companies out there trying to convince everyone that they are the legitimate company for selling lands on celestial bodies. Some of them have gone so far as to claim to have acquired rights dating back 200 years or so. They just cannot accept the fact that they were to late with my idea. The Lunar Embassy filed its claim with the appropriate authorities in 1980. Most of these companies started around 1999. We are setting in motion this year an opportunity for our legal team to deliver court papers to two companies in the USA and three companies in Germany. The Galactic Government is also in process of setting up alliances with all the governments of the planet Earth and requesting of them to eliminate these fraudulent companies who are selling land they do no own. We are going to pursue this also with the Attorney General of the Galactic Government. All avenues of resolution at our disposal will be utilized to rid this planet of people that are criminal in their intent towards these properties.
The Lunar Embassy and our company financial officer have parted ways. Deborah Charles has left the organization on June 2, 2004. We wish her good health and wealth in her life. On a positive note however, we have the wonderful opportunity of welcoming Mr. Philip Sturlin. Philip is an outside consultant that has agreed to work exclusively for the Lunar Embassy in capacity of our income and expenditures. We are so pleased that Philip has decided to relocate from Jackson Hole Wyoming and settle here in Gardnerville, with his new bride. Philip started providing services to the Lunar Embassy on June 17, 2004.
So much has happened since this silly little idea came to me in November of 1980. You have all made this a giant success story for all humans on planet Earth. I cannot tell you how proud I am to be at the helm of these two wonderful organizations. The Lunar Embassy has been around for twenty-three years seven months and the Galactic Government has been our ally since July 20, 2001. To see from a global community the enthusiasm and sincerity of most of you with regard to the programs and projects started by the Lunar Embassy over the years is extremely heart warming. As the Constitutionally recognized Acting President of the Galactic Government I will provide the very best direction for this governing body envisioned by all of you. We are on our way to being the model for a one-world (maybe one galaxy) government. Our government truly has the best interest of all human rights of any government currently serving citizens on Earth. We will not settle for mediocrity. Our determination and resolve is to provide an accurate accounting for the actions of your government and to have all the bugs worked out before colonization ever takes place. We want your experience with the nation to be the best you will ever have and with your help we can achieve these lofty goals. Thanks again for your generosity and support. We hope it will serve all of you well. Until next time, keep the stars in your eyes and your deeds in your safe.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO (Celestial Executive Officer) Ð Acting President Ð Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government!
We are entering a very new time for the growth of the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government. We have so much to tell you in this letter I guess I should get right to it.
On August 1, 2003, the Lunar Embassy terminated Lisa Fulkerson of Moonland Registry.Com. This means we have a void as far as being represented in Canada. We are actively seeking individuals in Canada that would like to be seen as a candidate for the Ambassador of Canada. This is a fee based licensing agreement position. There are requirements including the ability to market, promote, and distribute celestial lands to the citizens, retail outlets, and promoters. You will have to have financial capabilities insuring that you are set up to accomplish the requirements of the position. If you have interest in being considered as a candidate, please contact Dennis M. Hope at the Lunar Embassy office 001-702-991-1232 or email at The rewards for this position are remarkable. We are currently negotiating with the following countries for Ambassadorships: Canada, Germany, China, Taiwan, So. Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, the United States, Brazil, and the Philippines. While we are in negotiations for these countries we have not reached a decision on any particular individuals yet. We have a goal of having 50 Ambassadors by the end of 2004. If you have a business background and are interested in looking at a potential business that could change your life, you need to contact us. We have a wonderfully profitable program for you.
In August of 2002 the Lunar Embassy entered into a contractual agreement with TransOrbital Inc., to carry our Declaration of Ownership to the Moon along with their mission. They have had some normal delays that have created a situation that will not allow the launch to happen until the first part of 2004. We have had no part in this delay and have actually taken steps to assure that our disc will be there soon regardless of who the carrier is.
The Lunar Embassy has just become a sponsor for the “X-Prize.” The “X-Prize” is a competition from the private sector of our society demonstrating an ability to launch into space three humans to a distance of 100 kilometers and back safely. Then repeating the process within a two week period. The winner is awarded $10,000,000.00 US dollars for their winning efforts. Our tentative launch date is December 24, 2003. After the successful launch of the first mission the second will be December 31, 2003. With the success of both launches we would like to invite those of you interested in a ride to space and beyond to contact the Embassy. We are acting as the agents for the ticketing of these trips to space and beyond from our sponsored transportation company. The cost of the pre-“X-prize” refundable tickets are $20,000.00 US dollars and after the “X-Prize” has completed its required flights the cost of the tickets will be $28,500.00 US dollars. If you have always wanted to go into space for a few hours then this is your chance. If we reserve a ticket for you prior to December 24, 2003, then you only pay $20,000.00, If you wait till the second flight to purchase your refundable tickets the cost will be $28,500.00 US dollars. If you will remember in 2002 there were a couple of gentlemen that went to the Space Station at a cost of $20,000,000.00 US dollars each. We have reached a target price much lower so that many more people can enjoy the possibilities of space travel. This is an adventure that can truly change your life. We are so pleased to be able to participate in this program. Our hopes and dreams are that someday in the near future we will be able to provide trips directly to your property. Keep your fingers crossed and look to the stars, they do not seem to be as far away today. Contact us at the Embassy and we will provide all necessary information so that you can have a fulfilling ride to space. Think of it someday taking 50 or maybe even 100 people to space at a time. We know there is technology out there somewhere that will allow us to achieve these lofty goals in the not so distant future. The Embassy will do its very best to stay focused on achieving these goals.
Starting also on November 15, 2003, the Lunar Embassy acting as the representative agent for the Galactic Government will offer for sale the opportunity to purchase your very own Corporation with a headquartered address on the Moon of Earth. With the advent of our mission capabilities with our sponsored transportation company it is our goal to place an array of computers on the Moon’s surface in the first part of 2004. Included in this array is our virtual city, (“New Hope City”) and contained with in the boundaries of this newly established city are 27,450,000 individual addresses for the use by our citizens to create their headquarters on the Moon of Earth. Using the current laws for off shore banking the Embassy will offer an opportunity for each of its citizens to use their newly formed corporations and headquartered addresses to benefit them as offshore companies. To that end we are offering a corporation adhering to the precepts of law as it is currently established and recognized on planet Earth for an introductory price of $250.00 US per year. You will receive a complete corporate binder with all relevant inclusions to function as a viable, profit oriented corporation with a headquartered address on the Moon of Earth. Once the array of computers is in place and functioning the corporate rates will go to $375.00 US dollars per year. If you have interest in this program please contact the Embassy at your convenience. The corporate possibilities will be available on the Lunar Embassy website go to the ordering section and look for Corporation. We have currently signed 15 corporations headquartered in “New Hope City.”
Hopefully, by November 15, 2003, the Constitution Bill of rights will be completed and on the Galactic Government website for your voting pleasure. I realize it has taken more time than we anticipated to get the new Constitution to you for ratification. We wanted to make sure we represented the very best ideals for each of your human rights before we presented to you, the citizens of our solar system, this very important and creative document for your approval. The voting will commence from November 15, 2003, to December 31, 2003. We will post a note to each of you where to go and how to vote on this history making document. We are realizing our opportunity to have a “One World Government” model in place that we can utilize as our own. I am hopeful that all of you will be pleased with the results of all these months processing the information sent to us from representatives around this planet. The Embassy has been negotiating with a major cable network in the USA about the opportunity of having a one hour documentary done on this very interesting business. We are in the final stages of negotiations and are hopeful that the results will come out in a positive decision. We have already passed three segments of negotiations and have but one more to go. I personally think it would be a wonderful thing to have a documentary about the Lunar Embassy and its evolutionary story. I think the world would truly enjoy seeing the program as it has grown over the last twenty-three years. We are also entertaining the idea of a major motion picture about this adventure. We have net with and discussed the possibility of such a venture with major participants in the film industry and have had much encouragement about a project like this.
We are turning the corner of 2003. After surviving for twenty-three years and seeing the future as it were, the Lunar Embassy is encouraged about the events that are unfolding. We have traveled quite a distance but we have truly just begun. With your continued help and support the Embassy will undoubtedly make its mark on human history. Without your participation none of this would be possible. The human pioneering spirit cannot be quelled. We are by nature explorers, adventurers, and just plain curious about why we are here, where we are going, how we are going to get there, what we will do when we arrive and how we will change the things there that we do not like here. Our goals are defined. We are just at the threshold of receiving the knowledge and technology that will allow us to proceed in a manner not understood by our predecessors. This is a very exciting time for all of us. The history of the planet Earth is just about to change and all of you are part of that process. Your grandchildren will read about your insights in the history books in the future. The Lunar Embassy is proud to be involved in this mission. We have tried to create an environment of tolerance and acceptance not known on Earth for the properties we sell and develop. The future is speeding towards us even as I write this letter to you. Although the dynamics of change are a regular part of our existence we can feel the excitement of the energies that are hurling towards us now. Again without your continued support and participation none of this would be happening right now. You should all pat yourselves on the back. You are creating your next world right now, right here, without fear. I congratulate each and every one of you. I will write again when we have exact dates for the voting for the Galactic Government’s Constitution/Bill of Rights. Remember to reserve your seat on the next flight to space and get your company registered as a Lunar Corporation. Until next time, find the good in all, dream about the day when you’ll go to the Moon and visit your home away from home, and dare to be part of this quite revolution.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO/(acting) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government!
Admittedly it has been a while since we sent out our last newsletter. The reasons are that we have been working very hard to get the individuals interested in helping us to craft the Constitution for the Galactic Government to provide us with their thoughts on how the Constitution should be directed. It has been our goal for sometime now to have the Constitution for the Galactic Government completed by the end of August 2003, so that we can place it on our website for voting. We are currently on track for this to happen and we are very excited about the prospects of having the ratification process coming together without a hitch. This Constitution is breaking new ground as we are attempting to create a government without direct taxation to its citizens. We will be able to provide for the human rights and needs of all of our citizens without the encumbrances of taxes on their efforts. The Galactic Government will have to be self supporting and bid for jobs in the private sector along with other entrepreneurial organizations. The government will be a central location for resolving disputes and carrying on the workings of the citizens on a daily basis without the restrictive nature of government as we know it. Keep your fingers crossed because I think we are on to something very special for all of us here.
There have been some request from property owners requesting to purchase properties for favorite celebrities. The Lunar Embassy is always looking for viable ways to get the celebrities of the world to join us in our property ownership program. We do not have a policy of just giving the property to people of note and have struggled with a concept to provide our citizens with the ability to assign a property to their favorite individuals or groups. We now have in place a program for you to select a celebrity to receive a property from you directly. In order to participate in this program all you need to do is contact the Lunar Embassy via our e-mail or phone and tell us who the celebrity is you would like to purchase a property for and we will make sure that celebrity, politician, person or group of note will receive your gift. They will also be informed as to who it was that provided them with this gift. As an example in March of this year I was on NBC’s Late Night with Conan O’Brien Show. The guests on that show were Queen Latifa, Jason Schwartzman, and of course Conan O’Brien the host of the show. The Embassy notified some of the locals that had told us they wanted to send celebrities a property and they all came through for the three celebrities above. Contact us at or call us at 1-800-586-2729 inside the USA or 001-702-991-1232 if outside the USA.
For those of you that have wondered about buying large blocks of land from the Lunar Embassy we do have major discounts available for you. We have the following available: Good for all planets/moons we sell
All properties on the list above after city size properties are available from the Lunar Embassy and our mortgage office for financing. The requirements are pretty easy. There are no credit checks and no complicated forms or red tape. We will require 25% down and we will finance for up to 30 years depending on the overall package. All mortgages are serviced by the Lunar Embassy and will not be sold to other lending institutions except the potential sale to the Lunar Embassy Bank once it is officially in operation. If foreclosure becomes necessary the property will revert to the Lunar Embassy. If you have the desire and where with all to accomplish one of these large purchases please contact the Lunar Embassy as soon as possible.
While we are on the subject of mortgages, the Lunar Embassy is currently negotiating with numerous mortgage lenders from around the world. The purpose is to offer to all of our citizens and property owners the opportunity to secure a mortgage for your earthly property(s) at more affordable rates than you will be able to secure on your own. We are going to bring to each of you with a desire to save money and time to contact the Lunar Embassy for all of your mortgage needs. Once we have secured the necessary approvals from the participating lenders we will notify all of you about the ability to secure those sought after mortgages we all need. This is just one of the many programs that we are in the middle of negotiating at present for you, our valued property owners and citizens.
The Trailblazer mission by TransOrbital Inc., is still going forward. In most situations involving space launches and the tremendous complexities involved it is difficult to give an exact launch date. TransOrbital has assured the Lunar Embassy that we will have a launch and right now it appears that sometime in December of ‰÷03 will be our benchmark time. Until then for those of you that have not yet registered your properties for the disc TransOrbital is carrying to the Moon of Earth, you still have time. Merely go to our website and place your order for the Archive project. We will do the rest and include your name on the list of property owners that have opted to be included to date. We think this allows us to become more valid in the eyes of the governments on this planet if we can accomplish this virtual presence on the Moon of Earth. We want to thank all of you that have helped in making this project possible. We are building towards the days when we will actually walk on our lands.
We are inviting all who would be interested in a contest to submit entries to us during the next three months. The contest is to have those of you with a creative flair to design the Great Seal for the Galactic Government. Some of the things you should keep in mind is that our government will be in control of all the other planets and their moons with the exception of the Earth. Our currency, the one we are creating currently will be called “Delta’s.” We are truly interested in receiving as many entries as you would like to send to us and at the end of September 2003, we will announce the winner. Who ever the winner is we will pay $1,000.00 (One thousand) US dollars. There are no age limits and all entries become the sole property of the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government and shall have no responsibility of sharing revenue other than that of the prize money for the winner. All other entries will be kept in the archives of the Galactic Government for as long as the government is in existence. If you have interest in participating with us please contact us at the Lunar Embassy and we will fill you all in on the details. Bring on those designs. We expect to be overwhelmed by your designs. Now it is up to you.
The Ambassador program is gaining momentum we are currently negotiating with Spain, Peru, S. Korea/Taiwan, and even the USA. We have come to that time when we are seriously considering selling the USA as a territory for celestial land sales. If you have ever wanted to be involved in your own business and wanted to make a name for yourself in probably the coolest business on this planet then you need to contact the Lunar Embassy. We have a program that has made all involved very successful. There is an amount of prestige you will receive from your countries as an Ambassador to the Lunar Embassy. You will have to do TV, Radio, and print media interviews. You will become a celebrity in your own right. You will work hard and long and the rewards should be beyond your belief. The Ambassador Program is a fee based licensing agreement between you the individual and the Lunar Embassy allowing you to sell our properties within your chosen geographic region (usually countries). You will purchase our lands at tremendously reduced prices and be given instructions via a video tape presentation on how to accomplish the entire task effectively. Now is the time to start thinking about your future both here and on the property we sell.
At the time if the writing of this news letter I need to let all of you know I have been presented a wonderful acknowledgment from the Congress of the United States. I have been named co-chairman of the Republican Congressional Business Advisory Council. I have also been given the National Republican Leadership Award and most recently I have been issued the highest honor the National Republican Congressional Committee has, the prestigious Republican Gold Medal. The most perplexing aspect of these wonderful recognition’s is, I am not a republican. Actually I disagree with the two party system and think it should be drastically overhauled. I am pleased that our work for the last twenty-three years is finally beginning to be recognized by the United States government as being valid. This is a huge step in the official recognition by the USA for the claims we made and the diligence with which we have pursued our challenging quest. Finally a major world power has spoken to us and they have been kind.
At the end of August 2003, the Galactic Government will offer to each of you as citizens of our wonderful adventure the opportunity to vote on our newly created Constitution/Bill of Rights. We will post the voting for a period from August 31, 2003, until December 31, 2003. We will give you all the details for how to vote and where to go on the website to accomplish this. We are very proud of the participation from all of you that have given us the encouragement and the foresight needed to accomplish this monumental task. We are creating for all of you a sociological perspective and governmental entity that will rival any known to mankind to date. We believe when you see the full impact of this new Constitution/Bill of Rights that you will readily see that it can become the model for a “one world government.” There will be NO taxes levied against the general public. The Government will have to participate in the procurement of its income by participating in the job market. The leaders of this new form of Democratic Republic will have to be savvy in the ways of business not law in order to make the government solvent. The government will receive funds in a number of ways. Permits, licensing agreements, removal of precious metals, and the overseeing of utilities. The excitement is mounting and I hope you are all going to be surprised by the outcome.
I want to take a moment to express to all of you that have encouraged me over the years. It is your approval that has given me the ability to pursue this project to its logical conclusion. We simply could not do any of this without you. My heart is so attached to this project and I can see it developing on a daily basis. I am just so pleased to have been involved with all of you so we are able to make all this happen. We are a rare breed. We are the new pioneers. We are the adventurers. We are the future. I am proud to be part this project and I hope to continue for a very long time. We have some very exciting news but I am not at liberty to tell you yet. At the writing of the next newsletter I will be more informative. I am sorry for the secretiveness but it is currently imperative that I not go any further. You will all benefit from the forth coming news. Until next time, I remain respectively yours.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO/(acting) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government:
As one of the many individuals around the world that have shown an interest for helping to craft the Constitution/Bill or Rights for the newly formed government, The Galactic Government.
This letter is to inform you that it is time for each of you to write to the Lunar Embassy and provide your specific ideas in regard to the Constitution/Bill of Rights. We at the Embassy will then review all materials sent to us by you and craft from this the Constitution/Bill of Rights for the Galactic Government. Please include all thoughts relevant to creating a true functioning Democratic Republic government with no taxation rights. Remember the Galactic Government will have to become a participant in the private job sector in order to gain its income. This we believe will force the Government to become fiscally responsible immediately. This is a process unknown to any governments that we are aware of on Earth currently. The Galactic Government will receive revenue from the following source as a buffer to creating jobs for itself. It will receive a ten per cent gross amount for all minerals, precious metals and gems extracted from the planetary bodies. It will also receive money from licenses for utilities, communications, municipal services, etc.
Please copy the Lunar Embassy on your thoughts no later than June 1, 2003. We at the Embassy will take all of your suggestions and trim out the repeating items and those that do not fill the requirements and we will craft from that the finished product. We will then send you all a copy of the Constitution/Bill of Rights for your approval. Once the Constitution/Bill of rights is agreed to then we will offer it for vote from all of our property owners in the 180 countries where they are registered. One other process we need to discuss is that the first term of office for the elected official shall be for twenty years and is a volunteer position until the government is functioning on the properties we sell. When that time occurs the elected officials will be compensated for their time and energy. We will set forth the payment structure for these elected positions after the first ten years of service.
I would also like to put my bid in for being nominated as the first president of the Galactic Government. This is of course up to all of you. I will remain until my death the CEO (celestial executive officer) of the Galactic Government. This is a paid position and it carries with it the ability for me to discuss the growth and direction of the Galactic Government for as long as I am alive with the elected officials. This is of course a project that I have been involved with for the last twenty-three years and it is my baby. Please give due consideration to my request in this matter.
We appreciate your efforts and desire to be part of this process. We will be awaiting your response by June 1, 2003. Thanks again for all your support and efforts. The government will reward you at another time for your help and considerations.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO/(acting) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government.
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government. Here we are entering our twenty-third year of selling lands on other planetary bodies. At the end of 2002 the total count for all property owners is 2,000,047 and a representative group from 180 countries on Earth. We seem to have found a product that everyone wants to participate in… Thank you.
As we all know the USA is very active with the International Space Station and regularly send missions via their shuttle program. On its last mission the shuttle Columbia met with disastrous results taking the lives of all seven astronauts on board. The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government want to send our prayers and thoughts to all the families associated with this tragedy. Organizations on this planet exploring the realms of space do a tremendous service for all of us. It is easy to take for granted the past accomplishments until a problem like this arises. The passion for space travel is shared by many of our property owners and someday regardless of the risks involved many of us will venture into space heading for that vacation spot we purchased many years before. This event brings the point home rather well however, that missions to space currently have a level of danger seemingly beyond our control. Before we can consider the opportunities for colonization on any of our planetary bodies we need to make many more advances in our transportation systems. We are aware of the many companies currently researching the possibilities for new and advances propulsion and conveyance systems. In the coming years the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government will be investing in these new technologies. Insuring that when the time comes for all of us wanting to visit our property that is can be done in a safe and expeditious manner.
The Archive project for registering your personal information on the disc heading for the Moon later this year is still in force. For $15.00 US dollars you can place all of your property information on the Moon sometime this year. IF you have not had the opportunity to contact us with your information desires then the time is now. Go to the web page and order your information included in this mission soon. The results of your information being placed on a disc heading for the Moon is that it provides all of you involved with a virtual presence on the Moon.
TransOrbital Inc., is a recognized space cargo carrier that has been kind enough to contract with the Lunar Embassy on TransOrbital’s first mission to the Moon of Earth. TransOrbital will carry on this mission a compendium of all of our registered property owners and our “Declaration of Ownership,” filed with the United Nations, the USA and the former USSR for the Moon of Earth and the other eight planets and their moons in 1980. This is definitely TransOrbital Inc’s., mission and the Lunar Embassy and its more than two million property owners are just paying passengers on this mission.
This accomplishes one countries requirement for the claim of ownership on the lands filed by the Lunar Embassy in 1980. A virtual presence allows us protection for these lands and gives credence to the Galactic Government as a viable government with actual citizen presence on the Moon. If you do not want to use the website for this project please contact the Lunar Embassy via phone 001-702-991-1232 if you are outside the USA and 1-800-586-2729 if you are inside the USA.
We have been discussing the world events unfolding in front of us lately and have decided with all the uncertainty that is occurring that we are going to reformat the Constitutional Convention. Recognizing the volatility of our world and knowing most will not travel during these times of turmoil the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government have decided to create our Constitution from all of you via the Internet. We will ask for any of you wishing to be representatives of your country and speaking for all those within its boundaries to contact us for an appointment to Constitutional Representative. This position is a volunteer position and you will be allowed to provide insights into how you would like to see the crafting of the Constitution take place. All information will be reviewed and by August 1, 2003, we will put together the culmination of those efforts and present to the Galactic Citizens their Constitution for the Galactic Government. You will all be allowed to vote on the precepts of the Constitution beginning in September of 2003. The voting will be on line and will run for 90 days. During that time you will be allowed to change your vote as many times as you desire but on the last day whatever your vote is will stand. Once a simple majority is reached the Constitution will be ratified and we will proceed with our plans to join the United Nations as the first off world government.
Ambassadors are needed in the following countries: Mexico, Spain, Portugal, India, China, the Koreas, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, the Mid East countries, Africa, Egypt, Hungary, Poland, Germany, and many more. If you have a desire to control your financial future and have marketing and promotion skills as well as financial strength this may be the opportunity for you. We currently have 8 Ambassadors covering 15 countries. They have all enjoyed financial rewards beyond their imagination. This program allows you to become a representative of the Lunar Embassy and eventually a possible diplomatic position in the Galactic Government. We are looking for the best of the best. If you are one of these self starters with a desire to be part of a galactic wide organization we would be interested in discussing the possibilities with you. Contact Dennis M. Hope at the Lunar Embassy with regard to this project.
In the very near future we will be providing you with details of our new company, “Lunar Embassy Enterprises.” The formation of this company is now under construction. If all things work well we will allow all of you interested in participating in this organization to do so through at least one of the major stock exchanges on this planet. The goal of the Lunar Embassy Enterprises is to provide a financial vehicle to place our three computers on the Moon as the first commercial venture on that celestial body. This is not a solicitation of any kind it is merely a mention that a company is being formed and when all of our ducks are in a row we will provide you with all the pertinent information for your involvement if any. Keep watching the news letters for detail.
We have a new Company Financial Officer. Her name is Deborah Charles. Deborah’s responsibilities are to make sure we create a solid financial base for all the projects we have started. She has proven to be a valuable asset to the company already and we know that she will be extremely valuable in the long run. We are very pleased that she has joined our team. If you have a need to contact any of the Lunar Embassy staff we would like to give you all of their names and positions. Michele Lopez is our Customer Service Manager and will deal with most of the service problems that arise. Pamela Martin is our Distribution Manager and is responsible for making sure all documents and accessories are shipped out in a timely fashion. Teresa Hope is our Ambassador at large and helps me with functions and events in a diplomatic sense. Michelle Rownd is our office assistant. Michelle is functioning on all levels. She helps in data entry, distribution, customer service and any task that requires a task master. Then there is me. Dennis M. Hope. As the head of this organization it is my responsibility to make sure everything works well and that new projects are feasible and accomplishable. I am a work in process and hopefully I get most of it right. It is a pleasure for me to be the head of this organization and I thank all of you for participating with us.
On March 6, 2003, (the day after my birthday) I will be appearing on NBC’s Conan O’Brien show. This is a huge event for us and we are thankful for the opportunity to reach so many at one time. On the show that night along with me will be Ray Romano of “Everybody Loves Raymond.” We are going to provide Mr. Romano with a script idea for his show involving the Lunar Embassy. Who knows maybe one day we will actually have a segment on a national TV show… We can only dream at this point.
Without your support and enthusiasm for what we are trying to accomplish here we would not have a business building a society for the future. This is your future not just ours. Fifty years from now when everyone is looking at the Moon they will be saying something like, “Do you think we should vacation on the Moon this year?” As strange as that seems right now the reality as it is shaping up is very plausible. Our dreams include the ability to visit our property in a cost effective and safe manner. We want to thank all of you for your support and continued involvement. If I have learned one thing from this project it is truly, patience. Be patient with us. We will get us all to the Moon and beyond. It all starts with the first steps and you have all helped in taking that first step… Thank you all
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO/(acting) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government.
Well, here we are going into the Christmas season for those of you that celebrate the holidays as Christians and for the rest of you it is a time to rejoice and behold the wonderment that is our life. The creation of what we have here is a marvel and we sometimes take it for granted. I for one have been reflecting in the last few months about the turmoil we cause one another here on Earth. It is my fervent hope that we will eliminate those kinds of human indecency on our new planetary homes. We are in a period of building a society that will live as long as the longest ever seen for humanity. With the help and direction from all of you we can create a sociological event that will be spoken of for millennia. Consider the ability to provide real human rights for ALL who cross our paths. In the upcoming months as we get closer to the Constitutional Congress for the Galactic Government here in Reno, Nevada, USA we are preparing to astound even ourselves. Your input so far has helped us in the foundation building of these new societies. We are born of a different cloth. We are in preparation of our new world and the joys of building greatness for us all. Any venture into the new world is an adventure similar to those of the pioneer humans that went forth to discover the possibilities of life somewhere else. All the questions that have to be answered. How will we support ourselves? Where will we find food? What kind of food will it be? What type of clothing will be worn and created for this adventure? How will we transport ourselves once we reach the destination? How will the laws protect our rights as human beings? How will the society deal with the dynamics of our growth? What type of commerce will we develop? How will our relationship with the home planet develop? So many questions. From my experience with this project now for the last twenty-two years I have found one thing to be true. The human spirit can overcome any obstacle once we put our mind to it. I look forward to the development of our republic and the creations that we will envision. This is truly a new beginning for our species and all of you are participants. Welcome to the adventure.
In a recent turn of events we have just received notice from the Netherlands Minister of Justice, JPH Donner, that Mr. Remmelt “Rene” Veenema has been arrested for fraud. Mr. Veenema had signed a contractual agreement with the Lunar Embassy in April of 2002 to become the Ambassador for the Netherlands. He started doing interviews with the press before he had paid the Ambassador fees and then received money from customers in the Netherlands for property he did not own. He failed after many lies and deceptive practices to pay for the Ambassador fees and his signed contract was terminated on September 1, 2002. The Embassy then sent to the Minister of justice a letter stating that Mr. Veenema was selling property he did not own and was not sending anything to the customers he bilked. The Minister of Justice has acted swiftly and precisely to apprehend Mr. Veenema. It should be noted that we are in process of going after Daniel Goettlich in Germany for the same practices. We will keep you informed as to our progress. This could not have happened without the creation of the Galactic Government. It was the intervention of the Galactic Government with the Minister of Justice from the Netherlands that allowed us to succeed with the criminal activities of Mr. Veenema.
As most of you know we are getting closer to the time when our disc is going to the Moon. For those of you that have not yet registered your information with us so that it might be part of the historical record, please do so soon. The cost to include your registration information on the disc is $15.00 US dollars and can be paid in a number of ways. You can go to the website,; you can call us at the Embassy 1-800-586-2729 for those of you in the USA and for those outside the USA 001-702-991-1232 or you can always email us the information here.
As this project continues to grow we find more and more copy cat companies infringing on our property sales. They do not seem to realize that by starting their companies they are in violation of a few laws. The first is they are trying to sell property that does not belong to them. The Lunar Embassy is licensed by Dennis M. Hope, (The Head Cheese) to sell the properties he owns based on his claims in 1980 with the UN, the USA and the former USSR. All other companies do not own the land they are attempting to sell. Your diligence has helped us enormously. It seems every time a new company shows up you inform the Embassy about the events. We appreciate your concerns and help with these matters.
Our Ambassadors in Australia and New Zealand and France are now up and running. We are also negotiating with China, Benelux, India, Mexico, Lithuania, Poland, and Latvia. Our goal is still the same. To have 35 Ambassadors around the world in as many countries servicing the property needs of all the communities here on Earth. Once the number of Ambassadors have reached 35 the Lunar Embassy USA will stop selling directly to the general public and just supply the property to our Ambassadors. If you are interested in a very profitable career change and have marketing and promotions background you need to contact us to find out about the opportunity to become your own boss selling our properties in your country. This could change your life forever. If you have interest and want to find out how to get involved with the Lunar Embassy just contact Dennis M. Hope at or call 001-702-991-1232 and we will be happy to supply you with the needed details.
Our current population for the society of celestial property owners is 1,141,261 property owners in 176 countries on Earth. We have sold a little over 300,000,000 acres on the Moon, 92,543,006 acres on Mars, 32,000,013 acres on Venus, and 10,947,321 acres on IO (eye-oh). We still have plenty of acres available for every man, woman, and child on this planet. In our quest for responses from all of you about the Constitutional Congress being held in Reno, Nevada, USA in 2003 we have received 9,451 positive responses for attendance to the convention. We would really like to make this the largest event of its kind in the history of mankind. We need to have at least 20,000 attendees at the convention to make the kind of impact we are looking for. If we have any chance of getting the United Nations to recognize our Galactic Government as a possible ally it will be through our pure numbers at the Constitutional Convention. If you have been putting off the opportunity to let us know that you will attend please do it within the next 60 days so we can get an accurate count. We look forward to having as many of you here as possible. We will be creating the actual constitution for the Galactic Government and setting into motion the electoral process for our government representatives. You are all an integral part of this democratic republic so give us some feed back.
We have just received word that the Head Cheese will be appearing on “The Conan O’Brien” show in the first part of next year. We have not been given the exact date but we do know that it will be sometime in January of February. We will give you further details as they become available.
It goes without saying that without all of you participating with this project we would not in fact have a project. I am always in awe of the determination you all show. We are thankful for you continued support and enthusiasm for this adventure. I would like to tell all of you from the bottom of my heart that this has been the most incredible program I have ever been involved in and it is all because of you. Thank you one and all. We hope you all have the happiest of holiday seasons regardless of your religious beliefs or customs.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO/(acting) President Galactic Government
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government.
Since our previous newsletter was sent out a few things have happened that all of you need to know about. We have placed a deposit for brokering cargo space aboard a spacecraft going to the Earth’s Moon. Our cargo consignment will be our registration data disc which will be delivered to the surface of the Moon in early 2003. This is an exciting time for us as we are about ready to place an important protective legal measure on the Moon of Earth for enhancing our property rights.
We are going to place every participating property owner’s information on the Moon, creating their virtual physical presence up there, for all time. It is important that you participate in this project. If you have not yet heard about this, then the following information will be of value to you. The Lunar Embassy will launch the Official Lunar Property Owner Registry Archive to the Moon in 2003. The Lunar Embassy has a contract with Transorbital Inc. the cargo carrier for our disk to the moon. This is the first commercial spacecraft that has been licensed to travel to the Moon by the U.S.A. government.
The Official Registry will be electronically stored on a CD-ROM disk and placed into the spacecraft’s specially engineered cargo capsule. The capsule is designed to survive the hard landing and the harsh lunar environment indefinitely.
By placing the Official Registry on the lunar surface at the very first opportunity, the Lunar Embassy increases the legal standing of its long-standing claims. In addition, this legal action increases the value of Deeds that have been purchased from the Lunar Embassy.
For your maximum legal benefit, all your purchased Deeds and their individual Registered Owner data must be included in the Official Lunar Property Owner Registry Archive. It is very important that all lunar property owners participate in this project. For a minimal fee of $15, your name and an individual property registration data will be included in the Official Lunar Property Owner Registry Archive and placed on the lunar surface.
This simple legal action on your part will work to secure your property rights and increases the value of your deeded property. Don’t delay, it is a very simple process to go right now to, the Lunar Embassy headquarters website, and place your order to be included in the Official Registry.
We have had an exciting time for the celebrity owners in the last couple of months. The following is a list of the newest celebrity owners.
George Lucas, Richard Dryfuss
Ron Howard, Kenny Rogers
Mackensey Phillips, Drew Carey
Cindy Williams, Ryan Styles
Alan Jackson, Bo Hopkins
Suzanne Sommers, Paul Le Mat
Wayne Brady, Candy Clark
Charlie Martin Smith, Kathy Kinney
We welcome them all to our happy family of property owners.
After 6 years of representation from our current attorney the Lunar Embassy has decided to seek legal council from our property owners. We are in need of finding a competent attorney familiar with space law, trademarks, copyrights, international business, cyber law, court room litigation, and general business law. We are about to enter into a new era of legal representation and we are seeking the very best for our activities. We have to proceed on four suits in the immediate future and need the assistance of a qualified candidate. If you feel you have the ability to competently handle the affairs of the Lunar Embassy both in the United States of America and the international arena and to be appointed as the general council for the Galactic Government (a currently non-paid position) we are interested in discussing the possibilities with you. Please email or fax your resume to The Lunar Embassy 001-775-762 3863 or email to info at All resumes will be dealt with the strictest of confidence and all candidates will be notified regardless of acceptance. We look forward to hearing from all of you interested in joining in the space race from the legal perspective.
The Constitutional Congress Convention planned for May 27 – 31, 2003 is underway. We need 10 volunteer representatives from each of the 176 countries that we have sold property in, to contact us so that we can get each country involved in the preliminary Constitutional formation. For all of you that might be interested in participating in the creation of our new government’s Constitution, please contact the Lunar Embassy via our website or by our direct email address, info at We need you to decide if you can participate and then please contact us as soon as possible. Our deadline for having the 1700 plus advocates signed up is October 25th, 2002; in time for publication in our November newsletter. It is our intent to have static displays at the Constitutional Congress from as many space related businesses as possible. This should give the participants at the convention a chance to discover the possibilities that are available for us once we get to our property. We are still looking for a keynote speaker for the event. It would be appropriate for a world leader or world-renowned person as our speaker. If any of you have suggestions please let us know.
Some of the problems facing any company on this planet that is doing business on a global basis are sometimes overwhelming. The old adage that “The best laid plans can go awry,” has never had a more personally profound effect, than presently. We have terminated our Ambassador in Germany. After many months of compromising and setting realistic goals for each other we have determined that the German market place would be better served by another group or individual. The real problem with Germany is there are at least 7 unauthorized reselling organizations that are illegally selling properties on the Moon. The foremost of these is a person by the name of Daniel Goettlich. He is violating international copyright and trademark laws by using information and logos which rightfully belong to the Lunar Embassy. Actually what Mr. Goettlich is doing is criminal. He is defrauding all of those people who purchase anything from him. His business is named B.R.E.S. He started off as a reseller of the Lunar Embassy. He was terminated from that position in December of 2000 but he refused to stop selling property. He has created phony deeds without the basis of ownership and has been trying to convince the people of Germany that he is the rightful creator of the Lunar Embassy. I am here to tell you that he is a fraud. He has no claim of ownership at all and is duping the German people into believing that he is legitimate. His illegitimate website is and his email address is Along with Mr. Goettlich there are also others. I need to let all of the good people of Germany know that these individuals will face their day in the media and court. We will not tolerate them trying to sell that which is not theirs. Along these same lines, Mr. Rene Veenema of the Netherlands has created somewhat of a mess in that country. He did in fact sign a contract in good faith to become the Ambassador for the Netherlands and we did send to him at his insistence some properties to start his process. Unfortunately Mr. Veenema has refused to supply payment for the conditions of the contract he signed with us. We are left with no other option but to let all of you know that Mr. Veenema of the Netherlands is no longer associated in any way with the Lunar Embassy. Any sales created by him are illegal in their nature.
We have finished the promotion with Warner Bros. and the movie The adventures of Pluto Nash. The winners of the sweepstakes will be posted in the next newsletter.
Keep the faith and remember that someday in the very near future you will all have the opportunity to participate in history by joining us at the Constitutional Congress for the Galactic Government in May of 2003. You will be casting your votes for freedom and a new start in our journey as humans. We look forward to seeing as many of you attending as possible. We will include specific information in the next newsletter as to how you may register for the convention and hotel.
I am always reminded that without all of you we would not have an opportunity to provide the citizens of this planet with the ability to own property outside of Earth. We want to take this time to thank all of you for your continued support of this adventure.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy,
Dennis M. Hope CEO/(acting) President
Galactic Government AKA: “The Head Cheese”
001-702-991-1232 Embassy
001-775-265-7938 Fax
Greetings from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy.
It seems like we are always creating new and exciting adventures for the Lunar Embassy these days.
The time is at hand for all of you wishing to place your property registration information on the Moon of Earth to contact us right away. Because you are on our mailing list and receive our regular newsletters, we wanted you to see this first. We will soon be placing this ad in the Legal Notices section of the world’s major newspapers:
ALL LUNAR PROPERTY OWNERS MUST CONTACT The Lunar Embassy for important details to SECURE YOUR RIGHTS. The REGISTRY ARCHIVE will be stored on the MOON in 2003.
For details, visit
Send email to info at, or call 1-800-LUNAR-29.
Now is the time for you to reserve your registration aboard our Archive Registry that will be placed on the Moon in 2003. Do not delay your action on this important legal process concerning your property. To place your reservation immediately, please go to this web link:
We are now accepting flight reservations for your property registration at $15.00 for each one of your properties. I’d bet that NASA wishes they could send something to the Moon for only $15.00.
Sometime in early 2003, a private company will launch a rocket with a spacecraft that will circle the Moon for about two months. It will then be directed to a hard landing at a predetermined site. This controlled crash will place your property information on the surface of the Moon in a specially engineered container designed to survive the impact.
You directly benefit by sending your property registration to the Moon because you will put the legal essence of your physical presence on the Moon of Earth. This action by you and many others greatly enhances and strengthens the original Claim of Ownership filed by the Head Cheese in 1980. For the maximum effect of this important improvement, we need as many of you landowners as possible to send your registration information to the Moon. Our detailed contact information at the end of this newsletter.
Thank you for joining our first spacecraft project to go to the Moon!
I can tell you that I have been involved with the Space Frontier Foundation for the last three years and for the most part they are an energetic and enthusiastic group with the desire to get back to the Moon. If you have the time and desire to attend, it will be an event you will remember it for the rest of your life. At some point we all must ask ourselves the question, “When can I get to my property and use it effectively?” Some of those answers will be developed at this event.
The Space Frontier Foundation has requested that we send this information to all of our property owners to let them know of the annual “Back to the Moon” event, being held in Texas. The following conference information is from the Space Frontier Foundation as an inclusion to our usual newsletter. We highly recommend this conference to any of you who are interested in actually participating in the development of the Moon and other celestial lands through technology, reusable spacecraft, habitation, and many more subjects.
Dear Lunar Embassy Friend,
1. “The year is 2020. As you strap into your seat on the Trans-Lunar Express, you look out the window at your destination, that pale gray orb in the night sky that has inspired our imaginations and called us upwards for so long. You look for the spot on the Moon’s South Pole, the goal of your journey, and there, glimmering faintly along the bottom edge of the little world, you can see the lights of Moon Base One, humanity’s first outpost beyond the Earth.
While you wait for the final safety checks to be completed, you think back to the day in Houston when you first began to realize that someday in your lifetime you might actually get a chance to go there yourself. It was 2002, and while much of the world was caught up in the wars and economic ups and downs that seem to never end, you walked into a room full of dreamers who told you that someday you could go to the Moon…”
For the rest of SFF Founder Rick Tumlinson’s RTMIV story, “Fly me to the Moon” click this link:
To make this story REAL, we personally invite you to attend:
RETURN TO THE MOON IV “Crossroads to the Cosmos”
The Fourth Annual Return to the Moon Symposium July 18-20,
2002 Hilton NASA Clear Lake Hotel Houston,
For immediate details:
To register:
Program Highlights:
Be among the first to see Apollo 11 footage and audio that has never been
seen by the public!
Some of the notable space pioneers you can hear and meet are:
George Abbey, Former head of the Johnson Space Center
John Young, Apollo 14 Astronaut
Wendell Mendell, Lunar Science Expert
Mike Duke, Apollo Program Manager
Paul Spudis, Lunar Science Expert
William Burrows, Author of “This New Ocean” and “Deep Black”
James Oberg, America’s Premiere Russian Space Expert
Rick Tumlinson, Founder of Space Frontier Foundation-Chairs: George Abbey,
Wendell Mendell, and Astronaut John Young
Symposium Manager: Manny Pimenta (
Hotel rate THROUGH July 3: $99
Hotel rate AFTER July 3: $129
Hilton NASA Clear Lake Hotel, Houston, Texas
For reservations call 800 445 8667 or 281-333-9300
General Registration: $385
Student Registration: $225
Author’s Registration: $250
To register:
Conference Details:
We hope that all of you will take the time to attend this year, but if you
cannot you can at least become a member of the Space Frontier Foundation and
give your support for Mankind going back to the Moon.
We’ll see you in Houston!
John Hanks
Public Relations Director
Return to the Moon IV
Space Frontier Foundation
The Galactic Government has finalized the time for the Constitutional Congress. It will convene May 27-31 in Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. In the next newsletter we will provide you with the details of the costs and hotel accommodations and will set a time when you can start making your reservations for the Constitutional Congress.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. In the past, 21,423 property owners said they would come to this event. With that many people in attendance, we will have a media event like none other on this planet. You will be there at the historic moment when the ratification of the Constitution is completed. This will be an event for your grandchildren to tell their grandchildren in the future. You deserve to be part of this history making event; the ratification of the first off-world government. Please do your best to be here with us.
There will be interesting static displays from major space-related companies from around the world. We will see habitation displays, contests where you could win as much as US$10,000 for the best State design, US$5,000 for the best City design and US$2,500 for the best individual property design. We will keep you posted as the plans progress.
Finally, who would have thought 21 years ago that here in 2002, there would be companies totally disregarding a legal claims filing for celestial lands. The Lunar Republic and are just two such companies that have no regard for the legal process that we have achieved. They have gone so far as to place spam advertising postings supposedly from me (Dennis Hope) in many chat rooms and forum sites.
I want to let you know that I have not placed any postings in any chat rooms ever. In my opinion this is a case of pure fraud and disruption of business. For some strange reason the folks at seem to act as though they are not restricted by the law. Once again I state to all of you, “” and the “Lunar Republic” are copycat businesses with no claim of ownership and are attempting to sell properties that they do not own. As people of free will, you have every right to express to them your thoughts about how they are interfering with your property values.
As always, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support of this adventure. We are doing our very best to make sure, when we finally get to our properties, that we will have the best example of a society and government in place the people of Earth have ever seen. Without your dreams and desires for this to take place, it will not happen. With your desires and determination it will. I am looking forward to hearing from anyone with questions or suggestions as always. We are always here for you and are interested in what you have to say.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy.
Dennis M. Hope
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer – Galactic Government)
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
The Embassy in Nevada: +1-702-991-1232
Fax: +1-775-265-7938
Toll free number in the USA: 800-586-2729
Greetings from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy.
I would like to apologize for not getting the newsletter out last month. We have been going through so many transitions that the time just slipped by. As most of you know we have planned to have our Galactic Government Constitutional Congress in August of 2002 in Reno Nevada. I have to tell you that we really thought we had all of our ducks in a row when we proposed to convene in August. I have had many sleepless nights trying to pull this all together. The end result is we are regrouping and postponing the Constitutional Congress until May of 2003. It will still be held in Reno, Nevada at the Convention Center, however. We will be contacting individuals directly and accepting volunteers to help us with the final plans for this history making event. We have had responses from more than 200 journalists from around the world wanting to attend this monumental event. Our invitations have gone out to former President Bill Clinton to be our keynote speaker relating to a one world government. Hopefully we will be able to give you the results of our invitation in the next writing of this newsletter. The event is shaping up and we expect many thousands of you to join us in the creation of a new and vital government of the people, for the people and by the people. A true democratic republic where a single vote really matters. As the final process starts we will give you the exact dates in the next newsletter for you to make your reservations with us for this historic joining of many cultures into one.
Our Ambassador program is doing very well. For those of you not familiar with the Ambassador program here is a brief description. Ambassadors are individuals in countries around the world that would like to participate in the distribution and selling of properties exclusively offered by the Lunar Embassy. This is a project not for the faint of heart. Requirements are a level of understanding and experience in marketing, public relations, retail business and online e-commerce. After the ratification of the Constitution for the Galactic Government there is the strong possibility that the Ambassadors will enjoy the benefits of a diplomatic presence in their countries as well. We currently have Ambassadors in Canada (Lisa Fulkerson), the UK (England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales – Francis and Sue Williams), the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland – Leif Paalsson), Germany (Axel Sorrenson and Andreas Katschun AKA: The German Galactic Guys), and Japan (Yasuyuki Matsumoto). We have reached agreements with the following Ambassadors which will start no later than June of this year. France (Francis Williams, Sue Williams, and their partner Philippe Sadoughi), Australia/New Zealand (Ian and Gayleen Fletcher), and the Netherlands (Rene Veenema). We are also negotiating with Hungary, Switzerland, Poland, India, China, and the KoreaÕs. Our goal is to have 15 Ambassadors by the end of 2002 and 50 by the end of 2003. All of our Ambassadors are enjoying much financial success with this enterprise and if you have the qualifications we would like to share the wealth with you in your countries. I and the Ambassadors are meeting in London on May 3, 2002 to discuss the direction for the Embassy and its property sales for the next five years. It will be the first such meeting of all the Ambassadors and I am excited about the outcome for this meeting.
Now that we have received the maps for our new planetary properties, we are anticipating our website having the links to them so they can be easily purchased for those interested, by the end of May. These new properties are Ganeymede, Callisto, (both are moons of Jupiter) and the planet Mercury. They will be priced the same as the other planetary bodies with the exception of the Moon of Earth. There are plenty of properties for everyone, so tell your friends and add to your collection.
Approximately a year and three months ago we offered a program called ‘The Affidavit Program’. It was where we were going to place as many individually signed cigarette paper documents on the surface of the Moon as possible. The cost was to be $50.00 US dollars per document. We postponed that program until we could find a way to make it more advantageous and affordable for all of us. We have found a way to launch the needed information to the Moon, without any effort from each of you with the exception that you need to let us collect $15.00 from each of you that want to send their property information to reside on the Moon. We are going to physically place your recorded property deed information on the Moon. Once we receive your payment via credit card, personal US bank check, international money order, or cash we will include your property deed information, documenting your ownership and physical presence on the Moon, hence assisting in the perfection of the original claim by the Lunar Embassy for these properties as your own. We will be happy to explain all of this in detail and answer any questions you have when you contact us, or make your participation payment. You can reach us through the website , by e-mail at , or by calling us at the Embassy, 1-800-586-2729 or 001-702-991-1232. The time frame for this Moon-launch is presently scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year (2002). Unfortunately we do not have a specific day or time for the launch as yet. Scheduling a private moon-launch by a USA company is always met with a lot of red tape. We will be piggy-backing our payload on another companyÕs spacecraft so our launch depends on their schedule. As my father once said ‘Patience is a virtue but ‘right now’ would be much nicer’
We have some new staff members and some others have left us. Erin Geddes our customer service manager had been with us for a total of two and a half years. Last week Erin decided to try her luck at another profession and we wish her well. Replacing Erin as customer manager is Michelle Lopez. She is conversant with all aspects of customer service and we feel fortunate to have her on board with us. Holly Lundgren has joined our staff as Company Financial Officer replacing Fernando Ruiz. Holly has tremendous background in not only accounting, human and resources, but also customer service. These two staff members have made my job much easier than ever before.
The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government are negotiating with several major banks right now so that we can offer to each of our property owners the opportunity to earn FREE planetary properties. We are anticipating that we will be able to offer to each of our property owners a Lunar Embassy Emerald, Galactic, Gold, or Platinum credit card. The negotiations are still in process, but we anticipate that we should be able to offer this to all of you within the next two months. By using your Lunar Embassy credit card regularly, you will earn credits to receive new, free property parcels. The program is very familiar and will use either a Visa, MasterCard or American Express Card that is issued from the Lunar Embassy. We all will benefit from this program because at no additional cost to you, the Lunar Embassy will earn a small amount on all of your transactions with this card. The funds we receive from this program will be used for our lunar spacecraft projects. More on this in the next letter.
I want to take a moment to thank all of you that have responded to the efforts of the Lunar Embassy and all of our Ambassadors and resellers around the world. If you did not have a desire for ownership of these lands we would not have a business or being in the middle of developing a government for the specific needs of all of you. This has been and shall be the passion of my life and I want to thank all of you for this opportunity to provide you with a product that you all like and want. In the near future as the Galactic Government has its ratified Constitution and we start the implementation process of creating alliances with the United Nations and other governmental groups on this planet we will start to see the benefit of all our work. We are creating a society with no restraints to its citizens. A concept long past its prime. We want to work for all of you to develop and install the working model of our new ideals. Thank you all for this, the possibility of watching this dream come true.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy.
Dennis M. Hope
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer – Galactic Government)
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
The Embassy in Nevada: +1-702-991-1232
Fax: +1-775-265-7938
Toll free number in the USA: 800-586-2729
Greetings from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy. We are off to a roaring start this year. After the events of last year we are pleased that the world is becoming more normal. It is with this normalcy that the Lunar Embassy can move forward with a few of the required plans to meet our objects some fifteen years from now. In this newsletter we ware going to tell you all about the adventure we are on and how we plan to get there.
First however, I am going to tell you about a revelation I had after visiting my relatives for a memorial service for my mothers sister who was of course my aunt. In the course of the service I was reminded in a very strong way that life is short. This adventure we are on has the possibility of being so many different things to each of us. For me I find that I am guided daily in the perfection of this claim I have made over twenty years ago. Claiming ownership to the celestial lands in 1980 was just the start of this arduous task. As the property owners grew in numbers and the countries representing those property owners also grew to more than 175 certain facts began to arise. This project has now a life and energy of its own. It mirrors the life we have. At any given time it can become ill and need professional attention to make it better. It can survive and flourish if we want it to. It can become the success I have envisioned during its life. We can truly be the guiding force behind this project and we can make the world stand up and take notice of the accomplishments all of us have made to this point. We can change the course of human history and show the people of this planet that there is a way to become the leaders without becoming overbearing, self serving, and self important. We have the opportunity here to create the next level of human development because we choose to. We do not have to let this project go in any obscure direction it wants to because we have the ability to direct it for the common good. We should take advantage of the incredible times we live in. Our technological advances are astounding. Our ability to evaluate and analyze most effectively the human condition allows us to have insights not afforded to our predecessors. I think we have the aptitude, intelligence, and desire to accept this challenge of the future.
It is the goal of the Lunar Embassy in accordance with the newly formed Galactic Government to hold a, “Constitutional Congress.” The express purpose of this Congress is to establish in writing the Constitution for this Galactic Government. The Lunar Embassy is inviting all of its more than one million property owners to join us in late August of this year to write the rules for this new society. We would like all of you to contact us through email, phone calls, or letters to let us know how you will participate. We need caucus leaders, discussion leaders, representatives of all walks of life, people with a desire to create a new society that will flourish in space communities. In short we need all of you. If you are reading this letter for the first time or the third or tenth time decide to help in this creation now. Our direct email is info at Our phone number if you are in the USA is 800-586-2729. If you are outside the USA the number is 001-702-991-1232 and our fax number is 001-775-265-7938. The address at the Lunar Embassy is 1329 Highway 395 North, Suite 10-281, Gardnerville, Nevada, 89410, USA.
Starting this month we will be accepting orders for the following new planetary bodies. Two moons of Jupiter, Callisto and Ganyemede and the planet Mercury. The one acre parcels will be the same price as Mars, Venus and IO (eye-oh), $19.99 + $1.51 planetary tax + $10.00 for shipping and handling for up to five sets of properties to the same address. We will also be adding two more planetary bodies before the end of the year. You can also now order properties from the Moon of Earth’s back side starting now. The Galactic Government and Lunar Embassy flags will be going on sale in the very near future. We will publish the prices as soon as we get them back from the manufacturer. We can tell you that you will be delighted to fly these two magnificent flags along with your country flags from here on Earth.
As most of you know the Lunar Embassy started some 21 years ago. Since that time we have had a number of companies copy our business without much success. There is one company that persists in creating confusion for all of us. They are, “The Lunar Republic.” A company that has strong ties with the Artemis Project. This company did not even exist until I was asked to speak at the 2nd Annual Lunar Development Conference held in Las Vegas, NV in 2000.
After my invitation to speak on property rights was concluded the Lunar Republic turned up on the web. Our attorneys contacted them and explained to them that their site was in conflict with the trademark and copyright laws. After approaching this in a relatively friendly manner our attorneys had to threaten to bring suit against the Lunar Republic before they would shut the site down. The problem is they have started four sites and every one has been shut down by us with the exception of this last one. We are going to have to get very serious about these guys because they are posing threats to the increasing values of your properties. They need to know from you the real property owners that they do not have the right to create confusion in the market place. They started this business after they heard my speech on private property rights at the convention. They are harming your property values. You need to find a way to ask them politely to vacate the Internet and give way to the claim that preceded them by almost 20 years. My suggestion is that each of you copy the prepared statement at the end of this news letter and email it to to make them aware of your views on the matter. There is really no room in space for copy cats and we should help them to realize this.
When the Galactic Government was formed in July of 2001, we also put into motion the ability to create regulatory agencies that would be able to allow the government to be in place and function without taxing the citizens ever. The first of those regulatory boards is the Patent and Trademark Office. We will issue and protect your patents and trademarks for ninety-nine years with an automatic option for ninety-nine more. The patents must be related to items used in space only. As an example; toasters work well as designed on Earth. They do not however, work well in space. They need to have design changes to them so they will function. This means that a multitude of products used on Earth for creature comforts will be effected by zero gravity and vacuum. This is the first call for any companies and or individuals that wish to apply for a patent from the Galactic Government. For application forms please contact the Lunar Embassy at the numbers and email address listed above. For Trademarks, individuals and businesses must create a legal entity similar to a corporation to enact the trademark. The Lunar Embassy in accordance with the Galactic Government will supply an address for the headquarters of such legal entities and then provide the trademarks. As with the patents contact the Lunar Embassy.
The Bank of Issue is in development. We believe we will have the currency designed and approved by the Galactic Government sometime next year. If we can get our computer to the surface of the Moon with in the next two years we will open up electronic deposits for all citizens wishing to take advantage of a unique banking position. We are also looking for competent volunteers wishing to help us develop the mechanisms required to make this all work flawlessly.
The Investment Exchange is designed to provide the private aerospace companies and their affiliates to find a venue to offer their stocks to customers not wishing to wade through thousands of other companies offered on the other exchanges here on Earth. We think one of the main reasons space travel is so limited is that the aerospace companies involved in the development of technologies needed to provide safe and affordable space equipment have a hard time finding the money required to build the crafts used for this purpose. The technology already exists and so does money. We are trying to find a way to get the two together. As time goes on and the development of the Investment exchange comes to fruition we will keep you informed. If any of you would like to participate in the construction of such an agency please let us know.
We have reached final negotiations with an Ambassador for Japan and France. Contracts are being signed at the end of this month, February. The Ambassador program is a way for anyone interested in developing a business selling properties offered by the Lunar Embassy to create their own unique business. Ambassadors currently signed with the Lunar Embassy are in Canada, the UK (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales), the Nordic Countries (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Iceland), Germany, Japan, France. Any other country is currently available and I can tell you that the Ambassadors are making a very high income for their efforts. This is not a program for someone thinking about a part-time position. This will require discipline, financial backing, marketing and public relation skills, and a dogged determination to be your own boss with unlimited income potential. We are looking for a few good people. Male or Female there are no restrictions. You must be at least twenty-one years old and mentally competent with a desire to succeed in a very unique business. As time goes on we are trying our hand at negotiating with other countries for diplomatic status for our Ambassadors. Most of this will take place after the Constitutional Congress adjourns.
Our goals for the next fifteen years are currently as follows: The Lunar Embassy will be the first organization to construct a livable facility on the Moon. We want to construct the Lunar Embassy on the Moon. We have the artist rendition in our Embassy now and you can see it on our website at The Embassy will house up to 600 people at a time and they can stay for as long as 30 days at a time.
The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government will partner with some of the private space companies to insure that we have the ability to offer an affordable transportation to and from the Moon. We have already spoken to a number of companies and are starting a dialogue with them about this very subject.
The Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government have a desire to create a one world government that allows for real personal freedoms. The government will be created as a central place to get answers to problems that arise. It will not be self serving and self important. The democratic process will be in a pure form without special interests. It is the belief of this author that we are all special interests and we should be treated accordingly.
The ultimate goal is to set into motion the foundation for building a society that will endure outside the scope of Earth. To create a societal environment unknown but dreamt about by humans. To take the next ten to fifteen years and create a basis of living for all citizens of the planetary bodies sold by the Lunar Embassy and have all aspects of growth, planning, development, travel, housing, commerce, and government in place by the time we get there. None of this can be done without your input. Take a chance and help us build a more perfect union. Allow us to provide a vehicle to the stars. Become involved in this adventure called life and take a stand for real freedom. Help us build our world the way it should be. As citizens of celestial bodies I thank you for allowing me into your lives and hopefully your hearts. We are hopefully, the first transplanted citizens of the Moon.
This has and is the greatest adventure I have ever been involved in. It seems that at every turn I am guided from above to push this project to its end. Without you, the citizens of these celestial lands none of this could take place. You are all my inspiration. I have been told on occasion that I ramble and create confusing letters. If this is one of them I apologize. My intent with any of these communications to you is to inform you of the results of your property ownership. We know that some of you will never use your property for anything other than to hang the documents on the wall and discuss the happiness you have showing them to others. For the estimated forty-three percent of you that will actually visit or use your property for some useful means we are going to do everything in our power to make sure you have the opportunity to develop your lands as you see fit. From the bottom of my heart I say thank you to all of you for being part of this family.
With warm regards from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy.
Dennis M. Hope
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer – Galactic Government)
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
The Embassy in Nevada: +1-702-991-1232
Fax: +1-775-265-7938
Toll free number in the USA: 800-586-2729
(Following is the prepared statement for On your website you describe hundreds of thousands of purchasers of lunar properties. We know for a fact that you have not sold that many properties. You are using information from the Lunar Embassy site and we are not pleased with this tactic. You are creating confusion in the market place and devaluing our property that we purchased from the Lunar Embassy. It was the Lunar Embassy that originated the claim of ownership not you or your organization. We are displeased that you could willingly try to fool the public into believing that you have sold this many properties. We request that you remove this site immediately and cease the sales of any of your fraudulent land.
Respectfully A real Lunar property owner
Greetings from the Galactic Government and the Lunar Embassy. We are finally located in the new Lunar Embassy in Gardnerville, Nevada. It has been a long journey to get here. The phone systems are finally in and working with all brand new numbers. I will list the numbers at the end of this letter for you to have in your files.
This will be a departure from our normal letter in the sense that it will be rather short. For the most part I wanted to take this time to thank all of you for being participants in this wonderful adventure of ours. You are each and everyone a pioneer in your own right.
This adventure is going into realms of reality that were not imagined twenty-one years ago when this project started. We now have more than 1,000,000 customers in 175 countries on this planet. Most of that has happened in the last five years. We have developed a reselling program for those that wish to make money for themselves and their families. By the way we have a new Ambassador group in Germany. Their website is and they will be handling all orders for Germany exclusively.
We have expanded the sales from just the Moon of Earth to Mars, Venus, and IO (eye-oh). In the new year starting in January we will be offering more moons of Jupiter, Callisto and Ganeymede, plus the planet Mercury. As the maps for the other properties become available we will offer those as well.
In July of this year we formed the Galactic Government to provide the needed foundation to protect our properties and our destiny with those lands in the future. When the formation of the Galactic Government was implemented we opened up three regulatory boards, a patent and trademark office, a bank of issue and a financial exchange (like a stock exchange). We have put into motion the first ever Constitutional Congress to be held in August on 2002 at the Reno, Nevada Convention Center so that all property owners with a desire to be involved in the direct formation of your constitution for the new government can participate during this four day event. We have taken steps to provide virtual tours and involvement with the convention via the Internet in case you cannot make it to the convention personally. Along with the regulatory boards that we implemented we are offering many ways for all of you to get involved directly with the growth and development of the Galactic Government. Remember to go to the Lunar Embassy site and fill in the request form for the participation in the upcoming Constitutional congress. Your input is invaluable to us.
We moved the world headquarters of the Lunar Embassy and the Galactic Government to 1329 Highway 395 North, Suite 10-281, Gardnerville, Nevada 89410, in September of this year. Our new facility will provide a warm environment for those that wish to come and visit us. Our plans are to build our own building in the next three to four years and to create a new project that we will discuss in the next few months. We will keep you informed on the progress.
Remember if you have any website needs to contact our webmaster here.
I would like to wish each and everyone of you the happiest of holiday seasons.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy.
Dennis M. Hope
CEO (Celestial Executive Officer – Galactic Government)
AKA: “The Head Cheese”
The Embassy in Nevada: +1-702-991-1232
Fax: +1-775-265-7938
Toll free number in the USA: 800-586-2729
Congratulations! According to the Declaration of Galactic Independence made last July 20th at a Press Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), each of you may claim citizenship in a Galactic Government to be formed to govern our affairs in space.
“The main purpose of a government is to serve its people, especially those directly within its geographical boundaries. Our community of over a million different celestial property owners, worldwide, shares geographical interests which span beyond planet Earth. We all have strong interests in space exploration, tourism, commerce, and colonization throughout the solar system and galaxy. Understandably, we have unique needs and special requirements that no existing government on Earth is authorized or empowered to meet.” (Excerpt from Declaration.) Click here to read the full Declaration.
Of course it’s not enough to proclaim a declaration. Together we must forge ahead in a practical way to make the Galactic Government a reality. To this end we propose a gathering of property owners at a Constitutional Convention to be held in the Tahoe-Reno region of Nevada (USA) in later August, 2002. We will discuss social and legal issues, begin the process of writing a constitution, view exhibits and enjoy the local recreational opportunities afforded by beautiful Lake Tahoe. Plan to bring the entire family and participate fully in this unique and exciting adventure. SHORTLY YOU WILL RECEIVE AN E-MAIL REGARDING A PRELIMINARY SURVEY THAT WILL HELP US IN PLANNING THE CONVENTION. From the questions on this form you may anticipate the scope of the conference as well as the importance of your participation in it.
How do the horrific events set in motion by the devastation in New York City on September 11th bear on our mission? Up until now the main justification for colonizing space rested on this idea: At some point in the very distant future the earth will become uninhabitable. With the recent discovery of the ever widening ozone “hole” and documented ill-effects from other pollutants the “distant future” came to be seen as the not-so-distant future. Now, suddenly, world-wide threats of terrorism have awakened many to the fear that the earth may become uninhabitable in the near term. The time period until lift-off is closing fast. Instead of 20 years to settle on the moon, for instance, we may have only ten years or even less in which to do so.
If, as it appears, the Barbarians are at the walls, one wonders if we can hold them back long enough to get our gear into the space vehicles and ship off. You see the problem. The solution is to take this business of going into space more seriously. If, in fact, “we all have strong interest in space exploration, tourism, commerce, and colonization throughout the solar system and galaxy,” then we had better get busy and turn these interests into realistic enterprize. And don’t be bashful about inviting your friends and colleagues to join us in property ownership. It’s the key. (See later on under Chalk Talk.)
For my part, I don’t say we must give up the element of playfulness that attaches to the idea of owning property on the moon and elsewhere in space. I say we must regard the double meaning extant in the situation. Now, as a result of the New York City bombing wake-up call, we pioneers have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something meaningful and potentially everlasting by utilizing our standing as property owners to achieve advances in science and colonization in addition to economic gain. And if we can also create a Galactic Government that will permit free enterprize and exciting adventures while preventing pollution and terrorism, we will have achieved something great for all humanity to regard.The goal of the Lunar Embassy is to involve all of our property owners in the grand design of our destiny. Click here for a selection of the many ways by which you can become involved.
For those of you who are not familiar with organizations that are interested in getting to the Moon and Mars we have a surprise for you. There are two California groups that should interest you: Moon Society and Mars Society. These groups presently have openings for new members. Each has as their goal ways to create possible ventures to the Moon and Mars. If you are a property owner of either of these planetary bodies, you are in a very unique situation, you can help your group gain access to your property sooner rather than later. Click here to learn more about the Moon Society and the Mars Society.
It is with considerable interest that we have discovered the work of a once obscure Peruvian scholar. Now an international authority and consultant to many countries of planet earth, Professor Hernando De Soto unravels the mysteries of capitalism to provide us with a credible account of how private property, even in third and fourth world countries, becomes the underpinning of every potentially promising society and ebullient economy. DE SOTO’S WORK PROVIDES A COMPELLING SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ARGUMENT FOR JUSTIFICATION THAT THE HOPE PROPERTY CLAIM RELATIVE TO THE VARIOUS ASTRAL BODIES HAS INITIATED A FUNDAMENTAL LEGAL SYSTEM OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FROM WHICH, METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING, ALL BLESSINGS FLOW AND BY WHICH ALL OF OUR PROPERTY OWNERS CAN BENEFIT.
By analogy, the moon, for instance, given its hostile environment, is a fourth or possibly fifth world “country.” You catch my meaning. The good news is, as Professor De Soto will tell you, all that is needed is a way to free up otherwise dead property in order to make it liquid so that it can be used to support productive ventures. A space-friendly patent system, bank, and a means of exchange are tools that will provide our property owners with the necessary means to free up otherwise dead capital. Look for the Lunar Embassy to explore the potential for each of these tools in the months to come. By all means, feel free to lend a hand on these projects! Click here for reference to Professor De Soto’s work. Consult De Soto’s work and see if you agree.
In September Mr. Leif Paalsson of Sweden became the Ambassador for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. We are presently reviewing applications from New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Poland, France, Spain and Austria. Nothing is final until “the fat lady sings” as the old saying goes. Send your application in as soon as possible in order to be considered. We want the best! Click here to learn more about the Ambassadorial Program.
You will be pleased to learn that The Lunar Embassy has gently resettled itself in Gardnerville, Nevada. Gardnerville is in the heart of the beautiful Tahoe-Carson Valley approximately 45 minutes south from Reno. Click here for contact information. In that this Northern Nevada location is quite removed from the San Francisco Bay Area, we feel this will be a safe haven for many years to come. Here there is room to grow for our office, warehouse, and eventually perhaps a proving ground and exhibition area for space projects.
An unintended consequence of being here is the night sky. Far away from the interference by illumination of the night sky from the lights of the cities of the Bay Area, we can plainly see that the sky is actually full of stars and other particles of light and information. On such starry nights our thoughts turn to the question of additional celestial bodies to be added to our list. Watch for announcements of new properties, or shall we say, new opportunities? With more than a million property owners to please, we had better look lively!
Speaking personally, I want to acknowledge the support all of you have shown in our program. At the beginning it may have seemed outrageous and now it has become quite serious. I believe you will show us continued support for the coming developments as this grand adventure unfolds. As always I am appreciative of the wonderful way all of you have taken this project to heart. We look around and find we are the leaders in a new world. From our hearts we accept the challenge that responsibility confers upon leadership. I look forward to hearing from all of you soon.
Dennis M. Hope
1. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve, change or enhance the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the human kind, the separate and equal station to which the Universal Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The rights of mankind cannot be guaranteed nor granted by man to themselves or they present the possibility that these rights can be taken away in mass or bit by bit by the very people who granted them. It must be endowed by a belief system in a power higher than man, be it in a Supreme Being or Universal Natural Law. The true nature and existence of God is unknowable, therefore the belief in God or not and the system of belief or not will always remain the choice of the individual and no government entity shall have the power to regulate any form of religion unless physical harm is caused to others in the practice thereof. Universal Natural Law is explicit in that the natural state of man is in freedom.
Therefore, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, among these are, but limited to, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the Governed to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown, that people are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpation’s, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. –Such is the desire of the citizenry of the Galactic Government; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present governments of Planet Earth is a mixed history of repeated injuries and usurpation’s, but also of human advancement, technological achievement, and the uplifting of mankind. It is the wish of the Galactic Government that all that is good and just in the Governments of Planet Earth be translated into the Galactic Government, but all that diminished humankind be left behind.
To this end; there comes a time when all people must break away from the constraints and misconceptions of the perceived good. Human history has shown the citizens on planet Earth when governments prescribe arbitrary Laws that are ambiguous, self serving, and counter productive to stated unalienable Rights that are among these, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that tolerance is abandoned. We are entering an age of Universal knowledge replete with the dynamics of the human experience. Frontiers have been broached on planets other than Earth and their histories relevant to Humans discussed to a point where our curiosity and frontier spirit becomes excited. In keeping with the traditions of governments as we see them through history we find boundless intervention to stop the fulfillment of all humans to exercise our rights to possession of these truly inalienable lands. When it comes to pass that provision of expected access to those lands is denied from the governments it becomes the responsibility of the citizens and property holders of those celestial bodies to take drastic actions. Conceptually we see the truth as being self-evident that all people are created equal. The governments of Earth have demonstrated their inability to embody this precept through application leaving the concept flawed. Human history has shown over and over again that oppression is a valuable tool for controlling those deemed as subservient. There can be no tolerance of this precept in a truly free society governed by the people. It is because of the actions of the governments on planet Earth that we the citizens of the Galactic Government and legal holders of title to extra terrestrial properties in the solar system of Sol but not limited to: all moons and planets as we know them and for the ones to be discovered excluding Earth, take the peaceful resolution to inform all governments on planet Earth that we have reached our point of no return. It is our desire to create a working relationship to the governments of planet Earth and to notify them at the same time of the following:
We, the Human Beings of the planet Earth who are the heirs, gentry, and citizens of the Galactic Government, do hereby declare our intention to break the gravitational and political bounds that keep us on Earth so that we might venture forth to find a new combined destiny of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. As a strong learned group of highly developed individuals with a desire and compulsion to reach beyond our Earthly limitations, we commit our energies and resources to developing a way of life, sharing freedom and equality of opportunity with all. We applaud our differences and recognize that these qualities have given our single mindedness strength and direction unknown to our Human ancestors. It is our diversity, our humanism that demands this growth process be taken to the next evolutionary phase of our species development. We cannot be constrained any longer. Initially, we shall create a one vote for one property owner process until such time as non property owners inhabit these celestial lands. Recognizing the rights of all inhabitants is paramount to this process. There shall be no room for special interests. All citizens of both Earth and the celestial lands will benefit from the construction of the legal process as recognized by the Galactic Government. We reserve the rights to encumber ourselves with the authority and regulatory instruments required to make a society truly free. We embrace the challenges of this mission and pray that all Earthly governments will appreciate and respect our rights to proceed. We must also recognize that without the planet of our origination, Earth, we would be forever dismissed from this experience. We are a driving force in the Solar System Colonization process and will keep individually our citizenship’s as they are currently represented and at the same time create our celestial identity as well. It is our fervent desire to accomplish our task without violence or intervention from other governments. Quite the contrary; we demand respect for the desires lined out in this declaration and seek acceptance from all Earthly governments so we can accomplish this transition for all the present and future land owners of the celestial lands in our solar system and beyond, but we will not be bound by recalcitrance or Earthly bureaucracy.
(Involvement is on a volunteer basis unless otherwise noted. Select an area of interest and submit your ideas and qualifications. We will give considerable weight to life experience. Volunteers will be encouraged to apply for contract positions as they open up. )
Lunar exploration
Lunar living environment
Business development
Experiments in science
Experiments in medicine
Experiments in living in space
Extraterrestrial property development
Ideas for another realm?
Conduct surveys and interpret results
Administer an awards program
Administer gifts and grants for research and study
Join a brain storming group on the future of Lunar Embassy
Other ideas and suggestions?
There are many opportunities for the ethical and experienced business person to become a Lunar Ambassador for their country. If you are looking for a positive boost in your social and financial life ambassadorship may be the answer. Besides financial reward, you can look forward to meeting many interesting and courageous people. These people are of the same stripe as those who, a century and a half earlier, pioneered settlement of the United States. Great fortunes were made by those who discovered gold and silver. And great fortunes were made also by those who supplied the miners and helped the pioneers to achieve their dreams. Applicants for Ambassadorship must show a history of business experience. Prior media relations will be particularly valuable for the Ambassador. Request an application by e-mail to
Become a judge for Lunar Embassy’s Awards Program. Prizes, grants, and sponsorships to be awarded for a variety of projects by creative individual who demonstrate ways to work, live, benefit from, and enjoy space and extraterrestrial habitats. Be they artists, scientists, business people, philosophers, adventurers, explorers, political scientists, lawyers, et. al., there is only one over arching criteria: Is the project in question a creative enterprise and will it benefit the evolution of all mankind?
Become a strategic partner with Lunar Embassy
Become a co-sponsor of The Galactic Government Convention 2002
Lunar Embassy Technical Consultants advise business, museums, schools, and private parties for practical use and educational purposes. Submit your qualifications and ideas.
Our friends Steve Durst of San Jose, California, and Greg Nemitz in San Diego have specifically asked us to relay to our property owners an invitation to join their society. Contact them at the following e-mail addresses: Space Age Publishing, attention Steve Durst, Editor: The Durst group has a meeting scheduled for November 3, 2001, at Stanford University at 10-12 AM. For more information, please contact Mr. Durst.
In the San Diego, California, area, Greg Nemitz is forming a chapter of the Moon Society. He requested us to pass this message on to you: “The newly formed San Diego Moon Society invites all interested persons in the San Diego, California area to come to our first public meeting Saturday, November 3, 2001. The Moon Society Chapter will provide year-round community, discussion forums, interesting lectures and events for everyone interested in seeing humanity return to the Moon. You can make a difference in our quest for the Moon. Please contact Gregory Nemitz at for directions to the meeting location. See you there!”
These organizations are looking for ways to help each of you participate directly with your properties. Since it is the policy of the Lunar Embassy not to share our list of property owners with anyone it will be up to you to contact either of these two groups if you wish to become involved.
“The Mystery of Capitalism” by Peruvian scholar, Hernando De Soto (Basic Books, 2000; available at Amazon) shows us private ownership of property creates capital that can be traded. As such, it is freed up from being “dead” and becomes liquid, and can be used to support productive ventures.
His researchers show that everywhere in the world, people are entrepreneurial, know how to make money, and have ingenuity. They also have created massive amounts of private wealth that’s untradable. They need to be able to trade it, and to secure loans based on this tradability.
Hernando De Soto is President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), headquartered in Lima, Peru. He was named one of the five leading Latin American innovators of the century by Time magazine in its May 1999 issue on “Leaders for the New Millennium.” De Soto played an integral role in the modernization of Peru’s economic and political system.
There are many opportunities for the ethical and experienced business person to become a Lunar Ambassador for their country. If you are looking for a positive boost in your social and financial life ambassadorship may be the answer. Besides financial reward, you can look forward to meeting many interesting and courageous people. These people are of the same stripe as those who, a century and a half earlier, pioneered settlement of the United States. Great fortunes were made by those who discovered gold and silver. And greater fortunes were made also by those who supplied the miners and helped the pioneers to achieve their dreams. Applicants for Ambassadorship must show a history of business experience. Prior media relations will be particularly useful for the Ambassador. Request an application by e-mail to
1329 Highway 395
Gardnerville, NV 89410.
1-800-586-2729 (toll free phone number)
1329 Highway 395
Gardnerville, NV 89410.
1-800-586-2729 (toll free phone number)
info at
AKA CEO (Celestial Executive Officer-Galactic Government)
And last but not least, AKA: “The Head Cheese”
The Lunar Embassy has always been there for all of you and we will do our very best to continue that tradition. In the month of August 2000, the Lunar Embassy will move its world headquarters to Gardnerville, Nevada. The reason for the move is that the Lunar Embassy has now become a government for the property owners of the celestial lands we sell. As said government, we required more room for the handling of the Embassy business with the other governments on Earth. The Embassy Complex will be from August 30, 2001, forward located at 1036 Kimmerling Road, Gardnerville, Nevada located approximately 50 miles south of Reno, Nevada. Our 800 phone number will remain the same at 586-2729 but our local numbers will be changed. At the time when all this is available information we will pass it on to all of you.
Some of you are receiving this letter for the first time. We request that since you are part of the Lunar Embassy family of Property Owners that you would like to know what is happening to your properties and the development thereof. It is the intent of the Lunar Embassy to provide detailed accountings of all pertinent information to all of you once every two months. In some cases we will define new projects and terms of those projects and how it will effect the value of the lands you own.
There are three regulatory boards that have been created by the Lunar Embassy which will be governed by the Luna Government. These regulatory boards are, a Patent and Trademark office that will issue trademarks and patents for items to be used in space only. The term of these trademarks and patents will be 99 years from date of issue. The records and registration of these patents will be available through the Lunar Embassy’s Website in the near future. The second, our very own Stock Exchange. We will issue stocks for companies that have interest in space related items only. For those struggling companies that are looking for an infusion of cash to run those expensive projects to get back to the moon. We will offer these stock portfolios through the Lunar Embassy and regulated by the Luna Government. The third is a bank of issue. The Lunar Embassy Bank will be a bank in the normal fashion except we will issue our own currency once colonization starts. Until then we will perform the normal functions associated with any bank on planet Earth. The backing of the bank of issue is from the Properties held in trust by the Lunar Embassy. The initial offering of shares in the Lunar bank will show assets of approximately $100,000,000,000,000.00 US dollar equivalent. To participate in any of these three regulatory boards please feel free to contact the Lunar Embassy at their current address, 1329 Highway 395 North, Suite 10-281, Gardnerville, Nevada, 89410, USA. It will be the function of the Lunar Embassy to implement the requirements to make the regulatory boards function properly. We will as time progresses to inform you all of the possible uses of the regulatory boards we are establishing through the Luna Government.
As a property owner you will each have the opportunity to vote on issues that will impact your property in one way or another. The implementation of the voting process will be described as we get closer to colonization of the Lunar Surface. Just remember you will receive one vote for any and all property that you own. You will have the opportunity to voice concerns that you have about development of your individual properties and the Lunar Surface. You will be offered the opportunity to purchase Lunar Embassy Passports from the Embassy at a discounted price starting in September of 2001. The introductory offer for these 25 year passports will be offered at $10.95 US dollars plus shipping and handling, for the months September, October, and November 2001. After that the Passports will revert to their normal price of $14.95 US dollars plus shipping and handling. You will be required to have a passport in order to exercise your right to vote. Only property owners are allowed to purchase Passports from the Lunar Embassy. As the transition of government responsibility takes hold the Lunar Embassy as its administer will provide valuable information to all of you every two months with our Newsletter.
The Lunar Embassy, Inc. is the premiere celestial property sellers on the planet Earth. We are the only organization on this planet that has acquired the rights to sell celestial properties. It is the desire of the Lunar Embassy to provide not only property for those who desire it but to eventually put into place a provisional government, develop and construct a physical Embassy on the surface of the Moon of Earth within the next 12 to 15 years, implement standard operating procedures for the eventual colonization of your properties, provide protection for developments that are unique to the requirements of space, and to fulfill the heritage of all mankind. Once in place it will be the function of the Lunar Embassy to act as Lunar liaison for Earth, set policy and develop all aspects of property rights as the needs arise once colonization begins, to promote and assist in the development of relations with the governments of Earth, to acquire recognition from the General Assembly of the United Nations, to create links with the independent space companies on Earth for the promotion and development of tourism, space commercialization, licensing of communications companies, utilities, and general assessments of values inherent to the development of these projects to their completion. In order to accomplish this the Lunar Embassy has to involve each and every one of you. Your input and involvement is essential. The Lunar Embassy can implement various revenue producing instruments but would rather come to the table with realistic plans that would allow us to complete the General Plan without placing recognized governmental controls over the property owners. We would prefer that you all participate with us as this is your project also. Some of you will be able to actually see and utilize your properties in your lifetime. Others of you will leave your property to your selected heirs. In either case all relevant developments will impact the value of your celestial properties and the rights that you or your heirs will inherit. In the short version we need you to help us help you.
In the continuing effort to promote and develop aspects of life in space the Lunar Embassy has just chartered through our provisional government the first space patent office. Yes, it is true. The Lunar Embassy has recognized the need the implementation of a regulatory board. We are calling this regulatory board the, “Inventors Protection Administration,” or “IAP.” The administrations primary purpose is to issue legal (Predicated on Lunar and galactic law) recognition for inventions, trademarks, and copyrights used exclusively in the environs of space. Within the next couple of days the Lunar Embassy will have available to all of you, applications that can be faxed, E-mailed, or snail mailed to you if you have an invention that you would like to protect for 99 years. On Earth, most patents are issued for 17 years. For our project this simply does not meet the needs of our developed inventions. There will be application fees and licensing requirements for all accepted inventions, trademarks, and copyrights. Recognition of the special needs in the space environs has led to the creation of this administration. Twenty-five percent of all revenues generated from this process is dedicated to the further exploration of our planetary bodies. All future launches to the Moon of Earth and Mars or any of the celestial bodies we hold will be partially funded through the efforts put forth by the Administration. If you are a creator, inventor, or writer frustrated with the results of the arrogance and bureaucratic messes created by the sometimes self serving governments on Earth and would truly love to pursue your dreams of acceptance both through recognition and monetary rewards contact us at the Lunar Embassy. Our phone numbers in the USA are 1-800-586-2729. If you are outside the USA our direct line is +1-702-991-1232. Our fax number is +1-775-265-7938. It should be noted that the “IAP” has already issued its first certificate of acceptance on May 2, 2001. Without going into great detail we can tell you the invention is a variant process similar to an “O’Neil Space City.” By way of centrifugal force one field of “Artificial Gravity,” will be generated. For those of us dreaming of the days when we might be visiting our property we can enjoy the same level of adherence we find on Earth.
As an added attraction for the Newsletter The Lunar Embassy is including in its publication inserts from the Ambassadors. This month we have included the information provided by our Ambassadors in the UK. Francis and Sue Williams of Moon have been on board with the Lunar Embassy since September of 2000. They have done an exemplary job and they have the following for all of you. was thrilled to be appointed as the official UK and Ireland Ambassador to the Lunar Embassy last September, and we have been very excited by the fantastic response we’ve received. We have had huge success both in terms of generating publicity and sales since we started, and the enthusiasm from the British public doesn’t seem to be waning yet!
Our PR campaign was launched on September 8th 2000, and raised a huge level of interest throughout the media, including news coverage on all the major national television stations, features on over 70 radio stations nationally and many articles in both the broadsheet and tabloid press. With this fantastic launch we achieved around half a million hits in the first week alone on our website and received thousands of phone calls. Since then we have continued to go from strength to strength and have managed to offer the chance to buy extra terrestrial land to more and more people as the months have gone by and our presence has increased in this country. The Christmas period of 2000 was a very busy time for us. With continued media interest the web site sales continued right up until Christmas Eve and we had to draft in extra staff just to get all the orders out, and our products were available in shops all over the country. Another area of development at this time was our on-line resellers, and we provided the best selling Christmas gift for two of the country’s leading on line stores. With the huge success that we enjoyed over the holiday season we came to realize the massive potential of our product, and kicked off 2001 with more publicity, the launch of our Venus and Mars plots and further retail partnerships. Land on the Moon, Mars and Venus turned out to be the perfect romantic gift for St. Valentine’s Day and was again the topic of numerous media stories. The success of has continued to grow over the last few months with more and more retailers seizing the opportunity to sell a product that has universal appeal on the high street, via the Internet and through mail order catalogues. We at are proud to have been able to offer the British and Irish public the possibility of taking part in this amazing venture, and being able to join forces with hundreds of thousands of extraterrestrial real estate owners World-Wide. We hope and expect that our success will continue throughout 2001 and beyond, and send our very best regards to all the extraterrestrial land owners across the globe.
Next month we will also include information from our Ambassador, Lisa Fulkerson, of Moon Land Registry, in Canada. We still have many opportunities available for Ambassadors. We have removed two Ambassadors from our roles. They were for Sweden Robert Bjorn and for Japan, Dennis Wheeler. We had mutual reasons for the removal and it will be for the best of the Lunar Embassy General Plan. I do need some input from all of you. The attorney’s working with me on the Luna Government think maybe the title, “The Head Cheese,” will not be taken serious. If you all feel I should change my title please let me know. If you have a suggestion that you feel is better please email it to us at your convenience.
I want to thank all of you for the support and encouragement you have shown the Lunar Embassy in the last twenty years. Without you none of us would be getting closer to having a real shot at colonizing the Moon of Earth. What a glorious event this is going to be. You are all responsible for the growth that has taken place so far and you should be proud of your interests and your work in this matter. I am proud to be the head of such a truly global family. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Until next time, stay healthy and wise.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy.
Dennis M. Hope
“The Head Cheese”
There is an old axiom, “the best laid plans can go awry.” Such is the case with our affidavit program which was implemented at the last writing of this newsletter. The response was underwhelming to say the least. I guess from the Lunar Embassy’s perspective it was a way to not only increase your property value but to insure your property rights. Understanding that not all ideas are good ideas is a concept I have been personally familiar with since I was in the 4th grade. Since the affidavit program seems to be a plan before its time we are devising new fund raising events. Realizing that you are all involved in this process gives me much comfort. Instituting ideas that are of value to you the property owners of the Lunar Embassy and to the long term project of the Lunar Embassy’s General Plan creates a certain amount of frustration for us here at the Embassy. Please feel free to interject your ideas for fund raisers so that we might be able to get our rocket launched in the near future. I am a firm believer in communication as being the key to all positive ventures. I have come to realize that my efforts in communicating certain important concepts to you has fallen short. For that I apologize. The intent for all actions taken by the Lunar Embassy and me personally is to inform and pursue the completion of the General Plan for the Lunar Embassy project. This includes the formation of ideas and implementation of those into viable plans to allow those ideas and plans to come to completion. These newsletters are designed to provide vital information in relation to those General Plan goals. In an attempt to let you all in on the big picture for the Lunar Embassy I will provide you with all the necessary information.
The Lunar Embassy, Inc. is the premiere celestial property sellers on the planet Earth. We are the only organization on this planet that has acquired the rights to sell celestial properties. It is the desire of the Lunar Embassy to provide not only property for those who desire it but to eventually put into place a provisional government, develop and construct a physical Embassy on the surface of the Moon of Earth within the next 12 to 15 years, implement standard operating procedures for the eventual colonization of your properties, provide protection for developments that are unique to the requirements of space, and to fulfill the heritage of all mankind. Once in place it will be the function of the Lunar Embassy to act as Lunar liaison for Earth, set policy and develop all aspects of property rights as the needs arise once colonization begins, to promote and assist in the development of relations with the governments of Earth, to acquire recognition from the General Assembly of the United Nations, to create links with the independent space companies on Earth for the promotion and development of tourism, space commercialization, licensing of communications companies, utilities, and general assessments of values inherent to the development of these projects to their completion. In order to accomplish this the Lunar Embassy has to involve each and everyone of you. Your input and involvement is essential. The Lunar Embassy can implement various revenue producing instruments but would rather come to the table with realistic plans that would allow us to complete the General Plan without placing recognized governmental controls over the property owners. We would prefer that you all participate with us as this is your project also. Some of you will be able to actually see and utilize your properties in your lifetime. Others of you will leave your property to your selected heirs. In either case all relevant developments will impact the value of your celestial properties and the rights that you or your heirs will inherit. In the short version we need you to help us help you.
In the continuing effort to promote and develop aspects of life in space the Lunar Embassy has just chartered through our provisional government the first space patent office. Yes, it is true. The Lunar Embassy has recognized the need the implementation of a regulatory board. We are calling this regulatory board the, “Inventors Protection Administration,” or “IAP”. The administrations primary purpose is to issue legal (Predicated on Lunar and galactic law) recognition for inventions, trademarks, and copyrights used exclusively in the environs of space. Within the next couple of days the Lunar Embassy will have available to all of you, applications that can be faxed, e-mailed, or snail mailed to you if you have an invention that you would like to protect for 99 years. On Earth, most patents are issued for 17 years. For our project this simply does not meet the needs of our developed inventions. There will be application fees and licensing requirements for all accepted inventions, trademarks, and copyrights. Recognition of the special needs in the space environs has led to the creation of this administration. Twenty-five percent of all revenues generated from this process is dedicated to the further exploration of our planetary bodies. All future launches to the Moon of Earth and Mars or any of the celestial bodies we hold will be partially funded through the efforts put forth by the Administration. If you are a creator, inventor, or writer frustrated with the results of the arrogance and bureaucratic messes created by the sometimes self serving governments on Earth and would truly love to pursue your dreams of acceptance both through recognition and monetary rewards contact us at the Lunar Embassy. Our phone numbers in the USA are 1-800-586-2729. If you are outside the USA our direct line is +1-702-991-1232. Our fax number is +1-775-265-7938. It should be noted that the “IAP” has already issued its first certificate of acceptance on May 2, 2001. Without going into great detail we can tell you the invention is a variant process similar to an “O’Neil Space City.” By way of centrifugal force one field of “Artificial Gravity,” will be generated. For those of us dreaming of the days when we might be visiting our property we can enjoy the same level of adherence we find on Earth.
In July 2001, we will be promoting a Win a City lottery. We use the name lottery for lack of a better term currently. By the publication date of the next newsletter we will lock down the exact legal verbiage. The main goal of the City Lottery is a chance for all you property purchasers to win a City size property that you can name as you wish. The City sized properties are now available for all the planetary bodies we sell. The following is a description and cost for all the larger properties we sell.
City size property = 4,000 acres for $ 4,500.00 US dollars
Mega City property = 9,500 acres for $ 11,250.00 US dollars
County size property = 35,000 acres for $ 42,500.00 US dollars
State size property = 65,000 acres for $ 80,000.00 US dollars
Country size property = 125,000 acres for $ 150,000.00 US dollars.
We will have more information on the City lottery in our next Embassy newsletter.
Our webmasters which you can contact here have moved to their new facilities. Reports have it that the space they have moved into is three times larger than their previous site as they have evolved into one of the premier Internet companies on the planet. For any of your web design or web hosting needs you should write to our webmaster here. I promise they will give you more than you ever thought possible. The Lunar Embassy is setting land leases for Phobos and Deimos. These two moons of Mars would make excellent vantage points for the robotic exploration of the Martian Surface. Should you or anyone in your organization require the need for such a destination contact the land lease division of the Lunar Embassy.
The evolutionary process that has been driving the Lunar Embassy in the past five years is the direct result of input from all of our property owners. You are all the catalyst for these dramatic changes in the life of the Lunar Embassy. It is always a pleasure for me to talk to as many of you as is possible and if I am at the Embassy when you call I will most assuredly enjoy a conversation with you. This is a project truly of the people. The Embassy is grateful for the opportunity to be the mechanism that allows all this to happen. We are moving into the age of exploration and discovery. Our plans for colonization of the Moon of Earth are being drawn up now. If you have any ideas that you would like to share with us in regards to colonization we would like to hear from all of you. Part of the growth process requires small setbacks from time to time. The Affidavit Program is not dead but it is resting for now. As we get closer to 2002 we will offer the project again.
What about Dennis Tito? He has now taken all the mystique out of the premise that only highly trained astronauts can survive in space. This has opened the doors of space to the average person thus lending itself to the ultimate desired result, colonization. All of us can visit our property. The only obstacle remaining for us to overcome is the cost. We need to derive a way to make the traveling in space more affordable to all of us. Do not fret though. There are currently some 127 companies on planet Earth right now working their hearts out to develop new technologies that will eventually lead to discounted space trips. By the time we are ready for colonization to start we might even have the secrets of the “magic propulsion system” up and running. I remember as a kid listening to my father who would tell me that the comic books were twenty years ahead of reality. Does anybody remember Star Trek? (Comment from the webmaster: Yes I do! So there! 🙂
The Lunar Embassy has been given the opportunity to write a book about this adventure and we are considering it. The opportunity for this book spurred us on to investigate some other avenues for furthering our mission. We have decided to open dialogues with Hollywood. Some of the people we are proposing the possibility of a film based on the Lunar Embassy story are Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, and James Cameron. If the discussions lead to a film deal we will allow the Affidavit Program to become part of the film. Then there are so many things going on now. We will keep you all advised as things here at the Embassy change. Until then I am grateful to be part of this miraculous adventure. Thank all of you for that.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy.
Dennis M. Hope
“The Head Cheese”, May 5, 2001
There comes a time in every company’s life that you have to take a stand. Make light of the risks of doing business and forge forward to reach those loftier goals that seemed only months ago unattainable. For the Lunar Embassy it feels like we are always on the brink of making that, “One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.” In the overall scheme of things all of you have allowed the Lunar Embassy to trudge forward towards our loftier goals. The time has come for us to, “boldly go where no one has gone before.”
The Lunar Embassy would like to start the process of gathering small personal items from each of you to send to a designated area on the front side of the Moon of Earth. Our goals are simple. We desire to place for you a personally signed artifact containing certain information about you and your properties on the Moon. This is such an important step for all of us. The process works like this.
We call it “the Affidavit Project.” (For those of you who don’t know, an affidavit is a written declaration that is signed by you.)
The purpose of the project is to physically represent each of the participating property owners to place a signed document on the surface of the Moon in order to strengthen, through physical possession, your ownership of the purchased Lunar property.
We are therefore requesting each of you who wish to participate, to write an Affidavit (note this is not free as mentioned below, and you must of course be a lunar property owner to participate).
This should be done only on the thinnest, regular size cigarette paper, using a cigarette paper brand name like, “Zig Zag”, if it is available to you. The information contained on the cigarette paper needs to be consistent from all of you. We need you to print your
![]() | Your name | |||
![]() | address, city, state, postal code and your country | |||
![]() | your property description as it appears on your deed, for example, area-E-5/Quadrant Charlie Lot number 100 | |||
![]() | and finally, your signature and the date |
Property owners will be asked to return three identical original Affidavits: one “Flight Affidavit”, one “Back-up Affidavit”, and one “Embassy Copy affidavit”. When the Embassy receives the Affidavits, they will be electronically photographed and an official CD- ROM record of all the Affidavits will be made from the photographs and offered at a minimal charge as a historical record to all participating property owners.
We recommend all property owners create their own signing ceremony, taking photographs and videos of their personal signing event for their own records. This should be an historic event that all of you can pass down to your heirs and so should be treaty with both flare and dignity. All property owners will be given the option to imprint their thumb or fingerprint on the Affidavit. For those of you that are a bit squeamish you can use ink but for those of you wishing to be totally cool can use a drop of blood for your fingerprint.
This is acceptable if the property owner wishes store verifying DNA on the Moon. (Dried blood is safe, the AIDS virus dies in 5-6 seconds of leaving the body by the way.) If you choose the fingerprint please place it in the upper left hand corner of the Affidavit.
The Owner’s cost for sending the affidavit to the moon is divided into:
![]() | The Lunar Recording Fee: $10.00 | |||
![]() | the handling: $5.00 and | |||
![]() | the Lunar Surface Postage: $35.00 (based on 1/25th of a gram) | |||
![]() | This makes a Total of $50.00. |
Your 3 Affidavit’s should be sent to, and checks should be made out to:
The Lunar Embassy, | |||
Affadavit Project, | |||
1329 Highway 395, | |||
Suite 10-281, | |||
Gardnerville, | |||
Nevada, 89410, | |||
Spacecraft Payload
The presently allocated mass on the spacecraft for the Ownership Affidavits is 1/20th to 1/10th of a gram each. In this target range, the Lunar Embassy needs one million property owners to complete Affidavits for delivery to be assured.
This is the important part.
The mass for 1 million Affidavits is between 50-100 kg. This is our target weight for this mission.
Packed as cargo, the Affidavits will be flushed with nitrogen to reduce oxidation. Additional archival techniques will be implemented to increase the longevity of the Affidavit Archive. Each Affidavit will be 70mm x 37mm (regular size), and must be on the thinnest cigarette paper possible. Our recommendation is the brand, Zig Zag where available. Examples of acceptable standard Regular Size Cigarette rolling paper stock are:
![]() | Medium weight paper 20g/m2 19 leaves/gm | |||
![]() | Light paper 18g/m2 21 leaves/gm | |||
![]() | Extra light paper 15g/m2 25 leaves/gm | |||
![]() | Extra light paper 14g/m2 27 leaves/gm | |||
![]() | Super light paper 12g/m2 32 leaves/gm |
Please absolutely choose the lightest paper type available to you.
I am sorry for the lengthy information about this project but it is important for all of you interested in the project to understand what we are doing and why. The placing of this container on the Moon is a way for all of us to make sure our physical presence is represented on the lunar surface.
The entire project will cost the Lunar Embassy between 55 and 60 million dollars to accomplish. We respectfully request all of you to participate. Hopefully we will have the process available so that you can go to the website, and find all the relevant information on how to proceed with the Affidavit Project.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the affidavit program, you can email us here.
The Ambassador program is going great guns. We are finishing negotiations on three more countries and should have the results for you in the next newsletter. Our goals as usual are to have 30 Ambassadors in different countries by the end of this year. For those of you thinking this would be an interesting way to earn in the 100’s of thousands of dollars per year, you need to contact us. We have a plan that will fit most of your need. Some of the important things you will need to know about the Ambassador program is that you have to have business experience, drive and desire to make a lot of money, the ability to purchase the exclusive rights for the country you desire, and a great ethical background. If any of these items describes you then you need to contact us before your country is taken.
There may be times when we notify you of companies out in the real world that think this is a great way to make money illegally by selling celestial property. There are a couple of reasons why we would contact you. The first and most prevalent would be that these companies not only confuse the real property owners but they devalue the properties that you hold legally. The Lunar Embassy spends tens of thousands of dollars each year legally getting rid of copycats and we will continue to do so. There are times, however, when other methods are more appropriate. Let’s use a site we just found two days ago named These individuals under the guise of being scientist have started a website claiming to sell properties on the Moon. My suggestion to you is that all of you that might be able to email these people and let them know that you are not happy with what they are doing. They are simply copying what we have been doing for the last twenty years. You should email them often and at length. Only take this approach if you feel they are in fact devaluing your property (because they are). Their email address is
The Lunar Embassy has been working out of a trailer for the last 8 months and it looks like we are finally going to get the opportunity to move into our new 6,000 square foot building by the end of this next month. We are so crowded in our 720 square foot trailer that it will be a welcome treat to be where we can move freely and accomplish three times the work we currently do.
If any of you have items that you would like us to consider for the Newsletter you are welcome to submit them. Based on the volume created by this we will not necessarily be able to publish them all at the time you send them but we will create a spot for the Property Owners Views. It should be interesting to see the kinds of comments you submit.
I want to take a personal moment and thanks all of you that were so patient during the snafu that happened at Christmas. We never intended for any of you to be without property as presents for the holidays. We have finally gotten past all that and have taken the steps necessary to insure this never happens again. Remember without your desire to become property owners we would not be able to change history the way we are. You are truly a force to be reckoned with. The influence that all of you have as a group is paralleled by none. We are at a point with our number of property owners that we truly can start writing our own history. I for one am looking forward to the next couple of years. It is going to be a very exciting time as we prepare for the development and eventual colonization of the Moon. Remember to check out the fine art renditions of the Lunar Embassy as it will be on the Moon. Our plans call for the construction to begin in the next twelve to fifteen years. After we are physically on the Moon you will all have equal opportunity to get to see and develop your properties I hope all of you have a wonderful Spring of 2001.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy.
Dennis M. Hope
“The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy
What a year this has been. First we signed our very first Ambassador, Lisa Fulkerson, from Chatham, Ontario, Canada. Then we attained Francis Williams and his wife Sue as our Ambassadors for the UK. Then Robert Bjorn, from Sweden, Dennis Wheeler, for Japan, Antonio Campello, for Portugal and we are still negotiating with individuals from 14 other countries. The Ambassador program is making these pioneers a lot of cash. The Lunar Embassy is getting ready for 2001 by a number of ways. We are going to achieve our goal of attaining another 15 to 20 Ambassadors and a total of 12,000,000 property owners. It is our considered opinion that by June of 2001 the Lunar Embassy and its affiliate Ambassadors will have a minimum of 5,000,000 property owners. Once this magic number is realized we will make application to the General Assembly of the United Nations for a seat so that we might have a voice! in the development of the Moon and the other planets. After all, who better to get information from than the owners of the property in question. There are further items we will be approaching for the next year and as the time draws near we will be exploring with all of you the possibility to make them all come true. So, if any of you are looking for that perfect project to get involved in we might be the one. There is the opportunity to work hard, change your life in a good way, and get some financial rewards that might be considered by some to be to good to be true. Give us a call.
The Christmas was a real barn burner. For those of you that were not aware, issued an article on us in late November. We are a staff of 8 people and thought we were ready for the Christmas rush. We were very wrong. The article provided by CNN created an order base of over 26,000 orders in 4 days. Along with the normal surge of business at Christmas we were buried. We truly thought we would be able to live up to the guarantee of delivery by Christmas as we always had. This year was different. We fell short by approximately 475 orders. For this we are very sorry. We have never ever wanted our customers to look at this project as a difficult endeavor. For those of you that did not receive your property on time for Christmas I give you my personal apology. I can tell you that all paid orders are in fact property owners even if you currently do not have th! e documents in your hand to prove it. This is after all the very most unique item sold on this planet. There are only so many properties that can be sold and once they are gone there are no more to sell. We are assured by the staff that the rest of the Christmas orders will be sent out by Friday of next week and you will all then have your documents to prove your ownership. We appreciate your patience and understanding. I can also tell you that next Christmas we will be prepared for any amount of orders that could possibly come our way.
The Lunar Embassy and all of their resellers have reached a plateau. Or customer base currently but without the input from our December sales, sits at approximately 400,000. I would like to take a moment to clear up some confusion for all of you. The Lunar Embassy has guaranteed to give the mineral rights to the first 150,000 property owners of 1,777.58 acre properties. The Lunar Embassy has sold 128,000 properties since we started in 1980. The rest of the property owners comes from the resellers and the Ambassadors. In 1998 we allowed individuals to resell our properties by subdividing them ten times each. This means they were selling 177.758 acres. Our Ambassadors are allowed because of the financial investment in the company to subdivide the property to 1 acre parcels. This is where the large number of property owners comes from. It should also be stated that the ! Lunar Embassy will be selling only one acre parcels from now on to the general public. We do this so the Ambassadors and the Embassy are on the same page. We will be revamping the City, Mega City, and State size properties in the very near future. We also anticipate by the time all resellers and Ambassadors report in we will have more than 1.5 million property owners. You should all be very proud of yourselves.
The Embassy has commissioned a world known artist, Sir Maylock Stansberry, to create in 3D computer generation limited addition prints of the Lunar Embassy as it will look on the surface of the Moon. The Embassy according to the plans will start construction in the year 2015. The Embassy will be able to sustain up to 400 visitors at a time for a length of 60 days. You will be able to visit your property once this structure is in place. We will make the limited edition prints available now and you can see them on the website to review which of the three you would like to hang in your office or home. The dimensions are approximately 4 feet by 3 feet and very fine artistic rendering of the Lunar Embassy as it will appear on the Moon. Even if you cannot acquire the limited addition print the posters will be available around June of 2001. We will keep you apprised. We have also added 4 n! ew colors to the T-shirts we sell. There are now also leather jackets, hooded sweat shirts, baseball shirts, and Port Authority wind breakers. Come see what we have for you.
Some time in the near future the Embassy will be removed from the temporary quarters we are now housed in to the new 5,000 square foot building the City of Gardnerville has built for us. We are looking forward to getting out of the 12 foot by 60 foot trailer we have been in for the last 7 months. The New Lunar Embassy will be located at the same place but we will have a restaurant, pilot supply store, aircraft sales and rental company, pilot training center, and of course the Celestial property sales division. When we have the opening we will send notice to all of you in case you would like to come and see us.
In our ongoing attempt to stay ahead of the curve we are negotiating with four countries in Africa for a real Ambassadorship for the Lunar Embassy in Gardnerville, Ca. USA. As the negotiations continue we will let you know how and why we are doing this. All I can tell you now is that it will benefit each and every one of you dramatically. Keep you fingers crossed, this is a really good thing.
In closing I need to thank all of you for finding in this project the ingredients that makes it appealing to you. I am a firm believer that we are changing history on our planet and in a way that is very normal. I have done a lot of interviews in the last few years and I can tell you they all want to know what are we going to do with the property? My response is simple. All of you have specific things in mind for your property and that is as it should be. I can imagine that in the late 1400’s people in Europe were asking the same question of the people leaving for the new land. What are you going to do with it? How will you survive? How will you defend it? What will you do for shelter? How and what will you eat? The same questions are being asked now. The only real difference is that our transportation will not take three months as it did in the late 1400’s. ! If Richard Branson is out there he needs to contact us ASAP. We have a way to speed along his project for space tourism. If any of you know him directly and I know he is a busy person, I really need to talk to him personally. You are all the essence of what this project is all about. For those of you who would like to know, 42% of you have registered the name of your property in the name of your family trusts. Seems like you all want this to be passed on to your heirs. What a great idea. When I started this project 20 years ago I did so with a gleam in my eye and dream in my heart. You have all allowed the gleam to become brighter and the dream to become a reality. For that I want to say thank you to each and every one of you. You will be the generation that made the world change. Thank you each and everyone. I personally wish each of you the very best in the! coming year. We will be in touch as often as needed and let you know what is going on with your property and your rights. Happy New Year All.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy
This is an exciting time for the Lunar Embassy as we have just past 300,000 property owners for celestial lands. You really do like the idea of owning properties on the other planetary bodies and we thank you all for your desire to be owners.
We have new Ambassadors. Francis Williams and his wife Sue have become the Ambassadors for the UK (England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales). Francis and Sue have called their business end of the Ambassadorship Moon Estates, Inc. Ê They started doing business as the Lunar Embassy’s Ambassador on September 8, 2000. I can tell you that they have made quite an impact in the short time they have been with us. On September 8, 2000, Francis and Sue Williams started their Moon Estates, Inc, and had a media event that covered the planet. They did such a wonderful job of announcing their Ambassadorship that it spurred many reports for all involved in this process. One of the side effects of this media attention was confusion by the customers visiting and to a lessor degree our Canadian Ambassadors site The confusion was in the property sizes and prices. The Embassy will address this situation a little later in this letter.
Robert Bjorn of Sweden has accepted the position of Ambassador in his country. Robert is just now getting geared up to open his site and business. As soon as the contracts are completed he will be up and running. Let’s not forget the Canadian Ambassador Lisa Fulkerson. She and her staff are working tirelessly to reach the retail stores in all of Canada for this Christmas season. The three Ambassadors are subdividing the properties to one acre parcels and have reported by the end of this year we will have more than 6,000,000 property owners. This is a number of population that is larger than some countries on this planet. We will certainly have a voice to be heard in the next year. We are preparing to make application to the United Nations for membership so we will have recognized voices for our property owners sometime next year. We will keep you apprised.
Speaking of Ambassadors, in 1998 the Lunar Embassy started the Agent/Ambassadorship program. As with all ideas this one has created an energy of its own and is about to change forever. ÊThe Agents will no longer be allowed to hold positions with the Lunar Embassy as of December 26, 2000. They will all be allowed to apply for Ambassadorship if they desire but the need arises for this change. Along with this change is the decision of the Lunar Embassy to start selling the same size property as the Ambassadors. Starting on December 26, 2000, the Lunar Embassy will only offer to the general public one acre parcels of land on all our properties. For those of you that are keen on getting a return on your money spent this is the time to act. All of your properties are going to instantly be worth much, much more. The Lunar Embassy is currently looking for more Ambassadors. We are in negotiations with people in the following countries for Ambassadorships. Portugal, Philippines, Spain, Germany, Australia/New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, Austria, and Israel. Our goal is to have at least ten Ambassadors signed and operating this year. Next year we would like to have another 15 minimum and by 2002 we would like to have 50 Ambassadors placed around the world selling all of our citizens celestial properties. I can tell you without a doubt this is a financially rewarding adventure. If you have a business background with a marketing sense you need to contact us about an Ambassadorship. I promise you, you will be glad you did.
The Lunar Embassy has just celebrated its 4th year on the Internet and I can tell you that we are one of the few non adult sites that have actually provided its customers with value for their money. You have made us a successful site and we thank you all very much. The Embassy sites have just been renewed. Our webmaster has been working with his staff recreating the Lunar Embassy site for the last few months. First results seem to indicate the new sites are going down very well with all of you. Speaking of visits he will be visiting the Lunar Embassy and Nevada, in the mid part of October. We are looking forward to seeing him. Remember if you have any needs for website design and hosting in Europe simply contact our webmaster.
The Lunar Constitution Bill of Rights has been updated. All parties purchasing property from this day forward will receive the new Constitution Bill of Rights. This document will bring us into a posture that will allow for the growth that we anticipate for the next few years. The Changes are mandated by the growing number of property owners we have. As those numbers grow it becomes more clear that we need to establish realistic goals for the type of representation we will have for our rights on the Moon. This may all seem rather silly right now but the time has come to prepare for the future.
On Tuesday, October 3, 2000, at the Lunar Embassy, a Television crew from Holland will come to do an interview. This is the first time a Television crew has come from Holland to visit. In the last couple of weeks, mostly because of the media coverage from Francis and Sue Williams, the Lunar Embassy has had the opportunity to be interviewed by many radio, TV, and print media groups. Keeping this idea in front of the global public is what will keep our voices heard.
We are in the midst of a quiet revolution. We are preparing for the future of our species by laying the ground work for our land usage on other heavenly bodies. You should all be proud of yourselves. You are the pioneers of the immediate future. When you buy the properties on other planetary bodies you validate the desire to expand our thoughts, hopes and dreams. I for one am proud to be associated with all of you. For it is you, our valued customers that make this all possible. Thanks for trusting and believing in this wonderful adventure with me.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
It is that time of year when we are all on vacation of holiday for our European friends. Things are steadily going forward at the Embassy. We have assigned the Ambassadorship for Germany to an individual who will be named next time. There are a few important things we need to discuss for all of you. In the month of July, I will be attending the 2nd Annual Lunar Development Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. This event will take place at Caesar’s Palace on July 20 – 21, 2000. The purpose of the conference which is hosted by the Space Frontier Foundation ( and cosponsored by Space Studies Institute (, FINDS, Foundation for the International Non-Governmental Development of Space (, and The Moon Society ( is to according to the brochure, “The Lunar Development Conference is an annual forum for the exchange of information about the technologies, social and economic factors that will allow humankind to return to the Moon and establish a permanent presence.” “This conference will attract engineers, researchers, architects, builders, educators, lawyers, government officials, private businesses, potential investors and other private individuals interested in Lunar Enterprises.” The reason I am mentioning all of this is that this conference and their directors have asked me to speak about property rights and privatized property ownership of celestial bodies. For me this is a real opportunity. These types of advocacy groups have in the past left the Lunar Embassy out of the loop. It seemed it was easier to ignore us and maybe we would go away. The reality of all this is there is a time and place for all things under heaven. It will be interesting to finally get the opportunity to discuss with all these people making plans to use your property for commercialization projects and let them know of the mass numbers of property owners who do not want their properties used by these organizations. It has always been the position of the Lunar Embassy to make available to any organization an amount of property reasonably priced and sizable enough to accommodate their needs. Our position has not changed. The problem has been these groups until now would not concede to the fact that the Lunar Embassy even existed. That is all about to change for ever. Any of you in the area (Las Vegas) are invited to attend. Please contact for information.
The credit union idea posed at the last issue of this newsletter was met with interesting results. We do not currently have enough interest in this project to make it a reality as yet. We will continue to monitor your desires in the future for such projects and reissue the invitation when appropriate. Thanks to all of you that responded to the initial query.
The convention for the Lunar Embassy is being planned right now. We are considering two possible locations. One in Europe and one in Canada. The plans once decided on will be posted in the first newsletter after the decisions have been made. Should you feel compelled to offer an opinion, please do. The time will be next year in August.
In the attempt to consolidate our energies the Lunar Embassy is looking for more resellers and Ambassadors. We need Agents and Ambassadors in any of the South Africa and South American Countries as well as Asia, Australia, Central America, West Indies, England, Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Egypt, Israel, Japan and China. Last year we had 23 resellers in the world our goal is to get a reseller in every country on this planet. The combined income from all the efforts of our resellers was more than 3.4 million US dollars. That is an average of $147,826.09 US dollars each. There is a tremendous opportunity here for the right people. The goal of the Lunar Embassy and its network of Agents and Ambassadors is to have an Ambassador for each country and agents to support those Ambassadors. There is excellent opportunity for financial rewards and you could be part of that. There are a few requirements. You must have the ability to market a product either through the Internet or via retail outlets. You must have a burning desire to help others own a piece of our future and you must be willing to become successful. If this sounds like you and you are looking for that one specific opportunity this might just be it. Contact the Head Cheese by clicking here..
The documents for Neptune and Mercury will be available sometime in the last part of August or first part of September 2000. As soon as these new properties are available we will advise every one of you. In the next year we will be developing new products to go along with the excellent products we already have. If you have interest in this kind of creative process we are always looking for new and innovative ideas for our product line. Send your ideas. We will keep you advised.
The staff has asked to participate in the newsletter and their first issue is next. I would like to invite any of you wishing to contribute to the newsletter to please email your entries here.. I will use as many of them as I can. You may speak about the future plans of your properties, development, government creations for the properties, architecture, engineering, or just anything you wish. The Lunar Embassy reserves the right to use all entries as they see fit for the publication of this newsletter. Send them to us we are interested in what you have to say. For now we have the staff and their insert. This issue was crafted by Linda Westfall and she has written for herself, Kim Stevens, and Pam Martin.
When first asked to write a little something for this newsletter, my thoughts became flooded with that (test/exam) panic…. All I can do is try, so here goes…
Hi everyone, Linda here, better know by family and friends as L.T. First of all I would like to send a big heartfelt thanks from all of us to all of our faithful customers.
It is a combination of your continuing support, orders, comments, questions, faxes, phone calls, letters, email’s and the referrals you extend to your family and friends…. All of this keeps us happy, working at a job we really enjoy doing.
Up until now, I thought, packing red worms was the most unusual job I have ever received wages to accomplish. The position here at the Lunar Embassy shot straight up and holds, top rank, in the uniqueness department! It’s definitely a one of a kind, one in a million opportunity! At least this job is people oriented (unlike working with a bunch of red worms and night crawlers). It’s funny but around here, sometimes, some things, even seem to get just a bit on the alien oriented side…too! One of my treasured passions, now hobby, is leather crafting. My dream is to someday have my own website and make my earrings and things available over the Internet… Hey, all I can do is try … right.
Since we all do a little of everything around here to help each other out, let me inform you that Pam loves all the business cards many of you have sent to her. It seems to make her whole day brighter. You would think she won the lotto! She currently has fifteen binders two of which are full (over 1000 cards each) the rest are filling daily. Her binders are all categorized by items like, military, foods, law enforcement, etc. Pam is a major source of our humor department plus she is our go-go errand-gopher and works well with the younger members of the staff. Please keep the business cards coming. Also let us not forget that Pam (the Head Cheeses sister) is single and possible looking for that special someone out there. Kim has been terribly busy, conducting newlywed type blissfulness duties… She has asked me to convey the following requests to ease our load though. These are important ordering information reminders.
1) Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery of your orders (as mentione everywhere on our sites). In all likelihood you will receive it well before this time but there is always the possibility of a delay in customs bureau.
2) Please keep in mind that do to the volume of orders we receive, we cannot allow you to select the location of your property. However; we can tell you where the current properties are being sold so you can decide as to whether or not you want those properties or if you want to wait for others.
3) Regarding Email’s- If possible please send all requests in English. We use a global translator program that sometimes loses parts or all of the translations. We really need your help in this matter. The Lunar Embassy is located in the USA and although we have German sites we do not speak write or read German at the Embassy in Gardnerville, Ca. To help you best please write in English. Also, please do not change the background a different color other than white. It obscures the text and we sometimes cannot read it.
As always we are indebted to our magnificent staff and webservice providers. Kim, Linda, and Pam are there every day for all of you. Our friends and webmasters in Switzerland have always maintained a very secure site and polish it whenever it needs to be tweaked. Their help and energies are a God send. They can be reached directly for any webservice needs here. They can provide website development for the smallest or the largest companies. If you need excellence please contact them.
Thanks for all your support and for the adventure of making these properties the future of humankind. This is an excellent journey we are all on and we appreciate your continued excitement about the project. Currently we have 237,000 property owners world wide and the numbers are growing by about 900 a day. Keep up the great spirit and remember to reach for the planets.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
This has started off to be the best year in the history of The Lunar Embassy. We have currently 21 resellers around the world and after the negotiations from our agent in Germany, Daniel Goettlich, we will have a new Ambassador for Germany starting in June of this year. Daniel had the opportunity to defend himself against the charge of fraud by one of his countrymen. In the first case of its type on this planet a court has made a monumental ruling in favor of the Lunar Embassy and the products we present to a global community. The case was declared unlawful because the court did not have the jurisdiction to proceed. This would be in keeping with the “Space Treaty of 1967,” stating, “No nation shall have sovereignty or control over any of the satellite bodies.” Congratulations and good luck to you Daniel. Once Daniel is the new Ambassador for Germany he and I will determine how to proceed for the first convention of property owners next year around August. We will keep you informed as to the progress. We would like all of you to attend if possible.
Lisa Fulkerson our Ambassador in Canada is really creating a sizable impact on her country. She is working on contracts with major retail outlets to carry the celestial property in their stores. Lisa has developed a plan that will make her a formidable sales legend in Canada. Her plans although not for public knowledge will include the acquisition of other Ambassadorships. We are pleased to have Lisa and her wonderful staff as our representatives in Canada. Keep up the great job Lisa. We are all here for you if you need us.
As with all dynamic organizations the Lunar Embassy is constantly changing as to our approach to this business. We have had the opportunity to discuss the possibility of creating the first ever international credit union. The Lunar Embassy Credit Union will be unique in a couple of ways. We will allow membership to any person or organization globally that is a registered property owner. The second is the fact that you will be able to live anywhere on this planet and be part of a financial organization located in one of the strongest financial countries on the planet, the USA. That’s right if we get enough interest in this credit union you will be able to open an account in the USA. We will offer services and products like any other credit union and the funds will be insured by the US government. If you have ever wanted to open an account in another country this is the time to show your desire. If we get enough interest in this project we will send the details in the next newsletter. Please email us and let us know if having the ability to belong to a credit union in the USA has any appeal to you. We are hoping to hear from all of you.
On July 20-21, 2000, I will be attending the 2nd annual Lunar Conference at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The intent of the participation is to provide information to the space advocates there about the ownership of the celestial bodies. The conference is for and I quote, “The Lunar Development Conference is an annual forum for the exchange of information about technologies and social and economic factors that allow humankind to return to the Moon and establish a permanent residence.” The types of organizations that commonly attend these conventions are groups interested in furthering the use of reusable launch vehicles, space technologies, legislative programs for the changing of the US position on the Space Treaty of 1967 and other entrepreneurial endeavors. The one issue that is always neglected is the property rights. It seems the members are reluctant to discuss the relevance of property rights but I can assure you that this will not be the case after the convention. I will make it my mission to inform the group as to the facts of property rights in our solar system. Any of you that will be able to be at the convention in July I will give you the address where you can contact the conference organizers for applications. They are located by phone at (in the USA) 609-921-0377 or email to The registration fee is $350.00 US dollars.
The Lunar Embassy has finally incorporated. Yes, we are a full blown corporation in Nevada, USA. This was a move that became necessary when we started allowing for the Ambassadorships. We have solidified our position as a long term company and we are very proud to let you all know that maybe in the near future there will be a stock offering to the public for stock in the Lunar Embassy. We are hoping when this time comes that some of you will be interested in the prospect of owning a little stock in our history making organization. We will keep you posted.
The staff and I would like to extend to all of you our sincerest thanks for all the interest you have bestowed upon us over the last 5 years. We never forget that without all of you we would just be sitting around the house staring at the walls. It is because of all of you that we are allowed to continue fighting for your rights to own the properties you are all interested in. It is because of this that in August or September at the latest we will be offering property on both Mercury and Neptune. The properties will be available in 1 acre parcels for $19.99 + $1.51 Planetary Tax + $10.00 Shipping and Handling for up to 5 properties to the same address. You should all add these to your collection.
In the past some of you have provided us with insights and direction that have allowed us to go into a positive direction. Your comments are always welcome and in fact encouraged. We are always looking for interested individuals wanting to become involved in a financially rewarding project. The Lunar Embassy is willing to look at any proposal that you might have in regard to an Agent or Ambassador status position with us. We have a lot of individuals around the planet that are making very comfortable incomes reselling Lunar Properties. The goal of the Lunar Embassy is to have 25 Ambassadors by the end of 2001. We need people with vision and a commitment to make themselves literally millions of US dollar equivalent incomes annually with our opportunity to resell our properties. If you are a visionary with business savvy and you wish to be part of this growing team of entrepreneurs then email us at info at If you see yourself handling the property sales in your country and have a burning desire to have wealth then you need to contact us. We really can help provide opportunities to the right people.
Kim, Linda and Pam all wanted to say thanks for the continuing support and for the patience with some of the problems we encounter doing their jobs. They are all doing fine and look forward to the 30-40 of you a year that come by the Embassy on holiday to see them. Remember we are here to serve each and every one of you. From all of us to all of you, have a great month and we will talk to you later.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
We are embarking on a wonderful time in our history. We have signed our first Ambassador. Yes, it is true. The Lunar Embassy is proud to present Lisa Fulkerson of Chatham, Ontario Canada as the first Ambassador of the Lunar Embassy. On February 16, 2000 Lisa and I signed the agreement allowing her to have the exclusive territory of Canada. Lisa and her family live in Chatham, Ontario where Lisa owns an Internet service company with some 600 clients. As the Ambassador she is the only authorized reseller in Canada. All orders coming into the Lunar Embassy, in Nevada from clients in Canada will be forwarded to Lisa and her company, Moon Land Registry. Lisa is a determined young woman with tremendous drive and direction. We are very pleased to have her on our team. Any of you wishing to become an Agent in Canada need to contact Lisa at It is the goal of the Lunar Embassy to have 20 Ambassadors from different countries around the world to act as our exclusive Agents. This is a fee based position which means you have to pay for the exclusivity rights but if you talk to Lisa she will tell you that it will be well worth the investment. If you have a strong business background and you want to be part of the Lunar Embassy team as either an Agent or an Ambassador please contact Dennis M. Hope at the Embassy.
Our convention in August of this year has been postponed till August of 2001. As the Head Cheese, I thought this should be so easy to do in 7 months. A dose of reality for the me was finding that other companies in the world actually planned these sort of events a year or more in advance. Not being one that gives up easily I was determined to get it done this year. As a result of all my efforts the convention will happen next year. We really want this to be very special for all of you who will attend. We need some help from those of you in the know. We want hold the first world wide celestial property owners convention in either Switzerland or Germany. We would like you to tell us where and when. We in the United States can choose certainly but it would make more sense to hear from those of you that actually will be attending. Please let us know where you prefer and we will make arrangements to accommodate your needs. I am sorry that we cannot have it this year. Just think about the cool things we can do with, “2001 A Space Odyssey.” All of you have now got 17 months to give us your ideas for the convention that will bring you all together for the first time. This will be a historical event. We need to talk to Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines to see if he would be one of our keynote speakers. If any of you know Richard, please tell him we are in need of his services. Also any of you with ideas of who to have at the convention this is the time to make your wishes be known.
The Lunar Embassy in Gardnerville has an opportunity to move to a new larger facility in October of this year. The Airport where we are located has received a grant from the Federal government to make improvements. We are currently in an eighteen hundred square foot facility and the new one would be two and a half times larger. We need the room. For those of you that have visited the Embassy we want to say thank you for making us part of your vacations. For those of you that have not visited us yet please do anytime.
I have been requisitioning maps for Mercury. We should have them available in a couple of weeks. Once they are here we will start the process for selling those properties. Keep watching the newsletters for the detail of when they will be yours for the asking.
The staff at the Embassy is doing very well. Kim Vasquez, (used to be Stevens) our office manager and my right hand person is busy getting the office ready for the move. We are reorganizing the entire office so we might be more efficient. In shipping our products around the world we find that each country has their way of processing the mail. Because of this Kim wanted me to tell all of you that there is no normal time to get your packages to you. We fulfill the orders on a timely basis and then the post office gets them and sometimes we never see them again. Our job is to get the properties and accessories to you as soon as we can. That way you can tell your friends and they will then buy from us. Every order gets the full attention of our staff and we pride ourselves on our desire to serve you all.
Pam Martin (my sister) has been with the Embassy for about a year now. She has learned to deal with the routines of our business and has proved to be an asset to the organization. She has some quirks in her life though. She collects business cards. Doesn’t seem to have any value to anyone but her but she enjoys doing it immensely. Any of you that have business card out there please send them all to the Embassy attention Pam. By the way she is single and looking just not very hard.
Linda Westfall, is our newest member at four months but she is terrific. She has acquired all the necessary knowledge to process your orders and get the documents to each of you with as few mistakes as possible. She doesn’t talk much while she is at work or maybe she just doesn’t talk much when I am there. We are glad to have her with us and we will find out more about her later.
We will as always keep you informed about the going ons here at the Embassy. Keep the emails coming and tell all your friends about the opportunity to have properties on other planets. Remember, we could not do any of this without all of you. We are so blessed to have you all involved in this project. Thank you all so much. With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
This has been quite a year. The Lunar Embassy has reached the 100,000 customer base (resellers included). This is a real milestone for the Embassy. The number holds magic qualities for us. We always planned to have our first property owners convention after the mark was reached. We are now planning the first ever Lunar and Celestial Property Owners Convention for the month of August, 2000.
We have narrowed the convention country to two. It will either be in Switzerland or Germany and will most likely take place during the weekend of the first week of August. The specific details have not been completely worked out but by the February Newsletter we should have the answers for all of you interested in attending. Some of the events at the Convention will be guest speakers from different space involved companies from around the world, design competition for the best designed home, office building, community, city, state, and overall design concepts that can actually be used by people to live and work in. We invite you to throw yourself into the competition. Other events slated for the conventions will come from the ideas you have and present to the Lunar Embassy. The Convention will start on the evening of August 4, 2000, at 6:00 PM. We will have dinner and a no host bar until 9:00 PM. The next set of events will start at 10:00 AM Saturday, August 5, 2000, and will break for lunch at 1:00 PM. We will reconvene at 3:00 PM and go until 6:00 PM. We will then have dinner and the no host bar starting at 7:00 PM and ending at 10:00 PM. Sunday Morning we will have breakfast at 10:00 and casually discuss the events of the weekend. Again these are preliminary plans. We are looking forward to having approximately 7000 participants at the convention and we hope each and every one of you are there. We are attempting to get some of the Celebrities that are property owners to attend.
The ones we are inviting for example are, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, Barbara Walters, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwartzenneger, David Letterman, Rosanne Barr-Arnold, Mick Jagger, Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichol, and 21 other Star Trek celebrities. We will be inviting astronauts, ESA and NASA officials, We will invite all property owners and their guests. Hopefully the hotel we settle on will have the rooms to accommodate all of you. If we could have 25,000 people show up it would be the best convention ever. Here is what you need to do. If you are interested in the initial concept of the convention in Germany or Switzerland in the first week of August 2000, please respond to us by Febuary 29, 2000 by purchasing a preregistration on our shopping system, the universeshop. After that date we will cut off all preregistrations for the convention. We anticipate the preregistration for the convention itself will be $75.00US dollars per person and after the January cut off date the price will go to $100.00US dollars. These are all preliminary figures and could actually be less or more depending on the actual cost for the final convention. Also attending the Convention will be all the resellers of the Lunar Embassy and the Head Cheese. Opening remarks and a question and answering session and closing remarks will be performed by the Head Cheese. The opening remarks will take place at the beginning of the Convention and the question and answer session will be held during lunch on Saturday and the closing remarks will be made at the end of Breakfast on Sunday, August 6, 2000. The Lunar Embassy will bring merchandise, property, and other goodies for sale. Any of you wishing to have retail space at the convention need to let us know as soon as possible. We will entertain anything related to our project.
The first Lunar Republic is looking for any of the world wide property owners to join them in their attempt to gain a seat in the United Nations. The Lunar Republic is based in Hungary and the person organizing the group is Attila Bergsmann our Hungarian reseller. The Lunar Republic have been kind enough to ask me to serve as the first President of the Republic and I have agreed. If you would like to be involved in the formation of the first recognized government of and by the people of the Moon of Earth then you can email me at the Embassy or email directly to Attila at
All of you are to be congratulated for the steps you have taken to reach for the future. I am so proud to be associated with all of you. During our Christmas this year we hired another three people to accommodate the needs of all of you ordering properties. As with all good plans some of the orders were not filled on time. For this I am deeply sorry. Most of you have been very gracious about the situation. Some of you have not. I can tell you all without exception all orders received by the Lunar Embassy by the deadline listed on the website were at the post office in time to reach you if the post offices around the world just did their part. I’ll give you an example.
All orders placed in the United States go through the US Post Office and are sent Priority Mail. The Lunar Embassy and all others pay extra for this type of mail because they say two to three days for delivery. Some of our properties took as long as 10 days to reach you our valued customers. It is our intent to get all of you the perfect gift on time and it disturbs me when this is not accomplished. Please accept my sincerest apology for any inconvenience caused by the post office inefficiency. This goes for the delay in answering emails from you. We will be caught up by the first of the year. If I could answer each and every one of you as though we on instant messenger I would. Reality as I know it will not let that happen unfortunately. During the last 4 weeks we received an average of 375 emails daily. For some reason we got behind (we were trying to make sure we got the properties you ordered to you by Christmas) and are just now getting a handle on it again. Thanks so much for your patience and your continued support. I and the Lunar Embassy staff wish each of you the very best of new years.
The staff want all of you to know that they have enjoyed serving each and every one of you in your desire to become property owners. We are blessed with a staff that truly wants to make your purchase an event worth having. Sometimes we fall short but our hearts and energies are placed in the correct mode. We will continue to be here for all of you as we sneak into the new millennium. We hope that all of your future plans and dreams come to you the way you want them. We hope to see all of you at the convention in August 2000.
In closing remember we need you to let us know at info at if you will attend a convention of property owners in August of 2000 either in Germany or Switzerland and please share any ideas you have with us about the convention and the events there. I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for the opportunity you have allowed the Lunar Embassy over these past twenty years. May God bless and keep all of you as you journey forth in these very interesting times.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy. Can you believe it? Christmas and the holiday season is almost here. Where has this year gone? There are so many things going on in our world right now with regard to space and exploration, possible colonization in the next 12-15 years and the advent of really fast space craft. For the thousands of you out there that are going to order property for the holidays please make sure you get your orders in time. We will ship and guarantee delivery for orders placed before December 15, 1999 to arrive to you before Christmas if you are in the USA, or December 10 if you are outside the USA. to arrive to you before Christmas. In 1999 the Lunar Embassy changed the way we sent the documents to you. We found out for those countries that allowed us we used Global Priority Mail. The products got to you much faster and the important part for some of you was that it got to you period. The cost fact increased about 20% but we decided it was a better way to do things.
As with all projects that take on a life of their own there are always some ups and downs. This project is no different. One of the aspects of this project that baffles me is the number of small organizations around the world (mostly in the USA) that are trying to persuade the government to sanction commercialization on our solar system. These people have been contacted and informed of the growing number of property owners that think it is about time the rest of the world started understanding that the commercialization aspect of the other planets and their moons has already been formed. We are now 60000 (give or take 100 or so) property owners world wide. We are the largest voice ever assembled for one cause. Your strength in numbers should never be underestimated. If in your country there are groups of space enthusiasts wishing to get a positive hold on the commercialization aspect of the other planets and moons please email them and inform them of the largest world wide group of property owners. You need to let these people know that we are the rightful property owners and any decisions that involve the property on the Moon or the other planets needs to have us involved.
Our reseller/Ambassador program is going very well. We currently have 21 resellers around the world. We are still looking for those individuals looking for a way to involved in selling property and I might add making a nice little living doing it. Just as a side note there are no Ambassadorships available for the USA. The Lunar Embassy in Gardnerville will handle the USA.
The Embassy can provide you with the tools to be in business for yourself with no real out of pocket expenses except for the property you buy and resell. The Agents we currently have are doing very well. We do not just limit you to property. You also have access to all the things the Embassy sells including T-shirts, Hats, Badges, Interplanetary Passports, coffee cups, and more. If you have any ideas for products that you would like to see offered for sale please let us know. We are always looking for fresh ideas to provide you our valued property owners with the very best of what you want.
The Lunar Embassy sponsors a soft ball team in Concord, Nevada. For the last 4 years we have won the division 6 times. We play two seasons per year. We have won the championship over all 6 times. We are currently getting ready to defend our title next Wednesday night at 7:20 PM in Concord, Nevada at the Willow Pass fields. If you are in the area drop by and say howdy. The team works really hard to win and I am proud to be there sponsor and Catcher.
Gardnerville is my home and I am very involved in the community. Next year I will run for Mayor again and this time I will win. The community is small but we are growing very rapidly. Right now we have approximately 4000 people here. By the end of next year we expect to have 5500. It is because of all of your support that I am allowed to participate in this community and to make a difference. I would like to thank you all for that. In Budapest we have a group that has formed the first Lunar Republic and they have offered me the opportunity to be their first President. Their goal is to get the United Nations to recognize us on a global scope and to allow us to occupy a seat on the General Assembly. I am honored to be part of this grass roots movement and will occupy the office of President to my very best ability. Any of you wishing to join the group in Budapest please email us and we will pass the messages on.
There are so many directions that this project can head towards. We would like to see it do a couple of things for all of you. We would like to have our computers placed on the surface of the Moon no later than January 2001. We still are a long way away from this being able to happen. The last time we mentioned this in the letter your response was wonderful. The majority of you are in favor and willing to offer solutions to the problems we are facing. Our fund raising efforts are still in the infancy stage. We have picked up some terrific volunteers to help with the project and we would like to thank all of you for the continued support. Any of you with ideas again are encouraged to contact us with your thoughts.
For those companies out there that are thinking about giving property as holiday presents please make sure you get a hold of us as soon possible. Larger orders this time of year will take a little more time and coordination. I can tell you there are 27 organizations around the world right now that are giving in excess of 200 properties away this year. Yours could be one of them. If your company is looking for a fund raiser Lunar Property is very affordable. Also if your company is looking for a guest speaker I am available. I have delivered more than 600 speeches in the last 2 years. If you have an interest in this let me know and I will discuss the details with you.
I am pleased to announce that we have started getting orders from Japan, Philippines, and Argentina. Welcome aboard. We would like to have all countries in the world able to purchase these wonderful properties. Our friends at the media centers around the world are so very cordial and supportive. They have taken this company from a fledgling organization to a multinational company with representation in 123 countries. For that we are eternally grateful. In the early part of November, we will be interviewed by CBS Evening News with Dan Rather. Please watch for this it will be very interesting. I wish I had the exact date for you but we do not yet.
This has been the very best year of our history. I want to thank all of you for the interest in what we do. I am aware that sometimes we do not answer all the email as fast as we should but we really do try. Sometimes we mess up and lose and order or deliver the wrong documents to the wrong customer but this is never intentional. We spend 100% of our day on customer service and satisfaction. Our goal is to make everyone as happy as we can. We know this is an impossible task but we all need to have goals. Although we have not been able to release any new properties this year I can tell you there will be several next year. Remember we are here for you.
Our staff Kim, Jennifer and Pam want to let all of you know that they are there to help you with any of your needs. We are just an email away. These individuals work so hard for you all. They are tireless in their efforts to make sure as few things go wrong as possible. If you have had a problem with us that has not been resolved (I do not know of any) please let me know. I will do everything in my power to correct the problem if possible.
As always without the help of our webmasters at we would not be able to reach and help any of you. Last week we had an incident where we had up to 1000 persons per minute on our server and it crashed, as any good multiprocessing machine would, no matter how fast your processors…. Because of the fast thinking and action of our webmaster, we were operational again, 40 minutes later. If you experienced any ordering problems last week please contact us and let us know how we can help. (We actually now went and bought a new computer that is only 100 times faster than before…this will be installed next week.) If you need webhosting capability and webpage designs you really should let our webmaster do the job for you. Their business is very busy right now so if you have needs let them know in advance.
I have prattled on long enough. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. Your support and encouragement have made this the world wide accepted business that it is. Without all of you we would be just another company trying to promote our idea. You are our strength and our future we are proud to have you as neighbors. Remember tell a friend so they can have their piece of the skies. Have a happy holiday season from all of us at the Lunar Embassy Gardnerville, Nevada, USA.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
I do not know how your year is going but ours is zipping by very quickly. I want to thank all of you for the continued support and encouragement’s. Our property sales are very good and more and more representative countries are coming on board. We are now represented in 122 countries around the world. Our reseller program has caught the interest of 22 individuals world wide so far and they are all making a nice living reselling the products and properties of the Lunar Embassy. We are still looking for that perfect someone or company that is adventurous enough to take on the responsibility of an ambassador ship. This title give you the rights to sell in an exclusive geographic region and all orders received by the Lunar Embassy are directed to you personally. We have 20 Ambassadorships available right now. If you think you might have interest in this please email The Head Cheese at info at and we will discuss the issue.
The thirtieth anniversary of the first step by man on the moon has come and gone. The Embassy was involved in numerous articles, radio and TV appearances talking about the property sales. We had the opportunity to hear from a number of you that saw, heard or read about the property sales and we thank you for keeping us apprised of the news as it appears in your country.
On the morning of July 31, 1999, at 1:00 AM NASA will crash a spacecraft into the polar region of the moon and use a spectrograph to read the materials shot into the minimalist atmosphere on the moon. The reason for this is to determine if the frozen substances at the poles are really water or some other substance. If it proves to be water NASA will receive the funding it wants for the furtherance of space exploration using the moon as a jumping off and refueling point. I am willing to bet they’ll find water even if they will not bet on it.
Their funding is politically based and if they do not find the needed substances they will not receive from the American Government the funds to continue the Lunar Projects.
Ever heard of off shore bank accounts? Well, we have one better for you. The Lunar Embassy is in negotiations with some major corporations for the express purpose of setting three computers on the surface of the moon. They will be place on property owned by the Lunar Embassy therefore you will not have to worry about charging them rent for the area they take up. The purpose of the three computers is really very simple. The first computer will be the first Internet service provider outside the sphere of Earth. The next is a Lunar Embassy business headquarters registry. If you would like to have a physical address on the Moon of Earth for you company or yourself to act as your headquarters this will be the place to do that. The Embassy will for $150.00 US dollars per year register your business as being headquartered on the Moon. The third computer is designated as an electronic bank. All income derived form the profits earned by your company will be transferred to the surface of the Moon hence leaving you with no taxes due in any country on the planet Earth. You can even work for a company on Earth and declare yourself as a company and register yourself on the surface of the Moon and all your pay checks will be paid to the electronic bank on the Moon and you will not be responsible for any taxes where you live. The only way you will have access to this computer setup is if you are a property owner. We need $45,000,000.00 US dollars to make this work. We have currently two world corporations interested in funding a large portion of this now. We will let you know how the progress continues in the months to come. Which computers would you prefer to have working on the Moon? Apple or IBM? Let us know your feelings via -Email.
This has got to be the best adventure of my life. I have all of you to thank for it. There are not enough words to tell all of you how much I appreciate the enthusiasm and warmth all of you share with us all the time. It is beyond belief to me that you are behind this project the way you are. There are some 30 organizations around the world that have memberships designed for one mission. They want to promote privatized ownership of celestial bodies. The largest number of members of any of those organizations is 1700. As of the close of today’s business with all the agents and direct property sales we have more than 60,000 property owners. We are the largest proactive group on this planet. We have all of you to thank for that. The real benefit goes to all of you. You are changing history. Your contribution to this efforts affords the rest of the world to wake up and smell the coffee. For all those grass roots effort committees around the world that tout being for privatized ownership they should look to the real advocates, the property owners from the Lunar Embassy.
I truly hope that all of your wishes and dreams come true. I hope that soon all of you have the opportunity to take full advantage of the property you own. I would like to see each of you mining the minerals off your property and making a fortune doing it. I would like to see those of you that have purchased city’s, mega-city’s and state sized pieces of property develop those into full blown active communities with a functioning citizenry. We are a few years off from that really happening but someday in our life time we will not only see that process start but we will be the ones doing it. Congratulations to all of you for you insight and desire to pursue your pioneering spirit.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
There is so much that has happened in the last few months. We signed on some more resellers in Germany, England, Brazil, Hungary and Canada. The total number is 18 resellers around the world now. These individuals are resourceful, energetic, determined and willing to serve the needs of those in their own country. They have a burning desire to provide property to those who would not be able to get it otherwise. For their efforts and contributions to our property sales goals we of he Lunar Embassy Gardnerville salute and thank you all.
We have added some new items to the goodies list (will appear on the web soon!). Now we have denim shirts in both long and short sleeves with our logo on the right chest area. The shirts come in sizes med to xxl and are all light blue in color. Their retail price is $25.95 US dollars plus shipping. We have patches coming in about two weeks. These are embroidered patches in a rectangle 2″ inches wide and 3″ inches long. They will sell for $4.95 each plush shipping. We also have new bumper stickers made in USA sizes. They are still $2.95 each plus the shipping. We are developing new items all the time and will let you all know when they become available.
The Head Cheese is very busy these days. His schedule is grueling. For this year he is the Vice President of the Gardnerville Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the newly appointed Rio Vista Airport Advisory Committee, Director on the Board of Directors of Gardnerville Care (a counseling center for troubled families and youth which is a nonprofit organization), Chairman of “Wednesday Night Under the Stars,” (a monthly event where the businesses of Gardnerville are invited to Main Street where the more than 258 businesses of Gardnerville share their products, services and ideas with the entire northern Nevada area), in the development process of three new business entities. First Symbiotic Chemical Company, a chemical blending company in Gardnerville where he is Chief Financial Officer. The Lunar Cafe which will be located in the new Lunar Embassy building being constructed this summer. Dennis and his wife Teri will own and operate the restaurant for the pilots (and astronauts) flying into the Rio Vista Airport and the local community. Also he is still doing public speaking engagements at various service clubs throughout the Northern Nevada area. With these hectic schedules he relies heavily on the Embassy staff to fulfill those requests from each of you our valued customers. If you have written to the Head Cheese lately and it has taken a while to get an answer please be patient. He will answer you as soon as he is able. Otherwise the staff will answer the letters for him.
Currently we have a little more than 51’000 property owners world wide. We are on a roll. The number of countries now represented with property owners is 117. Thank you all very much for believing in our product and the advances that are being made for the future. Some of the new people in the world that are property owners include Arnold Palmer (golfer), Hugh Downs (TV anchor person), and Patrick Swayze (Actor). This does not include the other 5497 property owners since March of this year. If you have a famous friend and would like to include them in this wonderful adventure please let us know. We are always looking for other celebrities that are property owners. Thanks to all of you from Ireland and Germany who continue to buy our land.
As most of you know Kim Stevens and Jennifer Kaloi are our permanent staff and Pam Martin has joined our team. Pam is a part timer right now but as the need arises she will become more permanent. The staff are the reasons we are as successful as we are. Without their support and desire to serve each and every one of you none of this would be happening. They are diligent in their efforts to make sure each and every one of you is served the way they would liked to be served. After the streamlining of our computer system and the order processes for your properties our staff size has decreased without effecting the quality of work. This team is truly on your side. If you get the opportunity to talk to them you will find out for yourself just how competent they are. Our Webmasters are so busy with their Internet Service providing and website design company in Switzerland, that they do not even have time to say hi to one another. Which is too bad cause they work in the same office. We really like the work they do and suggest very strongly that you contact them for all of your Internet needs. You will find that they are simply the best at what they do. You can find them here or give ’em a call or -Email.
There is an investment opportunity being offered to the property owners who might be so inclined to earn approximately 19% on your investment dollars. The investments are in US registered aircraft. Each investment results in your name being placed as part owner on one of the aircraft purchased by High Hope’s Ltd (owned by Dennis M. Hope) Maximum investment allowed per individual is $25’000.00 Aircraft will be of unique design and rarity and will be maintained in inventory for approximately 3 years. During that time it will earn money by being rented to qualified pilots. At the end of the three year period the aircraft will be sold and the profits divided among the owners. If this is of interest to you please contact Dennis M. Hope at the Lunar Embassy and High Hope’s LTD via this email address; info at
I am sure I have forgotten to mention a few things but for now this is what I can remember. Getting old is sometimes not kind to the memory. I would like to tell each and every one of you how proud I am to be associated with all the property owners. You are all a very special group of individuals. The world is actually a better place because of you. You give to this planet the ability to look at yourselves and see into the future. You also participate which is not for everyone. I applaud each of you. Until next time, thanks again for your support and keep the guest book full. Don’t forget to tell your friends about the great deal on property from the Lunar Embassy.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
First of all I would like to thank all ofyou for the wonderful support you continue to give our organization. We are so very pleased that you as a world community see the intrinsic value of the properties we sell. Without you none of this would be possible.
Last year was a wonderful year for the Embassy. We started our reseller program which is building with momentum as this letter is being written. We now have 9 resellers around the world and this includes one Ambassador and three more that we are negotiating with. As you might have remembered from the previous newsletters, our reseller program is designed to allow those of you with the entrepreneurial spirit to participate in the sale of Lunar Properties in your country. Our goal is to have 25 resellers by the end of 1999. This truly is the opportunity to turn a passion into a profitable business. I would like to congratulate PC Japan for being our first Ambassador in the reseller program. Welcome aboard. Watchout for the first moonshop in japanese, coming soon.
As a lot of you are aware I just returned from a successful European tour in January of 1999. I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people in Switzerland, St-Petersburg Russia, and Berlin. In Switzerland I stayed withour webservice providers who treated me to the opportunity to meet with the Olten, Switzerland Star Trek Club ( There were approximately 40 people in attendance and we had a terrific time for about 9 hours. The Trekkers really know how to make a person feel welcome. I would like to thank Roger and the rest of his command for the truly warm reception you provided for me. They even allowed me to speak to them for about an hour. They should all receive medals. They are a rare find and we value them as friends and partners. In Russia I was greeted at the St-Petersburg airport by a newly appointed Agent, Vyacheslav Alexandrov and his lovely wife Tania and their friend and interpreter Andrew. They whisked me off to a beautiful Hotel and then off to see the sights. I only had one day to visit with Slava and the group but it was so pleasant that I miss their company already. The day after my arrival Slava had arranged for me to do a press conference about the Lunar Embassy. The representation of the press was impressive. There was TV, Radio and Print media to listen to our story. The conference lasted about two hours and I was off to my last stop Berlin. The reason we went to Europe in the first place was because we were invited to be a guest speaker at a festival called Atonal Festival ’99. It was for Avant-garde Music and Entrepreneurs. My brother and I were there for a total of 5 days. We were allowed to do many press interviews during our stay and some of you will no doubt see them on the TV, Newspapers and Magazines as well as the radio programs that were inattendance. We want to thank Michael Schaumer for inviting us to Europe for the festival. Without his assistance we would not have been able to make the trip.
I would like to tell all of you that I do a lot of public speaking about this company and I am always interested in speaking to large groups of individuals or companies about what we do and how we do it. If you are an organizer of such events and would like to have me appear at your function please email us at info at I will be happy to discuss the details of such an opportunity with all that are interested.
It is finally here. Property on the Moon IO (eye-oh) one of Jupiter’s own is now subdivided and available for distribution. Any of you that have been waiting for the next property this is it. I apologize for the lengthy delay for its arrival. We had many problems getting the engineers to get the survey information to us so that we might get this project started. The property size of IO is 1 acre and the cost is $19.99 + $1.51 planetary tax + $10.00 shipping and handling for up to 5 properties to the same address. We will have the website opened in the next 2 weeks for this property and it will be at Come and visit us soon.
We have streamlined the operation so well at the Embassy that we are now employing only two. Kim and Jennifer are still with us and there to answer all your questions and to create solutions for any that might arise. Kim was recently promoted to Embassy Manager and is handling the work load very efficiently. Jennifer is a tireless worker and the two of them get out as many as three hundred properties a day. We are lucky to have them on our team. The rest of our support staff (which as you know own their own Internet service provider and web consultation business in Switzerland), are doing well. When my brother and I were visiting them this January we had the opportunity to celebrate their official first year anniversary. Congratulations to them both for a well deserved success. If you need Internet consulting, design, or implementation get a hold of these two because they are the best. Find them here.
Thank you all again for the wonderful support and let us know how we might assist in any of your planetary needs.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Just a quick update before the next Newsflash next month: Dennis has now completed his European Tour…3 countries, 8 events and 19 press crews later..the Head Cheese is safely back in the USA. Dennis would like to let all Europeans know that he loved Europe and he thanks all of you for your formidable hospitality.
More will be announced in the upcoming Newsflash next month, by the Head Cheese himself of course.
Below you can still see the shedule of this Januarys events:
Yes, it is true. The Head Cheese is FINALLY going to visit Europe! This will be a great chance for all of you to see him in action. Dennis will be in Europe from the 7th to the 17th of January 1999. So far the Lunar Embassy is working on events during that time in Switzerland, Russia and Germany. Please check this page for regular updates! Here is the shedule so far.
The last shedule update was made on the 31st December 1998.
Saturday the 9th of January, 20h00 Olten, Switzerland.
The Head Cheese will be giving a presentation to the Official Swiss StarTrek Club in Olten (which is between Basel and Zürich).
You do not have to be a member of the club to attend. EVERYONE is welcome.
The Head Cheese’s presentation will begin at 20h00. (Other events already begin around 16h00)
Its in the Restaurant Aarhof, Frohburgstr. 2, 4600 Olten.
The reason we chose this rather strange location is access. Firstly Olten is very central and, this place is extremely easy to find:
1. Take a train to Olten (in Switzerland…all trains go there for some strange reason…its a major “hub”.)
2. Get off the train
3. Cross the bridge on foot….and you are right in front of it.
There will be a nominal entry fee of Sfr 8.-/person. If you have a uniform, please wear it. If you have an admirals uniform, definitely wear it. 🙂
Sunday the 17th of January, 13h00 Berlin, Germany.
The Head Cheese will be giving a presentation at the Atonal Festival 99.
Again, everyone is welcome.
The Head Cheese’s presentation will begin at 13h00.
Its in the Theatre VolksbŸhne, Linionstrasse 227, 10178 Berlin.
A nominal entry fee of 8 DM is charged at the door. For further information please contact Mr Michael SchŸmer on +
On the 13th of January, St-Petersburg, Russia.
Dennis will be giving a Press Conference in St-Petersburg, Russia.
Dennis and his wife Terry have actually never been to Europe. We shall ensure to expose them to good german beer, swiss cheese, english breakfasts and french wine. (Don’t worry, the webmaster promises to publish any embarrassing photos of the events on this website. 🙂
If you would like the Head Cheese to visit your organization, or set up radio/tv or newspaper interviews with him, please contact the embassy by contacting the webmaster.
A small step for us Europeans…a giant leap for the Head Cheese.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Your Lunar Embassy Team
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
Well, it’s that time of year again. Christmas is just around the corner. If you are thinking about getting your loved ones property for this holiday season you should start ordering now.
The race for Mayor of the City of Gardnerville is over. I dislike telling you that I lost but the truth shall prevail. In a community with 4000 people, 2058 of which are registered to vote, 1325 did just that. The incumbent, Fred Harris a resident of the city for 50 years got 816 votes and I received 584. He won by 230 votes. I am glad the election is over now I can concentrate on doing what I do best, running the Lunar Embassy.
We have just opened our flight school. We have two instructors and two airplanes. The only thing we need now is students. The school is open to anyone with a desire to learn how to fly general aviation airplanes. If you come by for a visit and have a desire to go up into the air I would be pleased to show you the sights of the San Francisco Bay Area.
The reseller program is going very well. We have agents applying almost daily. We still have room for approximately 30 Ambassadors, however. If you would like to have an exclusive territory in your country and want to make a serious income and have a great time doing it this might be for you. The rewards can be anywhere from $2500.00 US dollar equivalent to $20000.00 US dollar equivalent per month. There are some requirements for the exclusivity and it will take some $$$ and some desire to have a real working business of your own. We look forward to hearing from any of you desiring the opportunity to be your own boss. Call us.
The staff is doing well. Kim and her family are enjoying her promotion to office manager here at the Embassy. She was a great deal of help in the election along with her family. They passed out flyers door to door and really put forth an effort to help us gain the much needed votes we received.
Jennifer and her family were also supportive. Her husband Ray just went into the hospital for back surgery and while that was happening Jennifer and the family moved from their apartment into a house here in Gardnerville. Jennifer reports that Ray must be feeling better because he is being a real pain. We wish him a speedy recovery. I am sorry to report that Jonathan has decided to leave us to pursue other avenues. We wish him well in all his adventures.
Our webservice providers are doing great work. They are up to their shoulders in new web page development and the energy is flowing. If you have need of great website providers and web page builders you must contact them here. We at the Lunar Embassy are very lucky to have them on our team.
There will be some new additions to the staff in the next couple of months and as that happens we will introduce you all to them.
After much looking I have found a Moon watch that we are going to offer for sale. They should arrive in approximately two weeks. They are a commemorative watch depicting the Apollo landings on the Moon. They are going to sell for $39.95 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. They will be appearing on the website soon. We will be taking orders before they arrive and there is only a limited quantity available.
IO, the moon of Jupiter is all ready to be sold with one minor problem. We have not yet received a map that is adequate enough for the purposes of doing the subdivisions. We are desperately looking for such a map or even a good color picture that we can utilize for this purpose. Our engineers have given us the assurances that the 1 acre parcels will be no problem to map out but they do need a suitable picture so we can place it on the documents. If you know of any or have some you could spare for a short while please send them to the Embassy as soon as possible.
As always I would like to thank all of you for the support and kindness’ you have shown us over the years. We truly love doing what we do. It gives us purpose and allows us to see the happiness created by our efforts. For this we are grateful. If you have any comments or suggestions for us please email me directly at info at I will answer as soon as possible. We at the Lunar Embassy would like to offer to each and every one of you our sincerest wishes for a happy holiday season. May all your hopes and dreams be realized.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
This year has gone by so fast. I have good news for all of us. The United States has just moved into first place as the largest group of celestial property owners on this planet. They moved into the number one position by easing Sweden out of the top spot at the end of August 1998. The ranking goes something like this; 1) USA, (2) Sweden, (3) Germany, (4) Israel, (5) England, (6) Australia, (7) Poland, (8) Switzerland, (9) Canada, (10) Austria.
The selling of the Moon IO (One of Jupiter’s) is on shedule for end of September/start of October 1998. The reasons are we have not yet received the maps needed to finish the documents. (As you may know we must use the most accurate maps available.) The property will be divided into 1 acre parcels and it will sell for $19.99 +$1.51 Ionian tax + $10.00 shipping and handling for up to 5 properties to the same address. We will make sure to have it available for Christmas this year. Speaking about Christmas, it is just around the corner. If you have been thinking about buying your family members property or some of our very cool accessories the time is now. Do not wait until the last minute. Our shipping deadline to make sure we get the items to you on time is December 10, 1998. After that time we cannot guarantee you will receive the items in time.
The Head Cheese is getting closer to the position of Mayor for the City of Rio Vista. The populous has accepted him into their hearts and it looks like the election is going his way. The first recognition from the media will be aired on the US TV Comedy Networks, “The Daily Show,” on September 9, 1998. Each time zone has its own showing time. On the Pacific Coast of the USA the time is 11:00 PM. If you get a chance watch this very in depth interview. It will give you a chance to see “The Head Cheese” in action. If any of you have comments about the presentation please feel free to send your comments to headcheese he will answer each and every one of you as time permits.
We have been trying to get Venusian coffee cups but we have not found the exact cup for our property owners yet. We have a promotions company looking for a specific type and color of coffee cup. As you know, we are extremely pedantic about the quality of the products we sell. Only the best will do. As soon as we get the right one we will offer them to you. Any of you wishing to offer suggestions for accessory items that you would like to see, please contact us with your ideas. We are always looking for new items. I can tell you that Bumper stickers will be here soon and they are going to be a lot of fun.
Our webmasters have just left Nevada for their home in Switzerland. If you need a place to host your website, they are the people you want to be talking to. We were fortunate enough to have had them here in Nevada for a holiday. We had a great time just relaxing. One night we got in the small Lunar Embassy airplane and flew around the San Francisco Bay area. It was a glorious night for flying and for looking at the Moon. I am afraid that they are hooked. They truly love flying in small planes. Maybe we can fly the Cessna 310 Twin engine to Switzerland next year and they can fly all over Europe with the Head Cheese and his wife.
Kim and Helen both have had their baby boys. Both mothers and babies are doing fine. Helen is taking time to be with her baby and will only be at the Embassy during those times when we are in desperate need for the help. Kim is back at work taking charge and keeping the wheels of progress running. Jennifer’s car is about to give out and she is looking for another type. Erin is swearing at the Computers in the office and putting all the data into the files so we know where everyone is. Jonathan is still recovering from his fall and operation last July. Rumor has it he will be back full time by the end of the month.
The Head Cheese and his wife are selling their waterfront property on the San Jauquin River (as they have now aquired their own house.). They have 1 acre and are looking for someone to make it a home. It is in the most beautiful place in the Northern Nevada Delta region. If you have ever wanted to have an affordable piece of waterfront property please call Dennis M. Hope at +1-702-991-1232. He would love to hear from you.
The program we have started with the reselling of properties is going very well. We are in process of licensing people in the following areas of the world: Japan, China, Germany, Australia, Israel, South Africa, England, and Brazil. We still have plenty of room left for those of you who like this project and would like to make some real money selling it. Please contact us via email, letters, or phone +1-702-991-1232.
I would like to extend a word of thanks to all of you who find this to be an exciting project. Without your support and desire to be part of this we wouldn’t be where we are today. My wife and I and our staff are here to serve you in any way we can with regard to your property. In some parts of the world we are experiencing a minor problem with the post offices. They are taking a very long time to deliver the tubes we send. The biggest problem is coming from Israel. Please be advised we are attempting to get your documents to you the same way we do with all the property owners. For some reason though Israel loses or just does not deliver the products on a timely basis. We are working on fixing the problem.
Remember, if you have any ideas or thoughts you would like to share with us, let us know. Until November and our next Newsflash, enjoy your property.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
This has been a wonderful couple of months for the Lunar Embassy thanks to all of you, our valued customers. It is always a challenge to put into words the chronology of the events as to their priority. It is official, “The Head Cheese,” is running for Mayor of the city of Gardnerville, Ca. The election will be held in November of 1998. One of the aspects of being the Mayor of Gardnerville will be to bring in new businesses to our growing community. For that I am announcing to all of you in the world that we are going to put together some limited partnership programs to build a destination hotel and convention center in Gardnerville. It will be on the waterfront with approximately 28 acres of property. It will also become a wonderful place to hold our property owner conventions. Speaking of the conventions. I would like to find out if you would like to have me visit your country and do a convention there? If so drop me an email and let me know how you think it could happen. I would be happy to take invitations to come to your respective countries and speak about all the things happening in the world about this project also.
The Lunar Embassy has finally purchased its first twin engine aircraft. We call it the “Lunar Embassy Lear Jet”. We are the proud owners of a Cessna 310N. It is a six passenger plane with two engines. If you come to visit us we will certainly be happy to give you a ride in it. Next newsletter we will furnish pictures because by then the Lunar Embassy Logo will be painted all over the tail.
On the fourth of July 1998 I will be attending a Space conference that I have been invited to. The purpose is to introduce the space community with our plans for development and colonization procedures. There are a number of companies around the world that have recently purchased property from us and have plans for commercial endeavors. We want to make sure they comply with the wishes of our property owners and that they abide by the property boundaries as they exist now. There are also some new developments in our approach to the property and increasing its value to you. I am not at liberty to discuss in detail the actual plans for this improvement but as time progresses I will advise all of you. This is very exciting for the Lunar Embassy and it will benefit all of you tremendously.
The Lunar Embassy has recently started assigning official , “Reseller Agent,” status for a few interested individuals. The direction of this program is to eventually have agents in all countries. There is also the ability to receive an, “Exclusive Reseller,” status and this requires a licensing agreement and a fee depending on the size of the populated area you desire. This is a great opportunity for all of you that have had a desire to be in business with the Lunar Embassy. We welcome your input on this wonderful opportunity.
The plans for property on the Moon Io are going as planned. We should have the property available for sale around Quarter 3. We will keep you informed.
Our beloved webmasters are coming to Nevada for a visit. We are anxious to show them the sites and sounds of our quaint little community and the craziness of Nevada. In our last News Flash I forgot to mention Jennifer. I want all of you to know that she, like the rest of the crew, is a valued member of our staff and a real asset to the company. She and her family are always supportive and anxious to help all of our customers with any of the varied request we get. So our thanks go to her for all of her efforts in making our operation a success.
The rest of the crew have all had minor problems. Jonathan has been away from the Embassy for 3 weeks now. He had an accident. He feel off a ladder and injured his heel. After a lengthy operation involving bone transplants from his hip to his heel he is recuperating. We expect he will be back at the job around August some time. Kim is about ready to become a mother again. It should be anytime now. Helens also in the motherly way and is expecting to deliver in August. Erin is off to Lake Tahoe. Erin and Jennifer helped me at a celebrity bartender party at a restaurant called , “The Point,” in Rio Vista. We were invited to use our Alien Test Kit to find out how many aliens are in Gardnerville. It was great fun. I had never been a bartender before but I had dated one. I guess that qualified me.
I would like to thank all of you for your continued support of what we do. Without you we would be just another company trying to make an impact in the world. With you we are the strength and culmination of all your ideas and desires. We can not lose with that kind of energy. All of you have contributed to the beginning of a change in history. I am proud to be associated with all of you.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
There have been a lot of interesting events happen at the Lunar Embassy in the past 3 months. Thanks to all of you our sales are continuing and the number of celestial property owners is growing by approximately 100 per day. In March the discovery of water on the surface of the Moon really gave full attention to the Moon property sales. Property values should be on the rise. As the value of your property increases we at the Lunar Embassy want to assure you that we will not raise our prices nor will we make the lot sizes smaller.
In the last couple of news letters we have been talking about our new products. The, “Alien Test Kit” is now available for sale. The initial price is set at $24.95. The kit will allow you to do up to 100 tests. This is great because you can have a party and invite 99 of your closest friends and find out what planet they are from. We are developing the website for this at this time and it should be available soon. Until then you can order the, “Alien Test Kit” from the goodies list on
The Lunar Embassy has been a very successful company and we are looking for individuals or companies willing to share in our success. With the advent of the new products coming from the Lunar Embassy we are in search of qualified distributors for those products. If you or your company are in the distribution business and have a desire to add a very unique and potentially successful item to your inventory please contact the Lunar Embassy at, or call us in the United States 800-586-2729 USA only or +1-702-991-1232. This is a ground floor opportunity and our market studies are very promising.
The Lunar Embassy has contracted with a San Jose, Ca. Design company that has offered to make available to each and everyone of you the opportunity to have a house or company building designed for an very reasonable price. Prices start at $19.95 and go up depending on your specific requirements. For more information on this project please email us and we will forward the information to the design people.
Great news! The Lunar Embassy will offer for sale the Moon IO. We have started the development and subdivision aspects to the moon. We are excited about this because so many of you have requested property on the moons of the other planets. IO seems to be the perfect moon to start with. We anticipate that the property will be available in the second to third quarter this year. The size of the properties will be announced after the survey has been completed. Get ready to be one of the first to set up your own private resort in our very cool solar system.
Our web service providers, web page designers, web master, and friends have their own success story starting. They opened their business in the middle of last year and have now reached a point where they are so busy they have to work 22 hours a day to keep up with the demand for their extraordinary talents and services. We are so proud of them and their success. If any of you need a high quality web site designed or hosted there is only one choice. The Lunar Embassy finds having our website hosted with them has tremendous advantages and we suggest you contact them here. You will thank us a million times for this tip.
We want to remind everyone that Interplanetary Passports are now available for property owners only. They are $14.95 + $4.00 shipping and handling. They are valid for 25 years and we do like to have you send us the passport picture when ordering so we can officially stamp and affix the picture to the passport.
We have also dropped the price on the sweatshirts we sell. They were originally $31.95 +s/h. We have lowered the price (we got the price reduced from our supplier) to $29.95. These are high quality washable sweatshirts that can be worn anywhere. They have the Lunar Embassy logo embroidered on the left chest side. They are quite nice.
The Lunar Embassy staff is doing well. Kim Stevens and Helen McCoy are both expecting babies soon. Erin and her fiancee John are getting married but no- one knows exactly when. I think they are trying to keep it a secret. Jonathan has been wining and dining friends from England and is enjoying the life of an Ambassador. I would like to mention that the Embassy staff is always here to answer any of your questions. We are like any other company in the respect that we sometimes can not satisfy everyone all the time. We do however do our very best to help all of you when the time arises. Our goal is to have everything run smoothly for all of you and to smooth out those problem areas that happen.
As this project continues its momentum we have only you to thank. We never forget without you we are incapable of doing any of this. We are most appreciative. The property sales are strong now and have been for the last 9 months. When we reach 150,000 property owners our strength will be a power to recon with. All of you are the voice of change and in purchasing your property you have voiced that desire for the future. We are behind you 150%. The Lunar Embassy has been around for almost 18 years now and we will be around for at least another 100 years or so. Someday when we are all on our various planets living the pioneer life we will draw from the strength of knowing we all made a huge difference in the path of human development. We congratulate you all. Until next time we leave you to your plans and dreams of the future.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy
Dennis M. Hope “The Head Cheese”
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
We would like to first of all thank each and everyone of you, our loyal property owners, for the wonderful response you have given us in the past twelve months. The property sales for 1997 reached 20546. This brings our total property owner number to 26451. We could not have done this without your support. Thank you all. Remember the strength of this project grows with every property sold.
There may come a day when all of you will have to voice your ownership opinion to a distant government. Expressing to them that they have no rights to dictate policy on the property you own. When and if that day ever comes The Lunar Embassy will advise you of what we can do to preserve our rights of ownership.
The events that transpired in 1997 were historic in their scope. The Lunar Embassy was fortunate enough to have a story and project worthy of tremendous media attention. This has amounted to more than 213 U.S. national and International stories being recorded, video taped, or printed on the exploits of the Lunar Embassy. The world has taken us to their heart. We are grateful.
Venus ia now available. The property on Venus is ready for delivery. We are sorry it took so long to get it ready but all that is over now. The property size on Venus is the same as it is on Mars. 1 acre for $19.99 + $1.51 Venusian Tax + $10.00 shipping and handling for up to five parcels to the same address. The orders can be placed on the Venus site,
In 1998 we have more expansion plans. The first addition to the list of new products is the, Interplanetary Passports (which are currently only available to property owners). We have added to our clothing line with the addition of high quality embroidered 7 ounce sweatshirts in 5 different colors.
The most exciting new product is a little different for the Lunar Embassy. We have had the distinct pleasure of being selected to be the only company on the planet Earth to offer to the world an ancient technology. This technology has been hidden for more than 6000 years and yet it fits into the knowledge of today. An archeologist working in Egypt in 1939 was visited, as he puts it in a dream. The visitors told him where to look for two well hidden treasures. He was also instructed to keep this discovery a secret until lands on the planets were being sold to the world. In 1997 this archeologist contacted the Lunar Embassy and shared the discovery with us. Part of the agreement from the Archeologist and the Embassy was that we would not disclose who he was and that we would only introduce these treasures to the world one at a time. The contract was made and sadly two months after the contact the Archeologist died. The Lunar Embassy and our research staff have been working night and day to reconstruct the first of these wonderful tools. The instructions for the distribution an manufacturing of these products was very explicit. The company distributing the product must be named, “T.H.E.M,” which is an anacronym for, “Truth has extraterrestrial meaning.” So the Lunar Embassy has created the company, “T.H.E.M,” and we will offer the first secret to all of the world by the end of Febuary/March 1998.
The secret is called, “THE ALIEN TEST KIT”.
The usage of this kit is to determine whether or not we are from this planet or another. “The Lunar Embassy and T.H.E.M.” are approaching the sale of THE ALIEN TEST KIT in two ways. We will offer the kit for sale over the internet and we are looking for exclusive distributors on a world wide basis. If you or the company you work for are interested in the opportunity to be involved in this wonderful project please contact Dennis M. Hope, (The Head Cheese) at 1329 Highway 395 North, Suite 10-281, Gardnerville, Nevada, 89410, USA or +1-800-586-2729 (USA Only) +1-702-991-1232 Outside the USA or fax us at +1-775-265-7938. Our Home page is The second secret will be released in May or June of 1998, keep watching our newsletters for the details.
The Lunar Embassy staff has been changed. Cindy Gomez has left the Embassy to pursue other goals and we wish her well. The rest of the staff, Kim, Jennifer, Erin, Helen, and Jonathan want to thank all of you personally for the opportunity to serve you all. If you have any question about the products we sell or about any of us personally you can always call or email us and we will return the inquiry. Our webmasters without whom we could not do any of this have created the Lunar Embassy computer Center and their own computer server center. If any of you want to share in the success that the internet has to offer you should really contact them here.
Until next time we remain grateful and thankful for all of your support and comments over the past year and hope that each of you fulfill you lifes dreams.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy,
D. M. Hope, The “Head Cheese”.
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy.
The staff at the Embassy would like to thank each and everyone of you our valued customers for the wonderful ongoing support. There are currently around 16000 property owners from around the world. Last year at this time there were only 4500 property owners world wide. At the present growth we will sell all of the available property on the front side of the Moon by the year 2001. Thanks again for all the support and positive energies you have all created.
On the 24th of October 1997 the Lunar Embassy donated to the General Assembly of the United Nations one entire state size piece of property. There are 1500 individual properties in this gift and it amounts to 2’666’370.00 acres. The reason for the gift was so the UN would have an area set aside where they could conduct their own space exploration without tresspassing on any of your properties. We should have some response from the UN by Christmas of 1997. As soon as we receive this conformation we will let you all know.
In October of this year we made some drastic changes in the website and the approach the Lunar Embassy has taken for this project. We are now a computer center and our webservice providers have created their own company to accomodate the needs of those of you wishing to have your own web sites (and many have already taken advantage of that). They can be reached here. It is rare that you can get a website designed by professionals that already have a proven track record of success on the Internet. Be sure to visit all parts of the new site; and check out the guest book. Please feel free to enter your comments so others from around the world can share in your enthusiasm. You can also win a free goodie if your response to our monthly question is the best one that month. We look forward to hearing from all of you soon.
We were going to introduce property on Venus at the end of October 97. We have run into a snag. The maps available for the subdivision are currently substandard. We are continuing our search for the proper map that we can adapt for the documents we send to each of you for the property you purchase. As soon as we have an acceptable map in our possession we will send the word out to all of you. For those of you that we have already received funds please be a bit more patient. We are making progress but it is slow at the moment. Refunds are always available for the advance purchases. Just email us and let us know if you desire one. I can tell you that the property size and price will be the same as that on Mars. 1 acre for $19.99 + $1.51 Venutian tax + $10.00 shipping and handling for up to five properties to the same address.
Here’s some good news. For all of you desiring to have interplanetary passports they will be here by November 15th. They will appear to be like all other passports except you can only use them on trips outside the confines of Earth. You will be allowed to claim dual residence with this passport however. The final price has not been determined but they will be reasonable. They will also be valid for twenty-five years at a time. We are printing only 1000 at the first printing so make sure you get on the list as soon as possible. We have had more than 4000 requests so far.
Expansion plans are in the works right now for the Lunar Embassy Cafe, Flight School, and Aircraft Sales division. We are hoping for an opining in April of 1998. On that note I would like to thank each and everyone of you that have made your way from as far away as Germany, Australia, France, England, Ireland, and Brazil to visit the Lunar Embassy here in Gardnerville Nevada. The visits are most wonderful and we truly enjoy meeting all of you. You are always welcome at the Embassy. So when you get the chance drop in and say, “Hi.”
A lot of the media attention we received last June, July, and August has levelled off to a constant rate. We are getting ready for a major Media blitz again this November so watch your TV’s and listen to your radio’s. Read your favorite magazines and newspapers cause you will see us again soon.
On a personal note I would like to express to each and everyone of you with a vision of the not so distant future that you can all make a tremendous difference in the history of how this projects impact the world of Earth. You are each and everyone of you responsible for the continuing advancement of the human quest. You have all made this the world wide project it has become and you should be commended for your efforts and insights. From the bottom of my heart and soul I say thank you, all of you.
With warm regards from the United States and the Lunar Embassy,
D. M. Hope, The “Head Cheese”.
Dear Property Owners and Future property Owners,
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy. We have just past a mile stone in our history. From June 24, 1997 through August 31, 1997 the Lunar Embassy was featured in more than 157 interviews world wide. These interviews included all media formats, ie; TV, Radio, Newspaper, and Magazines.
Just to give a sample ot the coverage I will mention some of the shows. TV, The Today Show, CNN, MSNBC, Extra, Hard Copy, Discovery News, TS1 French TV, Fuji TV, Brazillian TV, Associated Press TV, Bay Area Back Roads, and 35 Nevada TV channels. Radio in the following countries; England 4 times, France twice, Germany twice, Sweden 3 times, Austria twice, Scotland twice, Ireland, Poland 3 times, Switzerland 3 times, The Netherlands, Australia 5 times, New Zealand, Chile twice, Brazil 3 times, Argentina, Columbia 3 times, Mexico twice. Israel 3 times, The USA 43 times, Canada 4 times and Victoria BC. For the Newspapers we are aware of specific stories given to the Associated Press, United Press International, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner, The London Times, Haaretz in Israel, and then there are the papers we heard about from our property owners in the following countries, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Denmark France, Luxumborg, Scotland, Ireland, England, Russia, South Africa, Egypt, Columbia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, USA, Canada, Greenland, Japan, and China.
As far as the magazines go we were in, Time, Korea Newsweek, Novelle Observateur, and a representation from the same countries as we had newspaper articles. As near as near as we can calculate we have been represented in more than 400 TV reports, 700 Radio broadcasts, 400 Newspapers and 350 Magazines throughout the world. We have made an impact.
Some of you will notice that there have been some copycat companies popping up on the Internet. We are aware of 3 such companies. All 3 have been notified that they are in violation of international copyright laws and that they should cease and decist in their activities. One of them has informed our attorney to sue him. We are in process of handling this a different way and all of you will be asked to participate. Look forward to us emailing you with the details soon. The fact that these companies have the nerve to do this is beyond belief. Most of the companies are in the USA and are riding on the coat tails of the publicity that the Lunar Embassy has developed. It is often said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. In this case it effects each of the property owners directly. We will challenge all of these companies with your help.
On to more good news. Our staff would like to thank all of you for the patience you have demonstrated over the past 2 months. We thought we were ready for the increase in business but we were fooled. We had so much business that we had to hire three more people (we are now 8 plus our Service Providers) to handle the load.
We also had to increase the amount of time it will take to deliver the property to each of you. This brings up an interesting point. Christmas is coming and I know it is early but if you are going to order large numbers for Christmas gifts please do it soon. We want to accomodate all the desires of our property owners and the sooner you can let us know the better. We are currently running at 4-6 weeks for delivery. We would like to do it sooner than that but we need you to help us do that.
For corporations that are looking to give these properties to their clients and staff for Christmas gifts please try to let us know by the end of October so we have plenty of time to get them to you. We have sold another two State size properties (1500 properties each, the cost $42500.00). This leaves 16 State size parcels to be sold. There are more and more of you purchasing 50-150 properties at a time and then reselling them to customers that are having a hard time getting to the internet. We would like to thank you for allowing the citizens in your area the opportunity to share in this adventure.
Let us not forget that end October we will offer to you all the planet Venus. The division and costs will be the same as with Mars. We have planned to have shirts and hats available for both Mars and Venus by Christmas. For those of you that do not celebrate Christmas these items including the property make great Channuka gifts.
Our web sites are changing and you will be able to see those dramatic changes in a few weeks. The interplanetary Passports are almost ready. I have had so little time in the last month that I had to put them on the back burner. In the next two weeks I will be working on these passports exclusively. For those of you that wish a dual citizenship this will provide you with the necessary documents.
As always we are planning for the growth of the Lunar Embassy. We have implemented a desire to move to a 3400 square foot building that the City of Gardnerville will build for us. When we get closer to this change we will let you all know. We are excited about the direction you have all taken us.
I have just renewed my passport and I will be traveling to Europe in the next few months so that I might meet with as many of you as possible. If you have contacts with any of the media in each of your countries let us know. We would love to arrange a TV, Radio, Newspaper, or Magazine interview while I am in the area.
I can not thank you all enough. With out your support we would not be able to have a business that has spanned the globe. You are all very important to all of us at the Embassy. We love the idea of making so many of you happy. I hope we may continue on this journey for a long time. Until next month, I remain yours, “The Head Cheese.”
With warmest regards from the entire Lunar Embassy Staff,
D. M. Hope, The “Head Cheese”.
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy!
The last couple of months have proven as eventful as the first few of this year. We introduced the planet Mars to our buying customers on April 25th. The results have been excellent so far. We have started the printing for the second quadrant with 1000 parcels in it. And all that, although we have not developed any special goodies for the planet Mars with the exception of coffee cups and a blend of coffee named, “Big Red’s Brew.” You can find the pricing on the moonshops Goodies page.
One of the most eventful happenings was the recent extensive press coverage the Lunar Embassy has had the privelege to enjoy. In the last two weeks alone, we have received press reports in the Los Angeles Times, the Singapore Straits Times, the London Times, the Swiss Blick Newspaper, the German Abendzeitung and to wrap it all up, the Lunar Embassy has been on CNN, Channel 9 news in Australia and by far to many radio shows to even start mentioning. So, our lives have been busy to say the least! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the press, who have written so many kind things about the Lunar Embassy. We could tell you extensively about all these events, but there is an even more important event that has not been getting much press attention, and it really should.
There are 6 young students in the UK that decided to use the Lunar Property Project as their school project for raising funds for the UK Cancer Society. The results were that they purchased one parcel and subdivided it into 1 acre parcels. They sold enough of their property to donate 2000 british pounds to Cancer Research in the United Kingdom. We would like to congratulate them for their ingenuity, sales ability and generosity.
We would also like to donate the following to them:
1) $.50 (cents) on every parcel of Mars sold for the Months May, June and July, 1997, also to go to Cancer Research
2) One Lunar Embassy T-shirt for each participant in the fund raiser, and,
3) One parcel of Lunar Property (not to be sold) for each of the participants, and our undieing gratitude for their wonderful efforts.
These students are a shining example of how smart entrepreneurialship can be used for the good of all Mankind.
Another event that is coming our way soon, and to a TV screen near you, is the Pathfinder Mission landing on the planet Mars. We would like to send our best wishes to all the members at NASA and everyone who has undoubtedly worked extremely hard on this project. The Lunar Embassy will be watching all the events and we will keep our fingers crossed for you, that all goes as planned.
For this endeavor, the The Planetary Society, headquartered in Pasadena, have asked the Lunar Embassy to create a link to their server to celebrate the upcoming pathfinder landings, which they are celebrating during a planetary society “Planet Fest” for 3 days at the Pasadena Convention Center during July 4-6. The planetary society can be reached by clicking here ! Latest info on the Mars Pathfinder mission can be found here !
I would like any and all home page web site chatrooms to e-mail me at TheBigCheese and let me know what your e-mail or web site addresses are. I would love to be able to drop in and chat with all of you at different times. I really hope you take me up on this offer. I think it would be fun to talk to some of you one-on-one. I look forward to hear from you all. We know there are about 3 chatrooms dedicated to the project right now. If you know of such a site let me know. Thanks
The Moon currently has 10657 property owners. We have had an exciting time in the last 45 days. We have done 7 Television interviews, 10 radio shows, and had 55 newspaper and magazine interviews here in the USA. The world is finding out about us in a large way. For all of those of you who were asked to participate in the interviews I would like to thank you for your candor and insights into the project. We had a visit from a dowser today. I will explain. A dowser is someone that finds things with divining rods. This person is reknowned as the 3 best dowser in the world. He did his divining rods over the Moon and found some very intersting facts. There is no water as we know it but there is liquid of some sort. There are no sentient beings on the Moon but there are some in our galaxy. That will be the discussion for another newsletter.
NOW FOR A ONE TIME ONLY OFFER: The Lunar Embassy is offering for sale “THE ENTIRE PLANET PLUTO.” Yes, that’s right the Lunar Embassy is willing to sell its rights to the Planet Pluto. The reason for the sale of the entire planet is because the Lunar Embassy is starting to expand and we would like to generate the cash needed for the expansion. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You or your company can own the rights to the entire planet Pluto for only $250’000.00 (US dollars). The Lunar Embassy will upon confirmation of funds issue a deed to the entire planet. The Disney Corporation should be so lucky. If you have interest in the Planet Pluto please e-mail the Embassy, at TheBigCheese and address the e-mail to Dennis M. Hope, re: The purchase of the Planet Pluto. Give us the details of what you will do with the planet and how the funds will be distributed. I will personally respond to you via e-mail, phone, fax, or any means you are comfortable with.
The Lunar Embassy is proud to add the following celebrities to our owner list. Harrison Ford, Joel Barlett (NBC News), Ross McGowan (KTVU News anchor), and Peter Osterwald of Germany. We are always pleased when the Media and film or music industry personalities join our ranks. We truly enjoy being able to serve all of you in the special way we do. Thank you all for the opportunity to know each and everyone of you. This is a labor of love for all of us.
Our webhosting company is also branching out more and more. Our webmasters are offering the development and administering of websites on their leased line since some time now. For a very reasonable price you can implement a web page on the internet, produced from award winning designers for a fraction of what it would cost you elsewhere.
If you have interest in having your own web site or if you would like to move your web site contact them here they would love to have you on board. As a reference for the quality of work available I ask you to look at the Moonshop and Marsshop sites to see the quality of this remarkable team’s efforts. They truly can work magic for you too.
Until next time we will sign off. Keep those cards, letters, and e-mails coming. We love to hear from all of you. If you have a special item you would like us to report for you please e-mail us and we will try to include it into the next Newsletter.
With warmest regards from the entire Lunar Embassy Staff,
D. M. Hope, The “Head Cheese”.
Greetings from the Lunar Embassy!
We have reached a milestone in the history of the Lunar Embassy. We have finally finished the development and implementation of our own leased line. This gives us the ability to serve you, our valued clients, in a much more effective way. Our webmaster has dilligently combined all his knowledge to produce a server that is unequalled in our history. As we enter into this exciting time, there are a few items I would like to share with you.
The Lunar Embassy has had the opportunity to talk to many of you via e-mail and fax. We never tire of those opportunities. Hearing your thoughts about what you are doing with your properties, how you will develop them. The inventiveness of some of your desires is quite fascinating. Please feel free to always contact us with your thoughts on any aspect of the future plans for the development of your property. In order for you to also stay informed of all the latest developments, you can now subscribe to our new “property-owners” mailing list, by clicking here. We will use this list at irregular intervals to keep you up to date with the latest news about extraterrestrial real-estate issues or Lunar Embassy news.
As with any company that provide products and services to their clients, we are no different. In our mission plan we have many objectives. The first is the introduction of the planet Mars. We are on-line with the sales of Mars as of April 25th 1997 (as promised), with our brand new webserver, the MarsShop ( You are able to receive 1 acre of prime property for $19.99 + $1.51 Martian tax + $10.00 shipping and handling for up to 5 parcels going to the same address. As with Lunar Property, the first 25’000 purchasers will receive mineral rights. There are two reasons why Mars costs more. The first is you get more property. The second, and this is the one we are really proud of, is that the Lunar Embassy will be donating $.50 (cents) of every parcel sold to an international childrens charity. This is one of the ways we are trying to give something back to the world community for their continued support.
The Embassy has started development on our electronic catalogue. We will soon be offering limited edition T-shirts, hats, night shirts, jackets, sweats, candies, mouse pads, water bottles coffe cups, planetary coffees that are especially blended just for the Lunar Embassy, planetary passports, flags, Lunar property money, Moon clocks, (especially designed for the Lunar Embassy), and more. We would also like to provide these special items you would like to have. So we need your help. If you have any items you would like us to supply you with, please let us know. If the item is requested enough, in time we will provide them. You can send your request directly to TheBigCheese.
The Embassy staff have brought us a mother cat and her 7 little kittens. They are adorable. Wish you could all see them. For those of you that are cat lovers you can understand how much fun it is to watch these little kittens grow daily. Soon it will be time for all of them to have homes. For now they give an aura of spring to the Embassy.
I love to make things happen. One of the projects the Embassy is working on is quite large. We have been negotiating with the city of Gardnerville, Ca, for 28 acres of prime water front property on the San Francisco delta waterway. We have reached tentative agreements. Our desire is to build a 150 room destination hotel/convention center called The Lunar Embassy Resort. The purpose is to have a place where we can have our our annual conventions for the various property owners of planetary bodies. This is an ambitious project and an opportunity to bring Gardnerville a first class hotel/resort. We will offer jet skis, power boats, sail boats, windsurfing (by the way Gardnerville is the 5th best wind surfing area in the world) and other aquatic related attractions. We will have horseback riding, walking trails and golf at the area’s two championship golf courses. We are negotiating with the state of Nevada for the waterway right to start a passenger service hydrofoil line from Sacramento to San Francisco. The convention center will be capable of handling more than 2000 people. We are excited about this project and we want to share it with all of you. We will provide updates as we get closer to the actual ground breaking ceremonies. Our target date for opening will be New Years eve of the year 2000. Get ready to party.
We have so many of you that asked if it is ok to come to the Embassy when you are on holiday. The answer is YES. We love having visitors at the Embassy. It is all of you that have made this possible. We really enjoy talking to each and everyone of you. So consider this a standing invitation. Any time any of you are in the USA and close to the Embassy, please drop by and see us. If you can not find us call us at 800-586-2729.
I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you. You have helped make some very real dreams come true. We look forward to the adventure we are on and we want you to join in on the fun. Keep in touch and let us know what you are thinking. The doors to the Embassy are always open.
With warmest regards from the entire Lunar Embassy Staff,
D. M. Hope, The “Head Cheese”.
Dear Moon Property owners!
Thanks to all of you, things have been fast and furious here at the Lunar Embassy. In recent months, our company has exploded from 3 to 8 permanent employees (and its rising). We now receive orders from as far afield as Australia, Japan, Brazil, Israel, Indonesia, Portugal, England, Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand, to name but a few.
Lest we not forget Sweden! The Swedish people are now officially the largest owners of Moon Property in the known Universe (except the Head Cheese of course). The Swedes are also the founders of the first newspaper on the Moon. A big thank you to all of you and thank you for all the kind mail we have received from you.
Four weeks ago, the Lunar Embassy also managed to help a little girl that was seriously ill in hospital. All she had to look forward to was looking out of the window from her hospital bed each night, at the Moon. Needless to say, she fell in love with it. When we heard about this, the entire Staff of the Lunar Embassy kicked into overdrive. Of course she became an honorary Moon Property owner, and we are told her eyes lit up with excitement when she received her property. We have also just found out that the little girl is now out of hospital, much better, and well on the road to recovery. (We have received permission from her parents to tell you her story here.) Furthermore, last week, for the first time, the Moon was ordered as a wedding gift (our first marriage).
Finally, you may be interested to know, that we received a serious offer from a company 3 weeks ago to buy the entire Moon for 50 million dollars from the Lunar Embassy. As we could in no way guarantee the fair distribution of Moon Properties at the absolute rock bottom price we insist on for our customers after such a sale, and because we care deeply about the fact that selling lunar property is done in a responsible manner, we rejected the offer categorically and we would do it again if it happened. (Call us fools, but we at the Lunar Embassy care too much about the Moon and since we only have one, we believe, we all have a responsibility to look after it properly.)
That’s it for the moment. New developments will be posted here at regular intervals.
We wish you much happiness from your new acquisition! If on the otherhand it’s your first time on the MoonShop, we hope you enjoy your visit!
With warmest regards from the entire Lunar Embassy Staff,
D. M. Hope, The “Head Cheese”.